b. 1952
Source(s): X1 (1 of the 8 persons picked by X1 on September 30, 1996 out of 40 pictures presented to her (how many real pictures there ranges from "several" to about 20). Four of the persons she pointed out intrigued De Baets and seemed to confirm his suspicions that cars of the gendarmerie's Diana Group (similar to SWAT) were involved. However, X1 also misidentified at least three, and maybe four pictures, and this time it really was a mistake (as opposed to all the manipulations by the "re-readers" later on). The X-Dossiers: "X1 identified Madani Bouhouche as the very violent driver of the BMW who took her to 'the factory' [the rape, torture and murder room at the ASCO factory] and Christian Amory as a sort of slave driver who brought her and her fellow victims to recording studios or parks where older men shot at hunted children.")
Gendarme officer. Officer in the BOB. Part of Madani Bouhouche's militant Nazi group to some day conduct a terror-extortion campaign against warehouses. Worked in the Walloon-Brabant cell that investigated the Gang of Nijvel (in which he would become a main suspect). Together with the Nazi Jean-Francis Calmette (OAS terrorist; Wackenhut director; instructor at the CIA-NATO-sponsored secret fascist training camps of Front de la Jeunesse in the Ardennes, which were overseen by DIA-NATO agent Paul Latinus, another Nazi) associated with the mercenary firm Contact in Brussels, and its business in Africa. Convicted in 2003, together with Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin and Pierre de Bonvoisin, for having forged KGB documents to prove a "vast left-wing conspiracy" against Benoit involving State Security (which had been targeted by US intelligence and Benoit ever since its head exposed them for cultivating a fascist underground). De Bonvoisin was one the most important player in Belgium's CIA-NATO-linked, fascist, militant underground, and has been accused by X1 and X2 of (extreme) child rape, torture and murder. His immediate associates have been accused by even more witnesses.
b. 1930
Source(s): X1 (when shown pictures, X1 identified Bats as one of her customers); Raemaekers (this convicted untrustworthy paedophile claimed he had met Bats several times at Cercle des Nations. Claimed Bats liked boys and was introduced to him by Jean-Paul Dumont (accused by a number of others of being a sadistic child abuser). Claimed Bats was an acquaintance of Renaud Coppieters 't Wallant (another gay paedophile, according to Raemaekers), who was a member of the PSC, Cercle des Nations, the Lion's Club and the Rotary, and owned an import-export business in Congo)
Major-General in the Belgian army. United Nations expert who inspected POW camps in Iran and Iraq after the war between these two countries ended in 1988. The inspection had a special interest in how captured Iraqis might have been brainwashed by the Iranians to support the Ayatollah. Commander of the Order of Leopold. Director of the Order of Leopold since 2000.
Source(s): 1979 Pinon Affair; Maud Sarr (not very reliable, but interestingly mentioned together with Paul Vanden Boeynants and Jean Depretre, who have been accused by other sources as well); Pol Postal (a witness who worked at Institut Dechamps (a private college/university preparatory school for law students). Told how young girls of Institut Dechamps maintained sexual relationships with General Beaurir, how this general abused his owned daughter and how he forced his daughter into supplying him and some of his associates with other girls (PV 150.259/97)).
Gendarme General. Educated to become a Gendarme officer during WWII. After taking a Nazi-inspired oath of allegiance, he became a Gendarme officer in Walloon in a unit that fought the resistance. Briefly arrested in the aftermath of WWII for collaboration, but soon released. Eventually rose to corps commandant, the highest position in the Gendarmerie. In 1979, Beaurir's name came up during a search of the homes of Lydia Montaricourt and Fortunato Israel, who ran a prostitution network for high level officials, up to Belgian and Saudi princes, and employees of Adnan Khashoggi. Prosecutor of the king Jean Depretre covered up the whole investigation. May 16, 1997, Tony Van Parys, head of the Gang Commission, to De Standaard about the connections of Fortunato Israel and her follow-up Lydia Montaricourt: "Among their contacts were very highly placed persons: the commandant of the gendarmerie lieutenant-general Fernand Beaurir, arms dealer Roger Boas, and through the latter Paul Vanden Boeynants." These three men all have been accused of child abuse. Became a close associate of Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin who ran the post-WWII fascist underground in Belgium. Became head of the National Bureau for Drugs (NBD) of the Gendarmerie in 1978. The NBD was created by Paul Vanden Boeynants and General Leon Fernand Francois (invited by the US Army's CID in 1969; educated by the DEA; received by President Nixon; secretary of the International Drug Enforcement Association; founded the gendarmerie's National Bureau for Drugs (NBD) in the 1972-1975 period with Paul "VdB" Vanden Boeynants and CIA support, and became the NBD's initial head; always present at the border when a new large shipment of marihuana and cocaine of VdB's company was smuggled into Belgium; leading member of the subversive and fascist Group G, together with DEA agent Frank Eaton; provided the CIA chief in Belgium with intelligence about leftists and other dissident groups; accused in 1990 by prostitute Maud Sarr of involvement in orgies with minors, together with Paul Vanden Boeynants and Jean Depretre (both accused by other sources as well); one of his successors at the NBD, general Beaurir was also accused of pedophilia and was also part of the CEPIC circle) in the 1972-1975 period. The CIA provided training for the NBD and delivered many, often questionable, informants. In return General Francois would give the CIA chief in Belgium intelligence about leftists and other dissident groups. In 1979, in the Pinon Affair which never became an affair, General Beaurir was named as a person who attended parties at which underaged girls were abused. Others named were Paul Vanden Boeynants, Guy Mathot, Ado Blaton and Prince Albert (later King Albert II). In 1979, a BOB officer began reporting on corruption in the NBD and how top level officers were involved in the drug trade themselves. Internally, nothing was done by Beaurir, or his good friend General Robert "Bob" Bernaert, who was head of the Internal Affairs department of the Gendarmerie (not to mention a member of the Marnixring, a hard-right Dutch-Flemish counterpart to the Rotary and Lion's Club). This led the BOB officer to inform the Justice Department after which all hell broke loose. Francois was arrested in January 1980 and a large public investigation into the NBD began. While interrogating Francois and his NBD associates, two chief investigators, Major Herman Vernaillen and BOB adjutant Guy Goffinon, were told how they couldn't touch their suspects because they were protected by Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin. On top of that, General Beaurir and other senior Gendarme officers began sabotaging the investigation. In late 1981, Vernaillen and Goffinon received a tip that huge quantities of drugs, hidden inside frozen meat, were smuggled into Belgium. The firm responsible, Boucheries Ghysels, turned out to be chaired and partly-owned by Paul Vanden Boeynants, while General Francois was always present at the border when a new large shipment of marijuana and cocaine of this company was smuggled into Belgium. That these drug transports were going on was already known for three years, but they were never intercepted. It is known that Vanden Boeynants contacted General Beaurir in mid November 1981 to inquire about the drug investigation into his company, although the details of this conversation have remained a closely-guarded secret. Around this time, Goffinon advised the Justice Department to arrest Paul Vanden Boeynants and place drug trafficking charges against him. No action was undertaken. On October 12, 1981, Goffinon survived an assassination attempt. A bomb went off in his car while three other officers were driving in it. Fortunately, only about a third of the bomb went off. The person who had constructed the ignition mechanism, a US fighter pilot named Jean-Francois Buslik, turned out to be a good friend of both US narcotics specialist Frank Eaton and Madani Bouhouche. Vernaillen survived an assassination attempt on October 26 although he, and especially his wife, were badly shot up. Evidence in this failed assassination strongly pointed to involvement of Paul Vanden Boeynants, Jean-Francois Buslik, Madani Bouhouche and the counter-terrorist branch of the Gendarmerie, but as usual no arrests were made. Interesting detail: Vernaillen almost certainly escaped an assassination attempt several hours earlier, because he was riding along in the car of Gendarme officer Joris Vivelle, instead of a regular Gendarme car. Vivelle's son was kidnapped in southern France in 1989 (probably during the summer vacation from June to August) and found back badly mutilated. Several months earlier, in May 1989, Herman Vernaillen, now a Lt.-Col. in the Gendarmerie, supplied Andre Bourgeois, head of an investigating committee, with names of people who back in 1980 were trying to destabilize the Belgium state. This was done in order to bring in a more hard-right government. The names given by Vernaillen included Paul Vanden Boeynants, Jose Desmarets (former PSC vice premier) Jean Militis (special forces Col.; CEPIC; PRL member of parliament), Lt.-Gen. Vivario (Army chief of staff) prosecutor Raymond Charles and General Beaurir. Vernaillen had been given these names in 1980 by Leon Finne, a former CEPIC member and banker who used to be involved in illegal arms sales. Coincidentally, Finne was assassinated by the Gang of Nijvel on September 27, 1985. On November 29, 1989, adjutant Guy Dussart of the BOB in Waverse testified in a closed session of the parliamentary investigating committee that he was approached in December 1985 - March 1986 by two senior high nobility figures who belonged to Opus Dei. They explained to him that at least 9 important members of Opus Dei in addition to several officers and generals of the Gendarmerie and the army were working to destabilize the country and as a result transfer all power to the king. Dussart mentioned the same names as Lieutenant-Colonel Vernaillen, including General Beaurir and Paul Vanden Boeynants (both belonged to Opus Dei). Dussart also said that the aborted 1973 coup, named "l'Ordre Blue", involved some of the same players as the coup prepared in the 1980s. In 1988, examining magistrate Jean-Michel Schlicker, tasked with investigating the Gang of Nijvel, stated that the investigation into the clientele of the Trois Canards inn had been closed down prematurely, because General Beaurir, not to mention Paul Vanden Boeynants, frequently went to eat there. Les Trois Canards had been robbed by Gang of Nijvel members in October 1983. Before leaving, the two robbers took the owner, CEPIC member Jacques van Camp, with them to the parking lot and shot him dead. The bullet that killed van Camp turned out to have come from a Gendarme gun stolen during a Gang of Nijvel robbery two weeks earlier. Interestingly, van Camp was said to have been a good friend of Jacques Fourez and Elise Dewit, CEPIC members and sexclub managers who often frequented his restaurant. Jacques Fourez, Elise Dewit and Van Camp were all believed to have been involved with the so called Pink Ballets (orgies where children were abused). Jacques Fourez and Elise Dewit had been executed by the Gang of Nijvel two weeks before, during the robbery where the gun was stolen that would later kill van Camp. According to X2, her pimp Oliver Castiaux knew Jacques van Camp well. According to Pol Postal, a witness who worked at Institut Dechamps (a private college/university preparatory school for law students), Jean-Paul Dumont (linked to child abuse by X1, X2 and Jacques Thoma), who apparently worked as a teacher at Institut Dechamps in 1981-1982, regularly went to the Trois Canards and attended the funeral of van Camp. Postal also told how young girls of Institut Dechamps maintained sexual relationships with General Beaurir, how this general abused his own daughter and how he forced his daughter into supplying him and some of his associates with other girls (PV 150.259/97). Beaurir is said to have been a member of Opus Dei.
Source(s): X1 (present at child abuse parties with Nihoul, Bouty, Vander Elst, etc.)
Took over Cinema Majestic from his father in the 1960s. Turned it into the first dual room movie theater in Belgium in 1970. Opened the Trioscoop (3 screens) in Hasselt in 1971. Opened the Pentascoop (5 screens) in Kortrijk in 1975. Opened the Decascoop (10 screens) in Gent in 1981. Founded Decatron NV in 1981, a firm focused on the development and building of movie theaters. Opened the first megaplex (cinema with more than 16 screens) in the world in Brussels in 1988. Opened Metropolis in Antwerp in 1993. De Bert and Claeys families built two Kinepolis cinemas in 1995 and 1996. The Bert and Claeys families merged their interests in December 1997 under the name Kinepolis Group NV. Kinepolis built movie theaters in Thionville (France), Mulhouse (France), Nimes (France), Schaffhausen (Switzerland), Pioltello (Italy), Madrid (Spain), Valencia (Spain), Poznan (Polen). Chairman of Kinepolis Group NV until his death in 2002. Received the Insead Innovator Prize and was named Manager of the Year by Knack Magazine.
b. 1956
Source(s): X1 (present at child abuse parties with Nihoul, Bouty, Vander Elst, etc.)
Oldest son of Albert Bert. CEO of Kinepolis Group NV, which has been expanding in Nancy, Oostende and Brugge. Runs marathons.
b. 1950
Source(s): X1 (PV 150.889: When about 8 years old, X1 was picked up in the middle of the night by Tony and the driver of VDB, who took her to the ASCO factory for abuse. Nihoul, Anne Bouty, Roger [seemingly Roger Boas, owner of ASCO] and VDB were waiting at the factory.); X2 (said Bil was often in the presence of Lionel Ruth, apparently a gendarme officer later tasked with solving the Gang of Nijvel case. At the Dolo she saw Bil talk to Madani Bouhouche, suspected of having been a member of the Gang of Nijvel and a rapist of X1)
Worked at Taxis Metropol, a taxi company. Private driver and confidante of Paul Vanden Boeynants 1971-1978. Did various low profile jobs, mainly for VDB's PSC party. Known to have gone to Pataya, Thailand in June 1994 and bragged he had sex with 14 year old girls there. Others have stated he went as a sex-tourist to Thailand and was very well known to underage prostitutes. Went to St.-Dominique, an island in the West Indies, and Kenya in Africa in 1995. Also went to Tunis in northern Africa. Often went to private clubs in the Netherlands. Was trying to set up an import-export business in tires with his brother in Hungary in January 1995. Claimed he didn't know Nihoul personally, but said he had heard that Nihoul was the right-hand man of Baron de Bonvoisin (PV 39.027). Others have stated that Bil did know Nihoul personally and that he even drove him around sometimes. X1 has stated Bil was an associate of Tony and that he brought them to parties where Nihoul and VDB were. X2 said she saw Bil often in the presence of a Gendarme officer named Lionel Ruth. It's probably no coincidence that a Gendarme officer with the same name was the investigating chief of the Waals-Brabant cell in the 1990s and early 2000s, which was still tasked with solving the Gang of Nijvel case, two decades after its reign of terror. X2 had seen Bil at the Dolo, where Nihoul also went, and saw him speak there with Madani Bouhouche, a chief suspect in the Gang of Nijvel case. Another frequent contact of Bil, according to X2, was Yves Zimmer, head of the sexual abuse department of the Brussels police from 1982 to 1987. Owned four horses and a trailer.
Source(s): 1979 Pinon Affair
Real Estate broker. Together with Charly DePauw he built Parc Savoy where Cercle des Nations was located and people like Michel Nihoul came to party. Member of Cercle des Nations, which was founded in 1969. Together with Charly DePauw he was an investor in Baron Bonoît de Bonvoisin's Promotion & Distribution Générales (PDG) NV, located at the same address as CEPIC. In return for their investments PDG created fake invoices for De Pauw, Blaton, and others.
Source(s): X1 (His ASCO factory in Zaventem is named as a place where videotaped child sacrifices and tortures took place. Participated in some of the abuse)
Owner and head of ASCO Industries SA, today a private aerospace contractor with clients that include Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier-Canadair, and Embraer. It is a partner in major aeronautical programs such as Falcon 900 and 2000, Gulfstream V, Mirage 2000, Airbus A380 and almost all of the Airbus- and Boeing-family airplanes. The main components it produces are flaps and slats (wing parts), engine mounts, landing gear components and brake drums. ASCO used be the major arms supplier to the Belgian army and receive government contracts from befriended politicians such as Paul Vanden Boeynants. According to the Boas family, ASCO turned away from arms manufacturing, because of the unstable and unpredictable market, especially in a country with influential socialist policies. Roger was a very close business partner of Paul Vanden Boeynants in the 1970s and 1980s. Roger Boas, together with Paul Vanden Boeynants, Baron Benoît de Bonvoisin, Charly De Pauw, Ado Blaton, and King Albert II (then Prince) were involved in the Eurosystem Hospitalier deal in Saudi-Arabia to build and exploit hospitals for the NATO-trained Saudi National Guard. The deal blew up in 1979 after it was found out that hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes and commissions had been paid. Fortunato Israel, Boas' girlfriend, ran a European-wide prostitution ring, which was used by Boas to reward (potential) business partners. Although Israel was briefly questioned about the Eurosystem affair and her prostitution network, she was never charged with anything. She left Belgium and settled in Malta where she became the executive secretary of a local ASCO branch. This ASCO branch was located on an abandoned British military airport at which Vanden Boeynants established his own meat processing company, Mediterranean Meat Company, somewhere in 1981. VDB's company and ASCO-Malta shared the same address and accountants. Vanden Boeynants at that point was under investigation for his alleged involvement in shipping massive quantities of hard drugs, hidden in frozen meat, into Belgium. Although his arrest was advised by one of the chief investigators in this case, who narrowly escaped an assassination, VDB was never touched. Boas was a member of Cercle des Nations and CEPIC, together with Vanden Boeynants, Baron de Bonvoisin and other extremists. Sentenced to 15 months probation and a fine of 500,000 Belgian franks for forgery and fiscal fraud. Became an officer in the Order of Leopold II in 2004. Today Roger's son Christian is a member of Cercle de Lorraine (expanded follow-up of Cercle des Nations) and CEO of ASCO Industries. Emile Boas is also a member of the board, just as Francis Vermeiren, mayor of Zaventem and an influential right-wing liberal member of parliament; Trudo Motmans, an influential corporate lawyer; and Count Guy de Marnix, head of Private Banking at ING Belgium whose father married into the very noble de Croy family (closely related to the Chimay family, which is accused of having organized child huntings at their private domain). In the 1980s, when still manufacturing and selling weapons, ASCO had Efraim Poran on its board, a high level Israeli military officer and arms dealer who is said to have been a Mossad agent.
Source(s): Mentioned in the 1979 Pinon Affair; Maud Sarr (not very reliable, but she gave other interesting names as well); X1 (one of her most violent abusers, together with Baron de Bonvoisin and the Lippens brothers); X3 (Claimed that Vanden Boeynants and Charly De Pauw arranged hunts on children. Named VdB a major player in the underground child torture network, together with members of the royal family); X4 (1999, The X-Dossiers, p. 327: "Soon in the investigation the names of politicians O. and E. are dropped as 'regular customers'. By that time these had already been pointed out by X1 and X3 as child killers.". Following the system used by the book (reversing of the alphabet; checks out in all earlier instances in the book where "politician E." was also used in the X1 testimony when the real name was Paul Vanden Boeynants), O. is really L. and E. is really V., indicating that the real names are Leopold Lippens (mayor) and Paul Vanden Boeynants. There do not seem to be other possibilities. Only problem: according to the leaked X-Files summary document, X1 and X2 mentioned Lippens and Vanden Boeynants, while X3 only mentioned Vanden Boeynants); Nathalie W. saw Vanden Boeynants at Nihoul's Dolo with a bunch of women, while X2 saw Vdb's confidant and driver (said to have been an abuser of X1) there talking to Madani Bouhouche (said to have been an abuser of X1); close associate of Michel Nihoul in the 1980s.
Born in Belgium in 1919. Roman Catholic. Studied at Saint-Michel, a Jesuit college, in the 1930s. Became at some point a member of Opus Dei, just as his (later) good friend Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin. Worked in the business of his father. Already in his early days, VdB was strongly anti-communist and was a big supporter of Rex, a fascist movement that collaborated with the nazis during WWII. Flirted with other Nazi and fascist movements, which brought him in conflict with his father. Joined the PSC in 1948-1949. Founded the Comite for the Revival of the PSC in 1949. Member of Parliament for the Parti Social Chrétien (PSC) 1949-1979. Member of the Commission of Economic Affairs and Middle-class of Parliament since 1949. Member of the Commission of Finance of Parliament since 1950. Had begun a Red-scare campaign in the late 1940s and early 1950s, mirroring the one of Senator Joseph McCarthy in the US. In 1950, during the debates whether or not King Leopold III should remain King of Belgium, Vanden Boeynants made it clear he was a staunch monarchist and supporter of Leopold III. However, Leopold III abdicated in favor of his son Baudouin in 1951 over the controversy that he remained in his country during WWII and visited Hitler in Germany. His second wife was Liliane de Rethy, who has been mentioned by X2 and possible others as being involved in child abuse and murders. During the inauguration of King Baudouin in 1951, someone screamed "Vive la République," which is usually attributed to communist party chairman Julien Lahaut (might have been someone sitting next to him), a long time and very popular politician. VdB went berserk and had to be stopped from physically attacking the communist party at the gathering. A week later, Lahaut was shot in front of his home by two unknown persons. Later on it became known that one of the assassins, "Adolphe", was part of the Belgian Stay-Behind network. Vanden Boeynants became a big supporter of NATO and European integration. Founded Mouvement des Independants et des Cadres (MIC) in 1955, which was meant to neutralize the labor union wing of the PSC. Minister of the Middle-Classes 1958-1961. Gave his good friend Aldo Vastapane a monopoly on tobacco-free stores at the new airport of Zaventem during this time. Asked Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin to realign the PSC during this time. X3 has claimed that Vanden Boeynants was already involved in hideous child sacrifice during this time, together with members of the royal family and Charly De Pauw. Vanden Boeynants once said: "The worst moment during my career was the period of the strikes '60-'61. Then I thought we had come to the end of normal political history and that we had entered back into adventure." These strikes were not supported by the labor unions. Chairman of the PSC 1961-1966. Belgian Prime Minister 1966-1968. Appointed the honorary title of Minister of State in 1969. One of the most prominent members of the World Trade Center Club of Belgium in Brussels, and handed the contract to build this business complex mainly to Charly De Pauw and Ado Blaton. One of the primary founders of the aristocratic and fascist Cercle des Nations in 1969, together with Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Vankerkhoven (close associate of Otto von Habsburg; CEPIC; founded the Belgian branch of the WACL). Jean Violet (connected to the Synarchist Movement of Empire through the fascist CSAR; Opus Dei; French intelligence; close associate of Otto von Habsburg; founder of the international private intelligence group Le Cercle, which was visited by CIA directors and other virulent anti-communist US covert warfare experts) became one of the few French members of Cercle des Nations. Involved with the fascist Nouvel Europe Magazine (NEM), which was founded in 1971 and funded by Baron de Bonvoisin. Around this magazine a bunch of fascist NEM-Clubs were set up, starting in 1972, which began preparing a coup. Together with Baron de Bonvoisin, Vanden Boeynants was a key founder of CEPIC in 1972, which was a continuation of Mouvement des Independants et des Cadres (MIC), founded in 1955 by Vanden Boeynants. It had the same purpose of neutralizing the PSC's pro-labour aspects and was highly fascist. Belgian Minister of Defense 1972-1978. With Baron de Bonvoisin involved in the aborted 1973 coup. In 1979, VdB's name was linked to Fortunato Israel, the mistress of Roger Boas who headed a European-wide prostitution network. May 16, 1997, Tony Van Parys, head of the Gang Commission, to De Standaard about the connections of Fortunato Israel and her follow-up Lydia Montaricourt: "Among their contacts were very highly placed persons: the commandant of the gendarmerie lieutenant-general Fernand Beaurir, arms dealer Roger Boas, and through the latter Paul Vanden Boeynants." Vanden Boeynants and General Leon Fernand Francois (invited by the US Army's CID in 1969; educated by the DEA; received by President Nixon; secretary of the International Drug Enforcement Association; always present at the border when a new large shipment of marijuana and cocaine of VdB's company was smuggled into Belgium; member Group G, Belgium's fascist fifth column) largely created the National Bureau for Drugs (NBD) of the Gendarmerie in the 1972-1975 period. The CIA provided training for the NBD and delivered many, often questionable, informants. In return General Francois would give the CIA chief in Belgium intelligence about leftists and other dissident groups. General Fernand Beaurir, accused of pedophilia by different sources, became head of the NBD in 1978. In 1979, a BOB officer began reporting on corruption in the NBD and how top level officers were involved in the drug trade themselves. General Francois, for example, was always present at the border when a new large shipment of marijuana and cocaine of Vanden Boeynants' company Boucheries Ghysels was smuggled into Belgium. That these drug transports were going on was already known for three years, but they were never intercepted. General Francois was arrested in January 1980 and a large public investigation into the NBD began. While interrogating Francois and his NBD associates, two chief investigators, Major Herman Vernaillen and BOB adjutant Guy Goffinon, were told how they couldn't touch their suspects because they were protected by prime minister Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, both members of the fascist CEPIC and Cercle des Nations organizations. On top of that, General Beaurir, a Nazi-sympathizing buddy of Vanden Boeynants, and other senior Gendarme officers began sabotaging the investigation. The investigators did not back down, and Goffinon even advised that Vanden Boeynants be arrested on charges of drug trade. On October 12, 1981 there was a failed assassination attempt on Goffinon, followed on October 26 by a failed attempt on Vernaillen (he and his wife were badly shot up. His wife ended up being 40% paralyzed). It soon turned out that pilot and DEA agent Jean-Francois Buslik, a long time friend of Madani Bouhouche and also a friend of DEA narcotics specialist Frank Eaton (both top players in Belgium's NATO-sponsored fascist fifth column), had manufactured the timing mechanism of the explosive. Bombs with similar unusual timing mechanisms were later found in a storage space located in the same street where Paul Latinus and Martial Leukeu lived (other top players in Belgium's NATO-sponsored fascist fifth column, financed by CEPIC). Vanden Boeynants, Buslik and Bouhouche were (also) tied to the assassination attempt on Vernaillen. Founded the Public Information Office (PIO) in 1974, a fascist "personal" Military Intelligence group that spied on journalists that had a negative attitude towards the Vanden Boeynants gang. It also infiltrated many right-wing organizations and local templar orders to push for pro-military-industrial complex policies. De Bonvoisin and Vanden Boeynants made sure that major Jean Bougerol (SDRA Military Intelligence officer; crucial figure in the aborted 1973 coup; became head of PIO in 1974 with the blessing of Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron de Bonvoisin; gave orders to Francis Dossogne, head of Front de la Jeunesse and Group G, and an employee of de Bonvoisin; traveled with CEPIC director Bernard Mercier in 1975 to Spain to attend the funeral of Franco; editor in chief of INFOREP 1976-1978, an anti-communist propaganda magazine aimed at party leaders; spoke at NEM-Clubs; member of the Confrerie des Hospitaliers de Notre-Dame d'Aulne, together with co-PIO agent Commandant Claude Dery) became head of PIO, and both men cold regularly be found at PIO headquarters. Lieutenant-general Roman, chief of staff of the Belgian Army, was Bougerol's superior and another political ally of de Bonvoisin and Vanden Boeynants. Bougerol gave orders to Francis Dossogne (paid "advisor" to Baron de Bonvoisin; took his orders from Army Intelligence major Jean Bougerol, head of PIO and personally picked by Vanden Boeynants and Baron de Bonvoisin; another "private detective"; director of CIDEP, publisher of the fascist NEM magazine; good friend Jean Bultot, who is closely tied to the Gang of Nijvel; gave permission to Paul Latinus in '78-'79 to reorganize the Brussels department of Front de la Jeunesse; according to Martial Lekeu, Dossogne, Latinus and DEA agent Frank Eaton were leaders of Group G, a Nazi-inspired NATO-sanctioned parallel organization within the Gendarmerie), an employee of de Bonvoisin's PDG and leader of the fascist Front de la Jeunesse and Group G. After the death of CEPIC in 1981, PIO was reorganized into the possibly even more influential European Institute of Management (EIM). Col. Rene Mayerus, a good friend of Major Jean Bougerol (the protege of de Bonvoisin and Vanden Boeynants and accused by X1 of being involved in the child abuse network) became administrative-director of EIM. Within 6 months of its founding, the new head of EIM became Douglas MacArthur II (born in 1909; Episcopalian; nephew of the famous general; member Yale Wolf's head society; ambassador to Paris 1938-1940; ambassador to the Fascist Vichy government 1940-1942; held in Nazi internment for 16 months after Petain broke off relations with the US in 1942; member General Eisenhower's SHAEF staff in 1944; ambassador to Italy 1944-1948; became chief of the State Department's Division of European Affairs in 1949; political advisor to SHAPE headquarters in France 1951-1952; counselor US Department State in Washington 1953-1957; member CFR from the 1950s to the late 1980s; ambassador to Japan in Tokyo 1957-1961; ambassador to Brussels 1961-1965; assistant secretary of state and head of the State Department's Bureau of Congressional Relations 1965-1967; ambassador to Austria 1967-1969; ambassador to Iran during the Shah's reign 1969-1972 (retired after evading a kidnapping attempt); independent international affairs consultant in Washington 1972-1997; director Banque Bruxelles Lambert; since 1981, chair of the European Institute of Management (EIM), a privatized fascist army intelligence group which tried to undermine the Belgian democratic process and appears to have been at the center of a child abuse, torture and murder ring; member of the editorial advisory board of The Washington Times since Sun Myung Moon founded it in 1982; chaired Moon's World Media Conference in Tokyo in the mid-1980s; openly supported the Women's Federation for World Peace when Moon founded it in 1987; founding chair of Sun Myung Moon-funded Panda Motor Corp in China since 1988, a company that went bankrupt within a few years (October 16, 1989, Daily Herald, 'Moon-backed Panda car drives into skepticism of auto industry'); his uncle Douglas MacArthur saved Moon during the invasion of Korea; big supporter of the UN's Temple of Understanding; died in 1997). Minister of Brussels Affairs 1974-1978. A 1976 report from BOB officer Roger Tratsaert stated that there was a silent right wing coup in preparation in Belgium, which was centered on Nouvelle Europe Magazine and (ex-) officers from the military. Jean Bougerol, sponsored by lieutenant-general Roman, was a coordinating figure in this plot (including the aborted 1973 coup), just as Count Arnould de Briey, a public official who was married to co-Bilderberg founder Paul van Zeeland's daughter. Chairman of CEPIC 1977-1979 with de Bonvoisin being treasurer. In May 1989, Lt.-Col. Herman Vernaillen of the Gendarmerie supplied Andre Bourgeois, head of an investigating committee, with names of people who back in 1980 were trying to destabilize the Belgium state. This was done in order to bring in a more hard-right government. The names given by Vernaillen included Paul Vanden Boeynants, Jose Desmarets (former PSC vice premier) Jean Militis (special forces Col.; CEPIC; PRL member of parliament), Lt.-Gen. Vivario (Army chief of staff) prosecutor Raymond Charles and General Beaurir. Vernaillen had been given these names in 1980 by Leon Finne, a former CEPIC member and banker who used to be involved in illegal arms sales. Coincidentally, Finne was assassinated by the Gang of Nijvel on September 27, 1985. On November 29, 1989, adjutant Guy Dussart of the BOB in Waverse testified in a closed session of the parliamentary investigating committee that he was approached in December 1985 - March 1986 by two senior high nobility figures who belonged to Opus Dei. They explained to him that at least 9 important members of Opus Dei in addition to several officers and generals of the Gendarmerie and the army were working to destabilize the country and as a result transfer all power to the king. Dussart mentioned the same names as Lieutenant-Colonel Vernaillen, including General Beaurir and Paul Vanden Boeynants (both belonged to Opus Dei). Dussart also said that the aborted 1973 coup, named "l'Ordre Blue", involved some of the same players as the coup prepared in the 1980s. There also was a report that the conspirators had organized several meetings at Castle Dongelberg, owned by Opus Dei. X2 later claimed that children had been abused at Dongelberg, while Nathalie W. also mentioned the castle in her testimony. Vanden Boeynants was again Belgian Prime Minister 1978-1979. Chairman of the PSC 1979-1981. In 1979, in the Pinon Affair which never became an affair, Vanden Boeynants was named as a person who attended parties at which underaged girls were abused. Others named were General Beaurir, Guy Mathot, Ado Blaton and Prince Albert (later King Albert II). Jacques Jonet, a fascist lawyer who used to be a political secretary to Otto von Habsburg and reportedly was close to Vanden Boeynants, was later accused of having warned an editor of Pour (Magazine) not to publish details about the affair. A week later members of Front de la Jeunesse burnt down the headquarters of Pour. Through prominent CEPIC member and Annie Bouty law partner Philippe Deleuze, Nihoul first met Vanden Boeynants in November 1981 at PSC headquarters in Brussels. He discussed with Vanden Boeynants an aspect of the Centre Medical de l'Est (CME) affair. PV 42.665, October 14, 1996 (testimony of Guy Einsweiller or Eschweiler): "Remembers Nihoul (fish trade near the PAVAN transport enterprise where he works. 108/11O Avenue du Port 1000, Brussels). During a deal, he saw Dumont drinking a glass with Nihoul. Sometimes saw Nihoul at the restaurant Mayflower in Koekelberg... declared to have regularly seen Dumont and Vanden Boeynants in the private area of the fish and crustacean enterprise that he exploited. [early 1990s]" According to Jozef De Poorter, head of construction firm VDK, which he took over from Arthur Vande Kerkhove after this person died, Vande Kerkhove was a great fan of orgies, which he attended with Paul Vanden Boeynants and Nihoul (T.3518/96, February 3, 2000). 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers' p. 116-118: "Edouard Nihoul, the Brussels PRL-politician and royal court supplier of cake and pastry, has similar experiences. The confectioner shouts from the rooftops in late 1996 that he is not family, but the by Michel Nihoul himself spread rumor seems inextinguishable... Edouard Nihoul, the unfortunate confectioner, at the time was chairman of the CEPIC in Brussels. 'Michel Nihoul helped during election campaigns. At a certain moment, Vanden Boeynants couldn't stand him anymore. I've read that he now denies to ever have had something to do with Vanden Boeynants. I have to laugh about that.'" Together with other directors of CEPIC, VdB wrote letters of recommendation for Paul Latinus (Nazi; recruited by the DIA in 1967, age 17; trained by NATO; reserve lieutenant with the Air Force; paid informant of State Security; recruited as an intelligence agent by PIO in 1977; recommended everywhere by the CEPIC leadership; member Front de la Jeunesse; founder Westland New Post (WNP) in 1981; named as one of the leaders of Group G; suicided in 1984). Founded the Mediterranean Meat Company around 1981, located in Malta on an abandoned British military airport. It shared offices and accountants with ASCO-Malta, the aerospace/arms company of his friend Roger Boas. X1 claimed she had regularly been taken to a snuff studio located in the factory of ASCO-Belgium. Vanden Boeynants was among those she had seen there. Boas had access to an international network of prostitutes through Fortunato Israel, his mistress and employee. He used this network to tempt and reward customers and intermediaries with, among them Vanden Boeynants. Back in the days when Vanden Boeynants was prime- and defense minister, foreign arms corporations knew they had to include ASCO in every single contract if they wanted to work with the Belgians. Adnan Khashoggi, who had an office in Brussels for his firm Triad, was a close associate of Vanden Boeynants. CEPIC disbanded in 1981, soon after their connections to the NEM-clubs and Front de la Jeunesse were found out about. Excerpts of the 1981 confidential State Security memo (translated from Dutch): "It was determined that certain members of the board of the C.E.P.I.C. (x) in the past have lent their cooperated to the publication and the editorial office of NEM, were part of the NEM-clubs of the F.J. [Front de la Jeunesse] and maintained contact with board members or supporters of the two latter mentioned groups. Amongst others, it concerns: Jean Breydel, secretary-general of the C.E.P.I.C., Benoit de Bonvoisin, treasurer of the C.E.P.I.C., Joseph (Jo) Gerard, Paul Van Kerkhoven, Joseph Franz and Bernard Mercier. The board, the administration and the editorial office of the NEM, which has been published under this name since 1971 by the "Compagnie Internationale des Editions Populaires" (C.I.D.E.P.), is located at no. 5 of the Dekenstraat in Brussels... Furthermore, at this address was located the secretariat of the 1972 founded NEM-clubs, as well, until 1978, the seat of F.J.... The seat of C.E.P.I.C. is located at no. 39 of the Belliardstraat in Brussels. This building also contains the Belliard auditorium, the seat of "Mouvement d'Action pour l'Unite Europeenne" (xx), just as the offices of the "Societe de Promotion et de la Distribution Generale" (P.D.G.), supervised, through a go-between, by Benoit de Bonvoisin... The NEM is supported by Benoit de Bonvoisin, who pays the rent of the in the Dekensstraat located offices and hires the editor in chief as an advisor... Francis Dossogne, head of the F.J., was paid in the same way, until he left the NEM. The partnership P.D.G., and consequently de Bonvoisin, through a go-between finances the magazine "INFOREP" which claims to be a "daily paper for party leaders", but in reality is a bi-language magazine with strong anti-communist leanings. From 1976 to 1978 its editor in chief was Major Jean Bougerol, a higher career officer working for the headquarters of the domestic armed forces. Jean Bougerol has spoken at lectures organized by the NEM-clubs... This officer, who keeps in close contact with Bernard Mercier, board member of the C.E.P.I.C., was mentioned as one of the organizers of the transport from Antwerp to the seat of the C.E.P.I.C. in Brussels of a wanted neo-nazi terrorist. This person had to be taken by Bernard Mercier to a domain in the Ardennes belonging to de Bonvoisin and subsequently to France. The German was intercepted by State Security during the trip from Antwerp to Brussels... According to unverifiable sources the F.J. would have approached several foreign governments and opposition-movements for financial support." In the mid-1980s, former BOB officers Madani Bouhouche and Robert "Bob" Beyer were in the possession of a whole database of sensitive info on prominent politicians. They had stolen this before leaving the BOB in 1983 and tried to sell the information to two prominent politicians: Paul Vanden Boeynants (couldn't remember this fact. Only remembered he had declined an offer of Bouhouche to steal incriminating files against his person) and Minister of Justice Philippe Moureaux (accused by The Sprout of having been present at the murder of Julie and Melissa, together with Cardinal Danneels) (confirmed it had been offered to him and that he declined the offer). February 27, 1988, De Morgen, Francois Raes (BOB officer and whistleblower who exposed NBD highest level drug dealing) commentary: "Isn't that story of these two ministers strange? They are contacted to buy secret information and they don't inform a single police service. At the very least that's a lack of civil goodwill." In 1986, Vanden Boeynants was convicted for more than 100 counts of tax evasion and forgery of documents from 1967 to 1982 in which he personally made $4.4 million. He was sentenced to a suspended three-year jail term and a fine of $13,600. Kidnapped by the "Socialist Revolutionary Brigade" from mid-January to mid-February 1989, and released after paying a ransom. It later turned out that the gang of Patrick Haemers was behind the kidnapping. February 12, 1989, Houston Chronicle, 'Mystery surrounds Belgium abduction': "One of Belgium's most popular politicians, two-time Prime Minister Paul Vanden Boeynants, was kidnapped Jan. 14 from his apartment building by a group calling itself the Socialist Revolutionary Brigade. Or maybe not. "Let's put it this way," said a non-European diplomat based here, "We have strong doubts that things happened the way they said." One reason for the skepticism is that Vanden Boeynants, 69, was convicted of tax evasion two years ago by a judge who called him an "inveterate cheat.'' He was being investigated once again, this time for receiving kickbacks between 1972-79 while he was Belgium's defense minister... Even after his conviction, Van Boeynants received more votes than anyone else in recent city elections and was in line to become mayor of Brussels. He reluctantly turned the job down under pressure from Prime Minister Wilfried Martens, who is said to have balked at the idea of a convicted man - he received a three-year suspended sentence - being chief executive of the city."... Vanden Boeynants is an honest man, said his former aide in the ministry of defense, retired Gen. Jules Everaert." Everaert (chairman of Pro Belgica 1989-1993; one of his two predecessors here was Prince Francois de Merode, from 1975-1983) was a close friend and tennis partner of Vanden Boeynants. March 25, 1989, Washington Post, 'Belgians arrest kidnapping suspect': "The lawyer of an alleged gang leader being hunted for the kidnapping of a former Belgian prime minister has been arrested on suspicion of masterminding the abduction, the prosecutor's office said today Michel Vander Elst, 41, was placed under arrest after nine hours of questioning on suspicion of being "the author, coauthor or an accomplice in the kidnap" of Paul Vanden Boeynants, a spokesman said. Other accusations included extortion and forgery... Vander Elst represents Patrick Haemers, 36, the alleged leader of a gang being sought by police for a string of unsolved violent crimes. Vanden Boeynants was snatched in the garage of his Brussels home Jan. 14 and released a month later after a ransom payment of up to $2.5 million. The spokesman charged that Vander Elst had seen some of the suspected kidnapers after they had rented a villa in the northern French resort of Le Touquet, where Vanden Boeynants was held for a month. He said the lawyer also had received calls from public booths in Le Touquet." Vander Elst has been named by X1 as one of her abusers and torturers, alongside Michel Nihoul and Paul Vanden Boeynants. In 1996, Vander Elst provided a (false) alibi for Nihoul while this person was investigated for having been seen at the location where Laetitia was kidnapped by Dutroux. Patrick Haemers and his father were involved with people like Nihoul and members of the fascist underground. Haemers committed suicide in jail in May 1993, several days after his sidekicks in the Vanden Boeynants kidnapping escaped from jail (and were caught again). Vanden Boeynants did a lot of his shady business transactions through Caisse Privee Banque of the very noble d'Ursel family (intermarried with de Bonvoisin and accused by X1 of serious child abuse). The Haemers gang was also involved with this bank through one of the bank's directors, Jean Cruysmans, who regularly visited CEPIC. Vanden Boeynants burnt his private archives in 1995. Honored by the Order of Leopold II, the Order of St. Michael and St. George, the Order of Orange Nassau, the Vatican's Order of St. Sylvester, and many others. On August 20, 1997, Commandant Duterme of the BOB internally decided to sack De Baets and his team, who had been working with X1, one of the witnesses that accused Vanden Boeynants of having raped and tortured her. The weekly magazine Pan, headed by Paul Vanden Boeynants, joyously reported on August 21 that De Baets and his team had been removed from Neufchateau. Interestingly, the investigators themselves were only told about their removal on August 25, by Col. Brabant, who had recently sanctioned a media campaign against Nathalie W. by the same re-readers. Nathalie W. claimed to have seen Vanden Boeynants at the Dolo, tying him to Nihoul's favorite club. Other research turned up that Nihoul first met Vanden Boeynants in November 1981 at PSC headquarters in Brussels. He discussed with Vanden Boeynants an aspect of the Centre Medical de l'Est (CME) affair. They kept in touch over the years. 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers' p. 116-118: "Edouard Nihoul, the Brussels PRL-politician and royal court supplier of cake and pastry, has similar experiences. The confectioner shouts from the rooftops in late 1996 that he is not family, but the by Michel Nihoul himself spread rumor seems inextinguishable... Edouard Nihoul, the unfortunate confectioner, at the time was chairman of the CEPIC in Brussels. 'Michel Nihoul helped during election campaigns. At a certain moment, Vanden Boeynants couldn't stand him anymore. I've read that he now denies to ever have had something to do with Vanden Boeynants. I have to laugh about that.'" PV 42.665, October 14, 1996 (testimony of Guy Einsweiller or Eschweiler): "Remembers Nihoul (fish trade near the PAVAN transport enterprise where he works. 108/11O Avenue du Port 1000, Brussels). During a deal, he saw Dumont drinking a glass with Nihoul. Sometimes saw Nihoul at the restaurant Mayflower in Koekelberg... declared to have regularly seen Dumont and Vanden Boeynants in the private area of the fish and crustacean enterprise that he exploited. [early 1990s]" According to Jozef De Poorter, head of construction firm VDK, which he took over from Arthur Vande Kerkhove after this person died, Vande Kerkhove was a great fan of orgies, which he attended with Paul Vanden Boeynants and Nihoul (T.3518/96, February 3, 2000). Vanden Boeynants' old CEPIC friend Baron de Bonvoisin (also accused of child abuse) began a slander campaign against De Baets around the time that his team was removed from Neufchateau.
b. 1939
Source(s): X1 (One of her most violent abusers, together with Paul Vanden Boeynants and the Lippens brothers; central person in the child hunts); X2 (Present at sex parties in a castle near Eindhoven in the Netherlands, together with Jean-Paul Dumont and many others; present at smaller child abuse parties where girls were tortured in Paul Bourlee's residence at Faulx-Les-Tombes (very close to the castle of de Bonvoisin); went to Le Mirano where he was involved in child abuse parties where cocaine was distributed; went hunting with a number of others during which underaged girls were raped and abused). Added in 2008: Declaration of an anonymous witness to the Belgian Judiciary, October 12, 199x, (copy for Neufchateau cell): "Event: Witness her husband, who has passed away, received an invitation for a party at a castle in the neighborhood of ATH. Former minister DESCHAMPS [sic] and Baron de BONVOISIN were present there. At a certain point children of approximately 10 years of age were brought in. These were then abused by the guests present. The husband of the witness didn’t know this would happen and left the place because he didn’t want to participate in it … Date of the event: About 4 years ago."; Declaration of Dany Lefrant to the Belgian Judiciary, October 13, 199x, (copy for Neufchateau cell): "Pink Ballets [normally refers to underaged children being present] with STIERS Steeve, VAN DEN BROECK Franck, the Baron Bonvoisin, SPITAELS Guy, Frans Reyneers, bar le cancan [the bar where Elio Di Rupo, according to Cancan's owners, went to pick up students]. This happened more or less 7 years ago."; Declaration of Danielle Lagae to the Belgian Judiciary, October 16, 199x, (copy for Neufchateau cell): "Victim of sexual abuse (contacts) at the age of - 5, by Jean Jacques ROLAND... - 12, by Jean Marie HUCHET... [mentions several names, including "Mr. DEBONVOISIN"]... the father knew and regularly met these people... Happened in the 1970s.";
In the second half of the 16th century, Jehan de Bonvoisin received land from his father, a descendant of an ancient House of landed gentry. From the outset of the 17th century, the family developed the textile industry in the region of Verviers, where its members also held positions in public office.
Baron Pierre de Bonvoisin (1903-1982) was the father of Benoît. Pierre was an Economics professor at the University of Louvain. Married Elizabeth Galopin, a granddaughter of Alexandre Galopin (1879-1944). Before and during WWII, Galopin was head of Union Minière in Congo and Société Générale de Belgique. King Leopold III had chosen Galopin to reorganize the Belgian economy after the German invasion. The official story goes that several months before the allies invaded Normandy, Galopin gained access to a list of industrialists who worked with the Nazis. On February 28, 1944, he was assassinated. Pierre was a director of Société Générale de Belgique from 1951 to 1962. In 1954, Pierre de Bonvoisin attended the first Bilderberg Conference along with Paul van Zeeland (son-in-law has been named a key plotter in the aborted 1973 fascist coup in Belgium, together with an agent of Vanden Boeynants and Benoit de Bonvoisin, Army Major Jean Bougerol). He attended several other Bilderberg conferences. Chairman of the Banque du Congo Belge. President of the Belgian International Chamber of Commerce. Co-founder of l'Institut International d'Etudes Bancaires (IIEB), which is part of IMF and still meeting today. Director of Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (Diamang), which had a monopoly on the diamond supply of Angola. Others on the board of Diamang were Harry Oppenheimer of Anglo-American and other people from De Beers. Chairman of the Belgian League of Multiple Sclerosis. One of the counsellors of King Baudouin.
Benoit was born in 1939. Graduated in philosophy from the University of Louvain. Benoit's sister Marie-Cecile married Count Herve d'Ursel (b. 1930) in 1959. Benoit's other sister Marie Francoise de Bonvoisin (b. 1949) married Prince Bernard de Merode (b. 1949) in 1974 and became a princess. The d'Ursel (especially another branch) and de Merode families are among the most noble families in Belgium. Both families, not unlike de Bonvoisin himself, have been implicated in child abuse networks, just as a large number of their associates. Bernard de Merode works for a firm these days which is headed by two senior retired MI5 officials. Benoit was called upon by the Belgian Minister for the Middle Classes, Paul Vanden Boeynants, in the early 1960s, to realign the Social Christian Party (PSC). Involved with the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). Named as a member of Opus Dei, just as Paul Vanden Boeynants. One of the primary founders of the aristocratic and fascist Cercle des Nations in 1969, together with Paul Vanden Boeynants and Paul Vankerkhoven (close associate of Otto von Habsburg; CEPIC; founded the Belgian branch of the WACL). Jean Violet (connected to the Synarchist Movement of Empire through the fascist CSAR; Opus Dei; French intelligence; close associate of Otto von Habsburg; founder of the international private intelligence group Le Cercle, which was visited by CIA directors and other virulent anti-communist US covert warfare experts) became one of the few French members of Cercle des Nations. Financed the fascist Nouvel Europe Magazine (NEM), which was founded in 1971 and counted the involvement of Paul Vanden Boeynants. Around this magazine a bunch of fascist NEM-Clubs were set up, starting in 1972, which began preparing a coup. Together with Paul Vanden Boeynants, Baron de Bonvoisin was a key founder of CEPIC in 1972, which was a continuation of Mouvement des Independants et des Cadres (MIC), founded in 1955 by Vanden Boeynants. It had the same purpose of neutralizing the PSC's pro-labour aspects and was highly fascist. Political advisor to Paul Vanden Boeynants in the 1970s. With Paul Vanden Boeynants involved in the aborted 1973 coup. Set up the fascist Parti des Forces Nouvelles in the 1974-1975 period, together with Emile Lecerf and first chairman Albert Lambert. It became the political front of his private militia Front de la Jeunesse, which was founded in the same period. The first congress of Forces Nouvelles was held at the CEPIC headquarters on November 23, 1975. Around the same time Lecerf organized a meeting at the castle of Baron de Bonvoisin in which a number of fascist leaders from Europe were brought together. Represented were the MSI from Italy, the French branch of Parti des Forces Nouvelles, the National Front from Britain and Fuerza Nueva from Spain. Francis Dossogne, head of Front de la Jeunesses by this time, also attended. Arranged a meeting of European Nazis and other fascists in his castle in late 1975. Treasurer of CEPIC since 1976. Had his own company, Societe de Promotion & Distribution Generales NV (PDG), which shared the same building with CEPIC headquarters (actually two buildings, but a corridor was built between them). The main investors in PDG were Charly De Pauw, Ado Blaton, and other businessmen involved in building the World Trade Center and Parc Savoy in Brussels. In return for their investments PDG created fake invoices for them. These people, together with King Albert II (then Prince), Fortunato Israel (ran a European-wide prostitution ring; mistress of Roger Boas), and Roger Boas (owner of arms manufacturer/aerospace company ASCO, which allegedly harbored a child torture and abuse studio), were also involved in the Eurosystem Hospitalier deal in Saudi-Arabia, which blew up in 1979 due the hundreds of millions of dollars used for briberies and commissions. De Bonvoisin arranged the takeover of Bâtiments et Ponts, Ado Blaton's company that was primarily responsible for building Parc Savoy, by the French firm Générale des Eaux in 1988. Shareholder of Parc Savoy, which is where Cercle des Nations was located. Benoit was one of the key persons in financing, through CEPIC and PDG, the fascist Front de la Jeunesse. Front de la Jeunesse was the private militia of the in 1974 established Parti des Forces Nouvelles. It was headed by Francis Dossogne (paid "advisor" to Baron de Bonvoisin; took his orders from Army Intelligence major Jean Bougerol, head of PIO and personally picked by Vanden Boeynants and Baron de Bonvoisin; another "private detective"; director of CIDEP, publisher of the fascist NEM magazine; good friend Jean Bultot, who is closely tied to the Gang of Nijvel; gave permission to Paul Latinus in '78-'79 to reorganize the Brussels department of Front de la Jeunesse; according to Martial Lekeu, Dossogne, Latinus and DEA agent Frank Eaton were leaders of Group G, a Nazi-inspired NATO-sanctioned parallel organization within the Gendarmerie). Members of Front de la Jeunesse included Paul Latinus (Nazi; recruited by the DIA in 1967, age 17; trained by NATO; reserve lieutenant with the Air Force; paid informant of State Security; recruited as an intelligence agent by PIO in 1977; recommended everywhere by the CEPIC leadership; member Front de la Jeunesse; founder Westland New Post in 1981; recruited as a police informant by the questionable Georges Marnette; suicided in 1984) and Marcel Barbier (Wackenhut employee since before 1981; recruited as a guard at European Institute of Management (EIM) around 1981, the follow-up of the shady Belgium military-intelligence unit PIO, since 1981 headed by Douglas MacArthur II; co-founded Westland New Post (WNP) with Latinus in 1981, and became head of its security section (seen as Latinus' right-hand); when police searched Barbier's apartment for unrelated reasons, they found it filled with Nazi symbols and literature, weapons, papers that allowed him entrance to the barracks of the general staff of the Army in Evere, and a whole batch of secret NATO documents; his lawyer at that point became Vincent vanden Bossche, who represented other fascists and was a member of Cercle des Nations and Ordre du Rouvre, was named as someone involved in the cover-up of the Pinon child abuse affair; convicted in 1987 for a double WNP-organized murder, in which Barbier had slit the victim's throats). Front de la Jeunesse had secret paramilitary training camps in the Ardennes. Among the instructors of the training camps were Madani Bouhouche (Nazi; BOB officer until 1983; caught spying on his colleagues; leading figure in the Practical Shooting Association; friend and partner-in-crime of such men as Christian Amory, Bob Beyer and Jean Bultot; went to the Jonathan; convicted criminal and murderer; member Group G and involved in actions to destabilize Belgium; member Westland New Post) and Jean-Francis Calmette (joined the terrorist OAS, which tried to assassinate de Gaulle and destabilize Algeria; director of Wackenhut Belgium until 1981 (since 1977 allowed in Belgium; does dirty black ops for CIA, DEA, etc.; had to leave Belgium in early 1980s after some of its guards were accused of luring immigrant children into basements and beating them up), and recruited Marcel Barbier and Eric Lammers; set up the Nazi militia 'Nouvelle Sparte'; full-contact karate teacher and taught this sport to Group Diana of the Gendarmerie; all round security expert; secretly hired mercenaries for South-Africa and hired a farm to train them; together with Christian Amory associated with the mercenary firm Contact in Brussels; went to the Jonathan; instructor at the secret fascist training camps of Front de la Jeunesse in the Ardennes, which were protected by NATO and overseen by DIA-NATO agent Paul Latinus, another fascist; member of Westland New Post (WNP), headed by Latinus; head of security of the annual ball of the PSC in 1980, headed by Paul Vanden Boeynants at the time; manager of the Brussels sports club BIBKA). Together with Paul Vanden Boeynants, de Bonvoisin founded the Army's Public Information Office in 1974, a fascist "personal" Military Intelligence group that spied on journalists that had a negative attitude towards the Vanden Boeynants gang. It also infiltrated many right-wing organizations and local templar orders to push for pro-military-industrial complex policies. De Bonvoisin and Vanden Boeynants made sure that major Jean-Marie Bougerol (SDRA Military Intelligence officer; crucial figure in the aborted 1973 coup; became head of PIO in 1974 with the blessing of Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron de Bonvoisin; gave orders to Francis Dossogne, head of Front de la Jeunesse and Group G, and an employee of de Bonvoisin; traveled with CEPIC director Bernard Mercier in 1975 to Spain to attend the funeral of Franco; editor in chief of INFOREP 1976-1978, an anti-communist propaganda magazine aimed at party leaders; spoke at NEM-Clubs; member of the Confrerie des Hospitaliers de Notre-Dame d'Aulne, together with co-PIO agent Commandant Claude Dery) became head of PIO, and both men cold regularly be found at PIO headquarters. Lieutenant-general Pierre Roman, chief of staff of the Belgian Army, was Bougerol's superior and another political ally of de Bonvoisin and Vanden Boeynants. Bougerol gave orders to Francis Dossogne, an employee of de Bonvoisin and leader of the fascist Front de la Jeunesse and the subversive Group G. The latter was a Nazi-inspired NATO-sanctioned parallel organization which recruited from the Gendarmerie, although it was headed by leading members of private groups as Front de la Jeunesse and WNP. Similar cells were located in the Army, the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), the Royal Military School, the Mobile Legion, the Special Intervention Squadron (Diana Group), the narcotics section of the BOB and different other branches of the Gendarmerie. Most members of a particular cell did not know about the others and Nazi-fascist infiltration could have been much larger than the estimated 60 recruits. A 1976 report from BOB officer Roger Tratsaert stated that there was a silent right wing coup in preparation in Belgium, which was centered on Nouvelle Europe Magazine and (ex-) officers from the military. Major Jean Bougerol, sponsored by lieutenant-general Roman, Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron de Bonvoisin, was a coordinating figure in this plot (including the aborted 1973 coup), just as Count Arnould de Briey, a public official who was married to co-Bilderberg founder Paul van Zeeland's daughter. In May 1989, Lt.-Col. Herman Vernaillen of the Gendarmerie supplied Andre Bourgeois, head of an investigating committee, with names of people who back in 1980 were trying to destabilize the Belgium state. This was done in order to bring in a more hard-right government. The names given by Vernaillen included Paul Vanden Boeynants and General Beaurir. Vernaillen had been given these names in 1980 by Leon Finne, a former CEPIC member and banker who used to be involved in illegal arms sales. Coincidentally, Finne was assassinated by the Gang of Nijvel on September 27, 1985. On November 29, 1989, adjutant Guy Dussart of the BOB in Waverse testified in a closed session of the parliamentary investigating committee that he was approached in December 1985 - March 1986 by two senior high nobility figures who belonged to Opus Dei. They explained to him that at least 9 important members of Opus Dei (which likely included de Bonvoisin) in addition to several officers and generals of the Gendarmerie and the army were working to destabilize the country and as a result transfer all power to the king. Dussart mentioned the same names as Lieutenant-Colonel Vernaillen, including General Beaurir and Paul Vanden Boeynants (both belonged to Opus Dei). Dussart also said that the aborted 1973 coup, named "l'Ordre Blue", involved some of the same players as the coup prepared in the 1980s. There also was a report that the conspirators had organized several meetings at Castle Dongelberg, owned by Opus Dei. X2 later claimed that children had been abused at Dongelberg, while Nathalie W. also mentioned the castle in her testimony. CEPIC disbanded in 1981, soon after their connections to the NEM-clubs and Front de la Jeunesse were found out about. Excerpts of the 1981 confidential State Security memo (translated from Dutch): "It was determined that certain members of the board of the C.E.P.I.C. (x) in the past have lent their cooperated to the publication and the editorial office of NEM, were part of the NEM-clubs of the F.J. [Front de la Jeunesse] and maintained contact with board members or supporters of the two latter mentioned groups. Amongst others, it concerns: Jean Breydel, secretary-general of the C.E.P.I.C., Benoit de Bonvoisin, treasurer of the C.E.P.I.C., Joseph (Jo) Gerard, Paul Van Kerkhoven, Joseph Franz and Bernard Mercier. The board, the administration and the editorial office of the NEM, which has been published under this name since 1971 by the "Compagnie Internationale des Editions Populaires" (C.I.D.E.P.), is located at no. 5 of the Dekenstraat in Brussels... Furthermore, at this address was located the secretariat of the 1972 founded NEM-clubs, as well, until 1978, the seat of F.J.... The seat of C.E.P.I.C. is located at no. 39 of the Belliardstraat in Brussels. This building also contains the Belliard auditorium, the seat of "Mouvement d'Action pour l'Unite Europeenne" (xx), just as the offices of the "Societe de Promotion et de la Distribution Generale" (P.D.G.), supervised, through a go-between, by Benoit de Bonvoisin... The NEM is supported by Benoit de Bonvoisin, who pays the rent of the in the Dekensstraat located offices and hires the editor in chief as an advisor... Francis Dossogne, head of the F.J., was paid in the same way, until he left the NEM. The partnership P.D.G., and consequently de Bonvoisin, through a go-between finances the magazine "INFOREP" which claims to be a "daily paper for party leaders", but in reality is a bi-language magazine with strong anti-communist leanings. From 1976 to 1978 its editor in chief was Major Jean Bougerol, a higher career officer working for the headquarters of the domestic armed forces. Jean Bougerol has spoken at lectures organized by the NEM-clubs... This officer, who keeps in close contact with Bernard Mercier, board member of the C.E.P.I.C., was mentioned as one of the organizers of the transport from Antwerp to the seat of the C.E.P.I.C. in Brussels of a wanted neo-nazi terrorist. This person had to be taken by Bernard Mercier to a domain in the Ardennes belonging to de Bonvoisin and subsequently to France. The German was intercepted by State Security during the trip from Antwerp to Brussels... According to unverifiable sources the F.J. would have approached several foreign governments and opposition-movements for financial support." Since Albert Raes, head of State Security, was largely responsible for the release of this memo, he was immediately attacked by de Bonvoisin and associates, a trend that would continue over the decades. On February 6, 1995, Raes explained at the VTM-broadcast 'Telefacts': "... according to some it [his persecution] might have something to do with arms trade, arms shipping, arms theft, arms smuggling, and the whole mess that can be found around weapons. [confirms he is referring to VdB and Baron Benoît de Bonvoisin]" On www.baronbenoitdebonvoisin.com Benoit is supposed to give us his personal history. Instead, he uses two thirds of his own biography to bash his opponents. He does, however, give some interesting insights: "Besides his political role within the CEPIC, Benoît de Bonvoisin exerted an influence in Zaïre [Congo; Belgian colony until 1960], firstly in the struggle against communism and secondly attempting to curb corruption, with friends from the American administration. Van den Boeynants assigned General Roman and Benoît on a number of missions in order to counteract the Soviet influence in Belgium... Through a number of people with whom he was in touch in the United States and France, B. de B felt it necessary to try and get the Belgian intelligence services under democratic control. He considered it urgent, since this was the only secret service to escape control... [bashes Albert Raes, head of Belgian intelligence] Largely because of B. de B, Raes was forced to resign in 1990... B. de Bonvoisin was highly regarded by the head of the French secret services, Alexandre de Marenches, but the latter had no esteem for Albert Raes... [bashes Albert Raes a bit more]... he [Raes] tried to associate B. de B with the extreme right, a trick often used by the Soviet secret services." On the same page: "Professor Lode Van Outrive concluded that : " Several times the Americans tried to convince Raes to concentrate first and foremost on the Eastern block countries whereas he seemed more interested in targeting extreme right wing movements. This clearly bothered the Americans who got him to resign."" In 2003, Benoit and his brother Pierre were prosecuted by the Belgian authorities for having faked so called KGB documents. Benoit used these documents in 1995 to prove there was a vast left wing conspiracy aimed at discrediting him, which included many members of government. After the death of CEPIC in 1981, PIO was reorganized into the possibly even more influential European Institute of Management (EIM). Col. Rene Mayerus, a good friend of Major Jean Bougerol (the protege of de Bonvoisin and Vanden Boeynants and accused by X1 of being involved in the child abuse network) became administrative-director of EIM. Within 6 months of its founding, the new head of EIM became Douglas MacArthur II (born in 1909; Episcopalian; nephew of the famous general; ambassador to Paris 1938-1940; ambassador to the Fascist Vichy government 1940-1942; held in Nazi internment for 16 months after Petain broke off relations with the US in 1942; member General Eisenhower's SHAEF staff in 1944; ambassador to Italy 1944-1948; became chief of the State Department's Division of European Affairs in 1949; political advisor to SHAPE headquarters in France 1951-1952; counselor US Department State in Washington 1953-1957; member CFR from the 1950s to the late 1980s; ambassador to Japan in Tokyo 1957-1961; ambassador to Brussels 1961-1965; assistant secretary of state and head of the State Department's Bureau of Congressional Relations 1965-1967; ambassador to Austria 1967-1969; ambassador to Iran during the Shah's reign 1969-1972 (retired after evading a kidnapping attempt); independent international affairs consultant in Washington 1972-1997; director Banque Bruxelles Lambert; since 1981, chair of the European Institute of Management (EIM), a privatized fascist army intelligence group which tried to undermine the Belgian democratic process and appears to have been at the center of a child abuse, torture and murder ring; member of the editorial advisory board of The Washington Times since Sun Myung Moon founded it in 1982; chaired Moon's World Media Conference in Tokyo in the mid-1980s; openly supported the Women's Federation for World Peace when Moon founded it in 1987; founding chair of Sun Myung Moon-funded Panda Motor Corp in China since 1988, a company that went bankrupt within a few years (October 16, 1989, Daily Herald, 'Moon-backed Panda car drives into skepticism of auto industry'); his uncle Douglas MacArthur saved Moon during the invasion of Korea; big supporter of the UN's Temple of Understanding; died in 1997). In 1990, examining magistrate Freddy Troch reopened some of the Gang of Nijvel documents and began to look into its political connections. Two of the persons he became very interested in as a result were Frans Reyniers (Brussels police commissioner; assisted in the Gang of Nijvel investigation; later convicted criminal; regularly visited Les Atrébates and later The Dolo, Nihoul's favorite hangouts, for orgies, sometimes involving minors) and Baron de Bonvoisin. Troch was warned and subsequently kicked off the case by Melchior Wathelet, a violent child abuser together with Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Vanden Boeynants, according to X1. Wathelet was also accused by another source. A good friend and frequent security consultant to Baron de Bonvoisin was André Moyen (both lived in Ardenne), a former senior member of both Belgian military intelligence and the Belgian Stay-Behind network. In November 1990, Moyen said that the Belgian stay-behind network was not only anti-communist, but that it fought subversion of the state in general. Has visited the Mirano, according to X2, where he was involved in child abuse parties with Paul Bourlee, Oliver Castiaux and others. Has been accused and convicted of a number of crimes in his career, but was later on always acquitted. In August or September 1996, de Bonvoisin began to interfere with the Dutroux investigation, undoubtedly because he had gotten wind of X-dossier witnesses implicating him in child abuse and torture networks. He was even mentioned as a central person in child hunts. X1 in PV 100.399, January 11, 1997: "Translation of a fax of X1 of January 6, 1997: She speaks of someone who judged to see if she was dangerous. It is about someone who prefers the violence: the sex is a dessert... He often went to hunt with VDB - he works at Sabena. He participated in the hunts on children... Tony brought her to a domain - there were 4 other girls (Marianne; Valerie; Catharine; Sonja)... [present:] VDB [Paul Vanden Boeynants] - person from Sabena - 4 Gd [gendarme officers] - de Bonvoisin. There was also the gamekeeper who raped the girls but did no more than that. Bonvoisin was the most dangerous - he had come to kill... The girls run into the woods and each time they are caught they have to remove a piece of clothing. X1 is forced by Bonvoisin to stay with him - she must choose and point out the girls... Bonvoisin forces X1 pull the trigger while telling her that if she misses she is shot. She fires on Sonja and kills her. Marianne is killed with a cross-bow. X1 is raped and brought back home." This text can easily be matched with: 1998, Regina Louf, 'Zwijgen is voor daders - De getuigenis van X1' ('Silence is for perpetrators - The testimony of X1'), p. 104: "He leaned against the pavilion, the other men stood laughing in a group drinking coffee. A sort of game-keeper kept two Sint-Hubertus dogs on a leash. I quickly counted them, about ten men... I knew the domain, with its sloping hills, the big pond a bit further, the woods and the rhododendron bushes. It didn't exactly comfort me to be taken out here... Silently I began to calculate how my chances were of getting out alive, and hope sank to my shoes. This would be a short hunting party, it still was far too light and the weather too nice to effectively hide yourself. And they looked like it was really serious... I looked at Jo [one of her regular and most violent abusers], he didn't smile, not even tried to interact with the group. He tensely looked back. The fear slowly crept up. This was serious... He [de Bonvoisin] had come to kill, the other men didn't play a role to me anymore, if he was sitting that unmoved he would do the most damage... The girls had to run into the woods, and each time they caught one, they had to take off a piece of clothing... I didn't have to play the game. He made me an accomplice by having me find these girls and pointing them out... When the girls had taken off all their clothes they started to aim. They shot next to them on purpose, hunting them up, and laughing about their fears. He came to stand behind me, readied his gun and helped me to aim it... 'If you miss we shoot you, if you hit you'll live,' he whispered in my ear, almost lovingly... [she hit]" His sister Marie-Cecile and brother-in-law Count Herve d'Ursel were also implicated in some of the more shocking aspects of the X-dossiers: 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 248: "Present at the first of three sex parties she [X1] mentioned industrialists Y. and W., lawyer E., Annie Bouty, Michel Nihoul, Tony and trader in dogs from the region of Mechels. What she noticed about the villa, was a large pool and an impressive collection of model ships which were exhibited inside just about all over the place ["villa des bateaux" of Count Herve d'Ursel and Marie-Cecile de Bonvoisin d'Ursel]. The children were forced to watch a sort of snuff movie, in which, according to X1, two of her children were tortured. The purpose of the first night was an initiation. The adults wore SM clothing and butchered a goat and a rabbit in front of the eyes of the by then unclothed and tied up children. According to X1, the whole ritual had nothing to do with satanism and even less with bizarre sexual preferences of the adults - they hated this - but everything with a well thought-out method to condition the kids and to prevent that one of them would ever speak out. After all, stories about butchered goats, rabbits and men in black leather suits would not be believed by anyone. With 'Kristien' it went totally wrong, X1 said. She kept resisting, refused to accept what happened to her. X1 and Mieke, who had to force her to eat the heart of the freshly-butchered rabbit, tried to keep her silent - which didn't succeed." De Bonvoisin invited a number of Dutroux-Nihoul investigators to his castle. During this meeting he called up Michel Bourlet, head of the overall Dutroux-Nihoul investigation, to make an appointment with this person. Bourlet scheduled a meeting with the baron for the following day, but never had the intention to actually show up (which he indeed didn't). In December 1997, de Baron accused inspector De Baets, the interviewer of X1, who claimed to have been brutally tortured and raped by the baron and his friends, of having overstepped his authority in May 1990, while searching his castle during the CIDEP affair. Unfortunately for the baron, although De Baets was involved in that case, the actual search of the baron's house had been conducted by a colleague of De Baets. Other attempts to defame De Baets were undertaken by friends of the baron, not the least of them the earlier-mentioned Andre Moyen, but all of them turned out to be bogus. De Baets was already "under investigation" at that point for allegedly not having properly interviewed X1. He would be acquitted of these charges in 2000, but luckily for the de Bonvoisin that apparently was no reason to reopen the case of X1, X2 or any of the other victim-witnesses.
b. 1952
Source(s): X1 ('The X-Dossiers', p. 259-260: "The intention was that she [X1] would show them the way to 'the factory', where she already had spoken about in a previous interview. At the time, she talked about a secret studio where snuff movies were recorded. On the E40 Brussels-Luik she had pointed to exit Sterrebeek. From there she made the inspectors drive until a crossing. 'Go left here', she said. A few miles down the road she made the car stop. That's it, 'the factory'. De Pauw looked and saw a large board with a name on it [ASCO]. It was the company of a business friend [Roger Boas] of a politician pointed out by X1 [Paul Vanden Boeynants]... 'It has changed', she noted [accurately, just as the description she gave earlier]... X1 describes the BMW - 'dark windows through which you look from the inside out, but not the other way around' - and immediately leads De Baets to suspect that this was about the type of cars the Diana Group drove with. De Baets doesn't reach that conclusion for nothing. In a writing pad... she [X1] wrote about a 'gendarme officer' who raped her while he kept a gun pressed to her head. He always wore dark sunglasses [which reminds most people immediately of Madani Bouhouche]... That night he [De Baets] tested his suspicions." Bouhouche was indeed 1 of the 8 persons picked by X1 on September 30, 1996 out of 40 pictures presented to her (how many real pictures there ranges from "several" to about 20). Four of the individuals she pointed out intrigued De Baets (Bouhouche, Christian Amory, Col. Gerard Lhost and Col. Rene Mayerus) and seemed to confirm his suspicions that key suspects of the Gang of Nijvel affair were also involved in the child abuse network. However, X1 also misidentified at least three, and maybe four pictures, and this time it really appears to have been a mistake (as opposed to all the manipulations by the "re-readers" later on). It must be stated, however, that X1 always became very emotional when looking at pictures because of all the flashbacks she would get. 1999, 'The X-dossiers', p. 261: "X1 identified Madani Bouhouche as the very violent driver of the BMW who took her to 'the factory' [the rape, torture and murder room at the ASCO factory] and Christian Amory as a sort of slave driver who brought her and her fellow victims to recording studios or parks where older men shot at hunted children."); X2 (Regularly went to the Dolo where she met Bouhouche and saw him speak with Henri Bil, the (abusive) driver and confidant of Vanden Boeynants. Met Bouhouche's spouse at the Hilton, together with, Willy de Clerck, Vanden Boeynants (alleged abuser), Wilfried Martens (alleged abuser), Jean Gol (vice-premier and minister van justice under Martens in the 1980s), Philippe Moureaux, Guy Delvoie (alleged abuser who partied with Lippens and Davignon) and Nihoul)
Armenian descent. Gendarme officer working under the authority of the National Bureau for Drugs (NBD). The NBD was created by Paul Vanden Boeynants and General Leon Fernand Francois (invited by the US Army's CID in 1969; educated by the DEA; received by President Nixon; secretary of the International Drug Enforcement Association; founded the gendarmerie's National Bureau for Drugs (NBD) in the 1972-1975 period with Paul Vanden Boeynants and CIA support, and became the NBD's initial head; always present at the border when a new large shipment of marijuana and cocaine of VdB's company was smuggled into Belgium; leading member of the subversive and fascist Group G, together with DEA agent Frank Eaton; provided the CIA chief in Belgium with intelligence about leftists and other dissident groups) in the 1972-1975 period. The CIA provided training for the NBD and delivered many, often questionable, informants. In return General Francois would give the CIA chief in Belgium intelligence about leftists and other dissident groups. General Fernand Beaurir, accused of pedophilia by different sources, became head of the NBD in 1978. In 1979, a BOB officer began reporting on corruption in the NBD and how top level officers were involved in the drug trade themselves. General Francois, for example, was always present at the border when a new large shipment of marijuana and cocaine of Vanden Boeynants' company Boucheries Ghysels was smuggled into Belgium. That these drug transports were going on was already known for three years, but they were never intercepted. General Francois was arrested in January 1980 and a large public investigation into the NBD began. While interrogating Francois and his NBD associates, two chief investigators, Major Herman Vernaillen and BOB adjutant Guy Goffinon, were told how they couldn't touch their suspects because they were protected by prime minister Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, both members of the fascist CEPIC and Cercle des Nations organizations. On top of that, General Beaurir, a Nazi-sympathizing buddy of Vanden Boeynants, and other senior Gendarme officers began sabotaging the investigation. The investigators did not back down, and Goffinon even advised that Vanden Boeynants be arrested on charges of drug trade. In 1981, Major Herman Vernaillen transferred Bouhouche and his colleague Robert Beyer (left the Gendarmerie in 1983 with Bouhouche and worked with him until September 1984 in Agence Recherche Investigation (ARI), a front for other criminal activities; with Bouhouche he had stolen from the Gendarmerie a whole database of info on prominent politicians, which they tried to sell; part of Bouhouche's group to some day conduct a terror-extortion campaign against warehouses; said Bouhouche tried to recruit him in a secret organization, but declined the offer; fled to Paraguay in 1989 for a murder he and Bouhouche were investigated for; briefly stayed with Jean Bultot in Paraguay; claimed in February 1988 that he offered to Vanden Boeynants to steal dossiers about him from the Ministry of Justice, but how this ex-prime minister refused. Then added how State Security (attacked for years by the fascist de Bonvoisin and CEPIC in general) asked him to steal dossiers about Humo articles dealing with the Pinon affair from the Ministry of Justice. Highlighted the alleged State Security connection with the CCC, a "communist"-terrorist Belgian group in the 1980s) after he had found out that that these two had bugged the office of a colleague. On October 12, 1981 there was a failed assassination attempt on Goffinon, followed on October 26 by a failed attempt on Vernaillen (he and his wife were badly shot up. His wife ended up being 40% paralyzed). It soon turned out that pilot and DEA agent Jean-Francois Buslik, a long time friend of Madani Bouhouche and also a friend of DEA narcotics specialist Frank Eaton (both top players in Belgium's NATO-sponsored fascist fifth column), had manufactured the timing mechanism of the explosive. Bombs with similar unusual timing mechanisms were later found in a storage space located in the same street where Paul Latinus and Martial Leukeu lived (other top players in Belgium's NATO-sponsored fascist fifth column). Vanden Boeynants, Buslik and Bouhouche were (also) tied to the assassination attempt on Vernaillen, and as might be expected, Bouhouche for a while headed the investigation into the attempt on Goffinon. Buslik fled to the United States where he assumed a new identity.
On January 1, 1982 there was a break in into the barracks of the Special Intervention Squadron (Belgium's combined SWAT/CT team), better known as the Diana Group. Five of the newest automatic riot guns were stolen, together with 5 FAL rifles, 2 pistols, 15 H&K MP5(SD)s of which ten with silencers, and 2,500 rounds of ammunition. Bouhouche, who was a was a regular visitor of the Diana Group, was totally implicated, but never prosecuted. Bouhouche regularly visited the gunsmith of the Diana Group barracks.
Left the BOB in 1983 together with colleague Robert "Bob" Beyer. With Beyer he had stolen a whole database of info on prominent politicians, which they tried to sell to Paul Vanden Boeynants (accused by several witnesses of being a sadistic child abuser/killer) (couldn't remember this fact. Only remembered he had declined an offer of Bouhouche to steal incriminating files against his person) and Minister of Justice Philippe Moureaux (accused by The Sprout of having been present at the murder of Julie and Melissa, together with Cardinal Danneels) (confirmed it had been offered to him and that he declined the offer). February 27, 1988, De Morgen, Francois Raes (BOB officer and whistleblower who exposed NBD highest level drug dealing) commentary: "Isn't that story of these two ministers strange? They are contacted to buy secret information and they don't inform a single police service. At the very least that's a lack of civil goodwill." Bouhouche and Beyer founded the Agence Recherche Investigation (ARI) in April 1983, a private detective agency. With just a few thousand bucks they apparently were able hire about half a dozen storage places and apartments, and buy computers, cars and weapons. Where they got the additional source of income to buy or hire all this stuff has not established.
Prominent member of the Belgian Practical Shooting Association, together with Jean Bultot. Became director and secretary of the Practical Pistol Club of Belgium (PPCB) in 1982. Instructor at the Parabellum Club, a practical shooting club. In 1980, Bouhouche had instructed several of his associates/friends at the Parabellum Club. After the men (without Bouhouche) left the club they went to drink something at a nearby cafe. Here they got into a fight with one Frenchman and two Algerians. The two Algerians were shot and the Frenchman was hit in the face with a broken beer bottle. The friends of Bouhouche were arrested or, like Jean-Marie Paul (a close friend of Paul Latinus), fled to Paraguay.
Closely associated with the Front de la Jeunesse (instructor there), headed by Francis Dossogne (paid "advisor" to Baron de Bonvoisin; took his orders from Army Intelligence major Jean Bougerol, head of PIO and personally picked by Vanden Boeynants and Baron de Bonvoisin; another "private detective"; director of CIDEP, publisher of the fascist NEM magazine; good friend Jean Bultot, who is closely tied to the Gang of Nijvel; gave permission to Paul Latinus in '78-'79 to reorganize the Brussels department of Front de la Jeunesse; according to Martial Lekeu, Dossogne, Latinus and DEA agent Frank Eaton were leaders of Group G, a Nazi-inspired NATO-sanctioned parallel organization within the Gendarmerie). Possibly a member of Westland New Post (often considered an associate member only), set up and headed by Paul Latinus (Nazi; recruited by the DIA in 1967, age 17; trained by NATO; reserve lieutenant with the Air Force; paid informant of State Security; recruited as an intelligence agent by PIO in 1977; recommended everywhere by the CEPIC leadership; member Front de la Jeunesse; founder Westland New Post (WNP) in 1981; named as one of the leaders of Group G; suicided in 1984). Bouhouche was mainly in contact with Latinus' right hand, Michel Libert. WNP was an initiative of PIO, a US-NATO-sanctioned private military intelligence group set up by Baron de Bonvoisin (CEPIC) and Paul Vanden Boeynants (CEPIC) together with the Belgian army. Latinus and other senior member of WNP claimed the real name of WNP was Westland National Sozialistische Ordnung, which for obvious reasons was only used internally. CEPIC director Bernard Mercier, "inspector-general" of the WNP, provided a flat to the WNP.
Bouhouche was in contact with members of Group G, a secret Nazi group within the Gendarmerie that was part of a wider operation to destabilize the Belgian state. Similar cells were located in the Army, the Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), the Royal Military School, the Mobile Legion, the Special Intervention Squadron (Diana Group), the narcotics section of the BOB and different other branches of the Gendarmerie. Most members of a particular cell did not know about the others and Nazi-fascist infiltration could have been much larger than the estimated 60 recruits. The Nazis Paul Latinus and Francis Dossogne, who were sponsored by Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Vanden Boeynants, oversaw Group G. Commandant Francois and Frank Eaton were important members. Gendarme officer Martial Lekeu (close friend of Commandant Francois and Paul Latinus; member Group G) exposed the group in 1989 (already gave his information to the proper authorities in 1984, but nothing was done), after he had fled to the United States. As a devout Nazi he had been recruited in the late 1970s by a colleague at the BOB. Lekeu: "When I joined the Gendarmerie I became a devout fascist. At the Diana Group I got to know people who had the same convictions as me. We greeted each other like the Nazis. Every time we clicked the heels of our boots together in the canteen or halls of the BOB building at the Leuvense street we heard others do the same. That was a sign of solidarity.... Together with about 10 other Gendarme officers we listened to march music of the Waffen-SS. Nazi flags were decorating the walls." Lekeu explained how an attempt to destabilize Belgium had been in the workings since 1975. Group G (Gendarmerie) and Group M (Military) were to conduct a whole range of terrorist attacks, somehow resulting in the CEPIC crowd becoming all-powerful. It's likely that the idea was to introduce police state legislation and possibly even to declare martial law, but apparently the average fascist didn't know the exact procedure. Lekeu in 1989 in Panorama magazine: "During the gatherings of the Front a plan was developed to destabilize Belgium and to prepare it for a non-democratic regime. This plan consisted of two parts: a cell political terrorism and a cell gangsterism. I worked in the cell gangsterism. I was one of the specialist who had to train young guys with rightist leanings, to knead them into a well trained gang prepared to do anything. After that I had to break all contact with them, so they could exist as an independent group and do robberies without them realizing they were part of a well-planned plot." The existence of Group G, the involvement of Bouhouche and Lekeu in it, and that some organized crime seemed to have a political motive behind it, was already confirmed by the BOB in an extensive PV dated March 18, 1985. In the first half of 1989 a team led by investigating magistrate Freddy Troch and substitute Willy Acke managed to track down 10 former members of Group G. They largely confirmed the story of Lekeu, although obviously tried to marginalize the whole operation. Interestingly, Bob Beyer once mentioned that Bouhouche asked him if he would be interested in joining a clandestine organization. Beyer declined and says he doesn't know what this group was about. Some time before his death Juan Mendez said to his family and friends that he had been invited to join a clandestine group that was gathering data on political adversaries to be used during and after a coup.
Bouhouche regularly went to the Jonathan in Sint-Gillis, a night club with strippers and prostitutes. The visitors of the Jonathan were mainly Nazis and other fascists who often worked for the police, military or mercenary corporations. The owner of the Jonathan in the 1980s, Jean-Paul "Pepe" Derijcke, made sure that pictures and video was taken of his customers when they were involved with one the club's prostitutes. This material was used for blackmail purposes. It's probably no coincidence that Michel Nihoul was a good friend Derijcke. Frequent visitors of the Jonathan included Jean Bultot (Son of Lucien Bultot, who was a nominee for the fascist Parti des Forces Nouvelles; good friend of Francis Dossogne, head of the fascist Front de la Jeunesse (private militia behind Parti des Forces Nouvelles); became assistant director of the Sint-Gillis prison in Brussels in 1978, despite a strong negative advice from State Security (attacked for years by the fascist de Bonvoisin and CEPIC in general); acted as a liaison between several Nazi inmates and Belgian's fascist underground, for which he allegedly did some recruiting; friend of Jean-Paul "Pepe" Derijcke, owner of the Jonathan in Sint-Gillis in the 1980s; member Belgian Practical Shooting Association, together with Bouhouche and other fascists; founded the Prisons Practical Pistol Club and mainly recruited fascist friends from the police and prison guards, including Bouhouche, Juan Mendez, Alain Weykamp and Bob Louvigny; organized shooting events at which a number of participants usually wore Nazi emblems and shirts of Soldier of Fortune; at these practical shooting events the theme 'warehouse panic' was quite prominent and was later put into practice by the Gang of Nijvel; seriously linked to the Gang of Nijvel; fled to Paraguay in 1986, after the murder on Juan Mendez (by Bouhouche); from Paraguay he began claiming that State Security (again, attacked for years by the fascist de Bonvoisin and CEPIC in general) was involved in the Gang of Nijvel and gave the advise to examining magistrate Freddy Troch to reinvestigate the Pinon affair (quite possibly a hidden threat to Belgium's establishment)), Juan Mendez, Lucien Ott (born and raised within the Foreign Legion in Algeria (colony of France); airborne commando veteran; served in French Indochina (colony of France); joined French Military Intelligence; founded the International Bodyguard Association (IBA) in 1957; bodyguard of de Gaulle during the height of the OAS crisis; died in 1980), Francis Dossogne (paid "advisor" to Baron de Bonvoisin; took his orders from Army Intelligence major Jean Bougerol, head of PIO and personally picked by Vanden Boeynants and Baron de Bonvoisin; another "private detective"; director of CIDEP, publisher of the fascist NEM magazine; good friend Jean Bultot, who is closely tied to the Gang of Nijvel; gave permission to Paul Latinus in '78-'79 to reorganize the Brussels department of Front de la Jeunesse; according to Martial Lekeu, Dossogne, Latinus and DEA agent Frank Eaton were leaders of Group G, a Nazi-inspired NATO-sanctioned parallel organization within the Gendarmerie), Jean-Francis Calmette (joined the terrorist OAS, which tried to assassinate de Gaulle and destabilize Algeria; director of Wackenhut Belgium until 1981 (since 1977 allowed in Belgium; does dirty black ops for CIA, DEA, etc.; had to leave Belgium in early 1980s after some of its guards were accused of luring immigrant children into basements and beating them up), and recruited Marcel Barbier (Wackenhut employee since before 1981; recruited as a guard at European Institute of Management (EIM) around 1981, the follow-up of the shady Belgium military-intelligence unit PIO, since 1981 headed by Douglas MacArthur II; co-founded Westland New Post (WNP) with Latinus in 1981, and became head of its security section (seen as Latinus' right-hand); when police searched Barbier's apartment for unrelated reasons, they found it filled with Nazi symbols and literature, weapons, papers that allowed him entrance to the barracks of the general staff of the Army in Evere, and a whole batch of secret NATO documents; his lawyer at that point became Vincent vanden Bossche, who represented other fascists and was a member of Cercle des Nations and Ordre du Rouvre, was named as someone involved in the cover-up of the Pinon child abuse affair; convicted in 1987 for a double WNP-organized murder, in which Barbier had slit the victim's throats) and Eric Lammers (his father Maurice was involved in the aborted WNP-organized escape of Bouhouche in 1988; member Westland New Post (WNP); nicknamed "the beast"; involved in a double murder with Barbier for which he got "life"; robbed and murdered other people; his lawyer at some point became Jean-Paul Dumont, accused by a number of witnesses of child abuse and child murder; arrested in December 2004 after his buddy had killed someone with ten knife stabs (was attacked by this person with a knife). Lammers was accused of hiding the body and during house searches inspectors found child pornography on the computers of both Lammers and his friend. Lammers was not convicted while his friend got 5 years); full-contact karate teacher and taught this sport to Group Diana of the Gendarmerie; all round security expert; secretly hired mercenaries for South-Africa and hired a farm to train them; together with Christian Amory associated with the mercenary firm Contact in Brussels; instructor at the secret fascist training camps of Front de la Jeunesse in the Ardennes, which were protected by NATO and overseen by DIA-NATO agent Paul Latinus, another fascist; member of Westland New Post (WNP), headed by Latinus; head of security of the annual ball of the PSC in 1980, headed by Paul Vanden Boeynants at the time; manager of the Brussels sports club BIBKA); Raymond Lippens (gangster), and Robert Darville (member of Les Atrebates, together with Michel Nihoul (accused of child torture and murder), Michel Vander Elst (accused of child torture and murder), Jean-Louis Delamotte (recognized by Nathalie W. as a person who intimidated her when she was testifying) and a number of police officials and magistrates; friend of Michel Nihoul, the person implicated in the Dutroux affair; regularly visited the company Logitel, just as Achille Haemers, Michel Nihoul and where Marc Dutroux and Michele Martin have also been seen. The witnesses told that some of the men there were talking about importing "young white and brown horses" from eastern Europe by plane, but after the Dutroux affair thought they had been talking about children. The witness, Rita Vetsuypens, found out she was married to a paedophile who was involved with these people; acted as a gunsmith and delivered explosives to the Haemers gang, which kidnapped Vanden Boeynants in 1989). Bouhouche is said to have visited the Mirano, where there was private area where children were sexually abused. Other visitors of the Mirano included Philippe Cryns (pimp of children; convicted drug dealer), Robert Beyer, Patrick Haemers, Charly De Pauw, Jean Bultot and Michel Nihoul. X2 also mentioned Baron de Bonvoisin, Oliver Castiaux, Paul Bourlee and Prince Laurent of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha (allegedly only masturbated at abuse parties). Le Mirano was part of the Cercle des Nations milieu, together with Le Circus and Parc Savoy. X2 said she had seen Bouhouche talk to Henri Bil, the confidant and private driver of Vanden Boeynants, at the Dolo, the group sex and child abuse club of Michel Nihoul. According to her, Bouhouche also sat at the table with some of her abusers.
Bouhouche was involved in at least one of two armed robberies in 1982 on transport vehicles loaded in total with 100 pounds of gold and a number of other precious items. One of the security guards/drivers was killed but never found. The transport vehicles were raided by several fake Gendarme officers. Bouhouche was convicted for one of these robberies in 1995; Jean-Francois Buslik in absentia. Although it has been "rumored" that Buslik is protected by US intelligence, he still was extradited to Belgium in 2000. However, originally convicted for life, Buslik was released within three weeks.
Bouhouche was suspected but never convicted for the murder on Juan Mendez (born in 1952; fascist gun-lover who owned dozens of rifles and pistols; arms merchant at Fabrique National (FJ) whose Peruvian predecessor fled Belgium after it was found out he worked for the CIA and was involved in the illegal arms and drug trade; involved with the fascist underground since the late 1970s, and was tested to be introduced to higher circles by Bouhouche; part of Bouhouche's group to some day conduct a terror-extortion campaign against warehouses; interrogated several weeks before his murder about his connection to Douglas Stowell, a rich American who apparently was working for or with the CIA in Iran-Contra; one MP5 stolen from the Diana Group was found at his home after he was killed) on January 7, 1986. At the time, Mendez had been investigating who was responsible for stealing his large private gun collection and had begun pointing to Bouhouche as the main suspect. Bouhouche had a meeting with Mendez on the morning of January 7, was found in the evening of January 7 visiting Mendez' widow (leading to his arrest and him hiring the notorious Jean-Paul Dumont as his lawyer), and provided a fake alibi. Furthermore, Mendez was killed with 9mm hollow point bullets, which were used by Bouhouche, and according to two different ballistic reports Bouhouche's gun had fired the bullets that were found in the head and chest of Mendez. However, the attorney of Bouhouche was able to come up with yet another (fraudulent) ballistic report that completely contradicted the earlier ones. It apparently didn't matter that this report was written by a person named Claude Dery. Dery, who knew Bouhouche quite well, was a former member of SRA8 (NATO's Belgian Stay-Behind network); a member of the Practical Shooting Association; PIO, the private military intelligence group of de Bonvoisin and Vanden Boeynants; and orders like the Confrerie des Hospitaliers de Notre-Dame d'Aulne (with Jean Bougerol) and Milice (militia) de Jesus Christ. Mendez, by the way, was an arms merchant who had become involved in Iran-Contra (he claimed against his wishes). Apparently, according to PV 21.467, Bouhouche, Beyer and Christian Amory (officer in the BOB; part of Bouhouche's group to some day conduct a terror-extortion campaign against warehouses; worked in the Walloon-Brabant cell that investigated the Gang of Nijvel; convicted in 2003, together with Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin and Pierre de Bonvoisin, for having forged KGB documents to prove a "vast left-wing conspiracy" against Benoit involving State Security) had been making plans to assassinate Dery for some unknown reason. Starting in 1979, Mendez had been involved with a plan of Bouhouche to extort a number of warehouses through terrorist bombings. Robert Beyer (BOB), Christian Amory (BOB officer crucial in getting security plans of the warehouses) and Rene Tchang Wei Ling (brother of an important BOB officer) were involved in this plan also. Jean Bultot has been named also. This plan never went through as Bouhouche was arrested in 1986 for the murder on Mendez. Confronted with testimonies of Christian Amory, Bouhouche admitted to his interrogators that recruiting Mendez had been an assignment given to him by the WNP leadership and that there was a political motive behind the planned attacks. Bouhouche (and possibly Bultot) recruiting Mendez was part of an admission test for this person (although they declined, both Mendez and Beyer were later invited to join a secret group).
Madani Bouhouche, Robert Beyer and their friend Jean Bultot were suspected of involvement with the Gang of Nijvel, which committed terrorist acts in 1982, 1983 and 1985, apparently in an effort to destabilize the Belgian state. No direct evidence against Bouhouche and Beyer exists. As for Bultot, when on November 9, 1985 a stolen burnt out Golf GTI, belonging to the Gang of Nijvel, was found on the side of the road, detectives found a charred piece of paper with handwriting of Bultot's girlfriend, Claudine Falkenburg. The piece of paper was a fragment of a February 1984 speech that Bultot had given in the shooting club Triton. At that time, Falkenburg worked at the ministry of Cecile Goor, a former member of the notorious CEPIC. The speech of Bultot was given during a shooting competition he had organized and was patroned by Cecile Goor and secretary of state Pierre Mainil (both formerly of CEPIC) and the Cultural Department of the US Embassy in Brussels. In that same month at the Triton, Bultot had given a demonstration to civil servants, law enforcement officers and intelligence agents about the use of kevlar in car doors. Coincidentally, traces of kevlar were found in the car doors of the burnt out Golf GTI. Other inconclusive evidence was found in the car that might have belonged to Falkenburg. During a house search inspectors found the telephone number of doctor Pinon, responsible for the covered-up Pinon affair, in Falkenburg's address book. There hasn't been any real follow up on these discoveries. In one attack the Gang of Nijvel used a tactic only seen in special police forces like SWAT or the Belgium's Special Intervention Squadron (Diana Group). The ammunition used by the Gang of Nijvel also was unique to the Diana Group.
Bouhouche was arrested in January 1986 on suspicions of having murdered Juan Mendez. A search in Bouhouche's house turned out he had a collection of Adolf Hitler pictures and a number of carnival masks (possibly used during Gang of Nijvel operations). Beyer was arrested in January 1988 and revealed some the dealings of himself and his colleagues Bouhouche, Christian Amory and Rene Tchang in their preparations of extorting a number of warehouses. Bouhouche was caught in 1988 for trying to break out of jail with help from some of his fascist friends from Front de la Jeunesse and WNP. Beyer, Amory and Tchang were released in August 1988, Bouhouche in November. Bouhouche and Beyer were arrested again in September 1989 for having shot on two (and killing one) Libyan diamond dealers in Antwerp (a failed attempt to enforce a payment to a third party). Convicted in 1995 for the murder on the Libyan diamond dealer. Released on parole in September 2000 after serving 11 years of his 20-year jail term, including the six years he spent in pre-trial remand detention. Moved with his girlfriend to the French Pyrenees, where they lived on a remote, simple farm near the city of Foix. Still in contact with his former extreme-right friends, including Alain Weykamp. In November 2005, Bouhouche was beheaded after a large clump of wood flew off a tree he was cutting with a chainsaw. The Belgian justice department found out about his death only "by coincidence" two months after the event had happened. Detectives were sent to search his house, but apparently nothing of interest was found.
Update, March 2010:
January 7, 2006, De Morgen, 'Hoe louche was het speurwerk van Bouhouche? Zijn dossiers gekraakt' (How shifty was the detective work of Bouhouche? His dossiers cracked'): "The databank turns out to be a small goldmine: it contains more than 825 files and thousands of names of clients, targets, employees, candidat-employees and other relationships of the two dangerous gangsters [Bouhouche and Beijer]. The databank of ARI gives a good picture of the network in which Bouhouche and Beijer operated at the time. ... Besides routine detective jobs for insurance companies, credit card firms and jealous housewives, ARI was also involved in a very professional manner with the gathering of political and criminal intelligence. ... Quite a number of clients were supplied by lawyers, in total almost one hundred, among them well known names as Jean-Paul Dumont [accused of child abuse]... The database irrefutably shows that the ARI maintained direct contact and carried out assignments for the American Embassy in Brussels and the Belgian branch of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). ... Viscount Etienne Davignon [referred at least one U.S. diplomat] ... An old acquaintance on the list of clients of ARI is the Saudi secret service agent Faez El Ajjaz [Claimed to be a journalist for the AFP; suspected to have been a Syrian in close contact with the Saudi royal family and several Middle Eastern terrorist groups; worked with Count Carl Armfelt, a CIA agent in close contact with Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron de Bonvoisin, in high tech military supplies to Israel, Libanon, Lybia, Iraq, the PLO, IRA, ETA, and underground militant groups in Belgium and Sweden; Armfelt, active in the WACL, had close ties to Scandinavia, the Netherlands [involved in planning the countercoup in Suriname against Bouterse, but all the CIA, DIA, NSC and Dutch-backed countercoup plotters were killed] and Belgium; one of Ajjaz's cars was used in a Gang of Nijvel attack; his contact at the WNP was Paul Latinus (DIA; NATO; PIO; CEPIC)], who gave himself out as a journalist. In the databank Bouhouche and Beijer link him to the Vernaillen affair (the attempted assassination on the gendarme major Herman Vernaillen), the WNP and the European Institute of Management. ... Intensive relations also existed between ARI and Baron Jean de Barsy, a notorious financier who later ended up in the criminal circuit. As a swindler and money launderer he turned out to work with figures linked to the Haemers Gang (the kidnappers of VdB) as Maurice Lammers, the father of WNP member Erik Lammers. ... Still other customers of ARI were recommended by former-gendarme colonel Rene Mayerus, director of the European Institute of Management, also a private intelligence service, with a seat directly across the American Embassy on the Brussels Kunstlaan. Chairman of EIM was the former American ambassador in Brussels, Douglas MacArthur II, the son of the famous general from the second world war. Owner of EIM was the late Michel Relecom, businessman with interests in Zaire, confidante of president Mobutu and chairman of the Belgian-African Chamber of Commerce. At the time, EIM had several contracts with the government of Zaire. In Belgium, thanks to Mayerus, one of the contracts the peculiar firm received was from the Department of Foreign Affairs for the security of diplomatic gatherings and high level conferences in several castle domains of the department, as the Egmont Palace. Later Mayerus brought Bouhouche and Beijer in contact with the American commercial intelligence bureau International Intelligence Inc. (Intertel). At the request of Intertel, we learn from the database, ARI for example investigated a firm which had offices on the the Brussels Meeusplein, coincidentally directly across the headquarters at the time of State Security."
b. 1929
Source(s): X2 (Present at sex parties in a castle near Eindhoven in the Netherlands, together with Jean-Paul Dumont, Baron de Bonvoisin and many others; present at smaller child abuse parties where girls were tortured by Baron de Bonvoisin et al in his residence at Faulx-Les-Tombes; went to Le Mirano where he was involved in child abuse parties where cocaine was distributed; went hunting with Baron de Bonvoisin and others during which underaged girls were raped and abused.)
Attorney and judge. Went to the Mirano, according to X2, where he was involved in child abuse parties with Baron de Bonvoisin, Oliver Castiaux and others.
Source(s): X1 (Bouty was present at child abuse parties with Nihoul, Joost Bert, Vander Elst, Leopold Lippens, etc., and present at the murder of Katrien De Cuyper. When X1 was asked about Nihoul, she told that in the early 1980s he took her to a certain apartment. She drew the apartment and later took the investigators to it. It was located in the Dupréstraat in Jette (Brussels suburb) and had belonged in the early 1980s to Annie Bouty. The drawing of the apartment's layout was accurate.)
Law expert who started out as a trainee of Jacques Marres, a counselor to Mobutu Sese Seko (the CIA and Belgian colonists-sanctioned dictator of Zaire/Congo). Because of this she had quite a number of higher level connections by the early 1970s and knew people in politics, the justice department, embassies, banking and soccer. First met Nihoul in 1971, but it would take several years before they would see each other again. Met Nihoul again in 1974 and they went to live together in 1975. In the late 1970s, Nihoul convinced Bouty to leave her mentor Jacques Marres and to set up her own attorney's office specialized in seeking asylum for refugees from Africa. Nihoul took care of public relations and brought in customers. Philippe Deleuze, a friend of Bouty from college, became a partner in the law firm of Bouty and Nihoul in 1980. Deleuze was married to Francoise Van Espen (acted as godmother of Nihoul's son), the sister of Jean-Claude Van Espen, the examining magistrate who played a crucial role in (covering up) the murder on Christine Van Hees and the Dutroux/Nihoul/X-witnesses investigations. Jean-Claude Van Espen himself acted as an occasional partner in the firm. Deleuze was a member of CEPIC and a board member of the Tentoonstellingspark (exposition park) foundation, of which Paul Vanden Boeynants was chairman. Vanden Boeynants and Deleuze were said to have been responsible for the appointment of Jean-Claude Van Espen to examining magistrate. Nihoul soon came into contact with Vanden Boeynants. Deleuze resigned after 10 months in 1980 after stating that Nihoul was giving too much business to Bouty and too little to him. His wife, Francoise, also complained that the company received too many complaints from clients who did not receive answers to their letters. Nihoul was responsible for that. Bouty had an apartment at the Rue Dupre in Jette (district in Brussels) from 1971 to 1981. X1 (Regina Louf) pointed out this address as a location where she had been abused by Nihoul and Bouty in the early 1980s, and accurately drew a layout of the apartment. PV 116.018, October 25, 1996 (4th interview with De Baets and Hupez): "X1 also specifies the presence of Bouty when she went through the rapes of Nihoul in Jette, rue Dupre 51. Bouty actively took part in the feasts and liked to hurt the children (put certain objects in the orifices of children... knives, screwdrivers... which wounded the children). Bouty had the role of executioner." Bouty was also seen at other abuse/torture parties by X1. Bouty and Nihoul separated in 1982, but remained close over the years. In April 1984, a close family member of a prominent judge died in Le Mirano from an overdose of drugs, resulting in an investigation which not only uncovered evidence of drug dealing, but also of a clandestine paedophile ring there headed by Philippe Cryns (co-founded Parc Savoy in 1985 with individuals like Charly De Pauw and Ado Blaton. Member of Cercle des Nations, together with such figures as Paul Vanden Boeynants, Baron de Bonvoisin and Cercle founder Jean Violet). The prosecution and the judge decided to focus only on evidence dealing with drug dealing for which Cryns was sentenced to three years in jail in 1986. His partner Alexis Alewaeters, represented by Didier de Quevy (the lawyer of Dutroux in 1989) at the instigation of Bouty, received 5 years. Both Alewaeters, a close associate of Nihoul and Bouty, and Cryns were named as the main organizers of paedophile parties at Le Mirano and private villas. Witness VM1, a child prostitute employed by Cryns, explained on February 16-17, 1997: "I had to pick up children and get them drunk or give them drugs, then take 'em to the private area [of the Mirano], where they were abused." About tapes that had been confiscated on which allegedly Cryns' clients could be seen having sex with the children, judge Claire De Gryse said she didn't watch them, "because everyone assured me that nothing was on there that would even shock a capuchin." VM1 also told that he witnessed children being murdered and how newly-initiated who worked against the program ended up in car accidents. From mid to the late 1980s, Nihoul worked with Bouty and her law firm Cadreco (seemingly a rename of their earlier law firm), which was specialized in representing refugees from Africa (especially Nigeria, with whose government Bouty had close relations) in Belgium. On October 6, 1986, Lt.-Col. Guido Torrez, head of the Neufchateau district of the gendarmerie, personally called the gendarmerie in Schaarbeek to tell a gendarme officer to leave his suspect, a Portuguese named Juan Borges, alone. Why Torrez made this highly unusual move came out three years later when the company of Annie Bouty, Cadreco, went bankrupt and all the company's financial records were sieged. It turned out that Bouty's friend Michel Nihoul had been the one who personally called up and convinced Col. Torrez to leave Borges alone. Borges was a business partner of Nihoul in the underworld, and was involved in the illegal trade of gold, drugs, fake dollars, art and apparently also humans. He had high level connections to the Italian mafia and fascist members of the Jonathan Club like Frederic Godfroi (inspector of the BOB in Brussels who became a gang leader; friend of Jean Bultot and acquainted with Nihoul). In 1985-1986, Borges owned the firm Candy Medical, which was a front for illegal weapons trafficking. This firm was located in a building owned by the Security Bureau of the European Union/Commission, headed by fascist Pierre Eveillard, whose brother was a police commissioner who protected the Dolo. Brigitte Jenart, Borges' girlfriend since 1983 who only found out about the criminal circuit he was involved with after a while, in 1996 claimed that it took only one call from Bouty at the time for the gendarmerie to leave Borges alone. Jenart also claimed that Bouty had it checked once in a while if Borges had not appeared on an internal watchlist of the gendarmerie. Jenart committed suicide in April 1998. Bouty admitted in 1989 that she had told Nihoul to call Torrez. Nihoul founded J.M. Nihoul et Associes in 1987, together with his son. Bouty had an advisory role during the founding of the partnership. X69, a transvestite specialized in SM and scatology, testified that in 1993 or 1994 he was asked by a pimp, Micha, from Berendrecht, if he wanted to make 50,000 franks in one night. X69 was interested and was pointed towards an old house in Berendrecht. While walking towards the house he noticed a large American car and "a gray Mercedes with a license plate of the Consular Corps" (1999, The X-Files, p. 331). X69 found 4 men and 3 women inside, including Michel Nihoul and Annie Bouty. Three girls and a boy were also present, which he estimated between 8 and 13 years old and probably from the Netherlands or Germany. Nihoul had sex with several children while Bouty made them watch her while having sex with a guy of about 30 years old. X69 didn't touch the children and was very uncomfortable that night. He had pee sex with a guy in his fifties. Investigators were only able to find the house after a while, because it had been demolished in the mean time. Michel Lelievre, the future partner of Dutroux in kidnapping young girls, met Casper Flier, the former business partner of Annie Bouty, in jail in late 1993. Flier had been convicted for international cocaine trafficking while Lelievre had been locked up for trafficking XTC pills. After his release, Lelievre went to work at a gas station owned by Flier. In March 1995, Lelievre stayed a couple of days at the place of Annie Bouty, and it was here that Lelievre allegedly first met Nihoul. Lelievre and Nihoul became partners-in-crime in trafficking stolen cars and drugs, with Nihoul telling Lelievre what to do. Lelievre at some point introduced Dutroux to Nihoul, but exactly when, and if Dutroux and Nihoul had never met before, is not known (like X1 claimed; they also moved in the same milieu). Dutroux and Lelievre were arrested on August 13, 1996 on suspicions of having kidnapped Laetitia. Nihoul was arrested on August 16, and although released, he was heavily implicated in the kidnappings. Bouty was arrested on September 5, but after a few interrogations released on October 20. Interestingly, after Bouty had been arrested, magistrate Benoit Dejemeppe (accused of trade in drugs and children by one person) contacted the controversial police commissioner Georges Marnette (accused of child abuse and spreading disinformation) and informed about the case against Bouty. Dejemeppe questioned if there was enough evidence for her arrest and proposed to transfer her dossier out of the pedophilia dossier and into the car fraud dossier. This intervention of an outside judge was so unusual that investigators at Neufchateau wrote a report about it. Dejemeppe initially denied having made such an inquiry, but was later forced to admit it. In the days after the arrest of Nihoul and Bouty, examining magistrate Jean-Marc Connerotte asked the gendarmerie if they had any files on Bouty and Nihoul. The gendarmerie lied and told Connerotte they had nothing on them. Bouty has never been investigated since her release on October 20, 1996.
b. 1953
Source(s): X2 (Pimp of X2 in the mid-1980s; tortured girls along side Baron de Bonvoisin and others, but seemingly not X2)
Bailiff of the Justice Department. Reporter and spokesperson of the judicial district of Nivelles. Bailiff of the Human Resources Management night 2006. Director general Heureux Abri. Member of the Rotary Club. According to X2, her pimp Oliver Castiaux knew Jacques van Camp, the owner of the Trois Canards inn who was murdered by the Gang of Nijvel, well. Alleged child abusers as Paul Vanden Boeynants, General Fernand Beaurir, and Jean-Paul Dumont frequently came here.
Source(s): X1 (forced to kill a girl on a domain owned by the de Caters family in the presence of Tony and Nihoul; their neighbor was-is Axel Vervoordt, who has been accused of pedophilia by Count Yann)
A description of Castle Kattenhof in 's Gravenwezel was given by X1 and later identified by the investigators. According to X1, children were tortured and killed in the gatekeeper's apartment on this castle's domain. Among them was Katrien de Cuyper, who she was forced to kill in the presence of individuals as Nihoul, Bouty, Leopold Lippens and Michel Vander Elst. The de Caters family owned property in streets in Knokke in which X1 had already pointed out some apartments where she was abused. The castle was jointly owned by brothers Baron Philippe (b. 1939) and Alain (b. 1932), and the son of Alain, Patrick (b. 1963).
Patrick is a member of Cercle de Wallonië, together with Etienne Davignon, Prince Philippe de Chimay, Comte Jean-Pierre de Launoit (vice-Président Cercle de Lorraine), Elio Di Rupo, and Aldo Vastapane (all of them accused of child abuse at some point). Patrick is also the manager of construction company Bageci, the Wallonian branch of Groupe CBE, which is headed by a person who is-was a director of Suez and the ING banking group (companies with people on their board that have been accused of child abuse).
b. 1938
Source(s): X3 (PV 151.829, June 6, 1997: "She thinks to have recognized Willy Claes [file says born in 1938] and Dr. Vanden Eynde". This was at extreme torture parties in the 1950s until at the latest 1962)
City council member of Hasselt 1964-1968. Member of Parliament since 1968. Spokesman for the Belgian Socialist Party beginning in 1971. Appointed by prime minister as an official in the Department of Education in the early 1970s. Became minister of economic affairs in 1973. Minister of economic affairs in the government of Leo Tindemans 1977-1978 (Paul Vanden Boeynants was Defense Minister). Minister of economic affairs in the government of Paul Vanden Boeynants 1978-1979. Vice prime minister and minister of economic affairs in several governments of Wilfried Martens 1979-1981 (Paul Vanden Boeynants was vice prime minister and defense minister until October 1979; Guy Mathot minister of public works and later of education). Vice prime minister and minister of economic affairs in the government of Mark Eyskens April-December 1981. Vice prime minister and minister of economic affairs 1988-1992 (Melchior Wathelet was justice minister and another vice prime minister). Deputy prime minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs . Chairman of the Party of European Socialists in July 1992. Visited Bilderberg in June 1994, before he became secretary general of NATO. Secretary general of NATO 1994-1995. Went to Bilderberg in 1995. Had to withdraw from his NATO position during the Agusta Affair, in which the socialist party was accused of having accepted large bribes from Agusta (not to mention Dassault) in 1988 and 1989. In turn leading Socialist politicians made sure the Belgian government bought their helicopters. This affair is said to have killed Andre Cools in 1991, supposedly after this person threatened to expose the whole deal after not having received his cut. Claes was sentenced to three years probation and was not allowed to practice politics anymore until 2003. Being 65 by that time he did not return to politics. Guy Mathot, who was accused in the Pinon child abuse affair, was another defendant in the Agusta Affair and was rumored to have largely been responsible for the death of Andre Cools. Went to Bilderberg in 2003. Member of the Grand Orient Freemasonry lodge Tijl Uilenspiegel. Used to be married to Suzanne Meynen, a former nurse and midwife, now active in several associations providing psycho-social and medical assistance. Announced to divorce his wife in December 2005 after 42 years of marriage. December 23, 1998, BBC, 'World: Europe Ex-Nato chief guilty of corruption': "The former Secretary General of Nato, Willy Claes has been given a three-year suspended jail sentence after being found guilty of corruption by Belgium's highest court. Mr Claes was one of 12 defendants standing trial over allegations that two defence firms paid millions of dollars in bribes during the 1980s to secure Belgian Government contracts. He was the Belgian economics minister at the time and signed the contracts with the Italian helicopter manufacturer, Agusta, and Dassault Electronique, a French aviation firm. The verdict means that Mr Claes knew such payments were being made and that they were made before the contract for the helicopters was awarded. He had denied knowing that his Socialist Party received any payments from the companies. The prosecution has had to show that the payments were bribes for the contracts and not simply gifts to the party - that was deemed legal if morally dubious until 1989. Several other former Belgian ministers and a French industrialist were also on trial. The former defence minister Guy Coeme, 52, was given a two-year suspended sentence. Former premier Guy Spitaels, 67, and Serge Dassault, 75, head of France's Dassault aviation concern, were also convicted of corruption. No sentences have been announced yet. The Agusta affair, as it became known, arose out of an investigation into the murder of another senior socialist, Andre Cools. He was shot dead in 1991 after hinting that he would expose his party's corrupt activities."
Added in 2008:
1) following is a rather vague story of Willy Claes being involved in a "lodge", which included among its members people tied to the Haemers Gang.
Haemers Gang gendarmerie file (as published on PEHI website), pp. 8, 9, 27: "For over 8 years A.H. [an informant] was actively part of the "Lodge"... Eric H. [Haemers] also became a member of the lodge in that period... A.H. was contacted this weekend by a certain LAMBIOTTE Robert.../... [sic] Here it is about one of the leaders of the lodge and he asked A.H. to keep quiet about all the things he knew. Otherwise it would cause an explosion... At some of the meetings at which A.H. was present, [Jean] GOL, [Willy] LECLERQ, [Willy] CLAES etc. were also present... E.H. would also belong to "the Lodge". He was introduced in 1983 by Roland Wilmart. He would have participated in several of the meetings. E.H. was surprised over the power and "protection" which goes out from this lodge. He is a friend of a certain lawyer, "Jakian:" (phonetic), who would be staff holder of the lawyers. JAKIAN is a leading figure within the lodge." Jean Gol was a partouser at Les Atrebates in the early 1980s, alongside Jean-Michel Nihoul and several police officers, businessmen and lawyers with close ties to child abuse.
2) Willy Claes and his friends also appeared in the 1994 ATLAS Dossier. November 21, 1994, Liege Gendarmerie, ATLAS Dossier, confidential report on Felix Przedborski's mafia-intelligence-business-banking "nebula": "PRZEDBORSKI would be the Grand Master of the Jewish Lodge [131] and would be very influential in global politics, this either via friendship or corruption. He would be in direct contact with the following persons:
a) André COOLS
- assassinated Belgian minister
- PRZEDBORSKI would have had privileged contact with him, considering the above mentioned friendship with his Father
- It is specified that they met rather often, and sometimes secluded themselves to discuss in private, particularly in ANTIBES [132 ]/ FRANCE (see hereafter)
b) Willy DECLERK [133]
- former Belgian minister
- would currently be with the EEC (parliamentary)
- It is said that he would take orders from PRZEDBORSKI
c) Willy CLAES [134]
- former Belgian minister of Foreign Affairs (last function)
- at the moment, Secretary-General of NATO in Brussels.
d) Alfred CAHEN
- Belgian ambassador to France
- It is known that his wife would be Mrs. Nicole de BEAUVAY, old First lady of Honor of Queen FABIOLA. She would have left the Court when her husband took his functions in Paris.
- Would be Master of the Lodge (??)
- Would have been a friend of the late King Baudouin
- Would be a friend of Belgian minister Willy Claes
- Former Secretary-General of the Department of Foreign Affairs (under Mr. Simonet).
- It would be at the time of these functions, in ’86, when he would have signed a diplomatic passport which would have been given to PRZEDBORSKI…
e) Francois MITTERAND [135]
- French president
f) Pierre BERIGOVOY [136]
- former French prime minister
- would have committed suicide last year
g) Jacques DELORS
- president of the European Commission
- former French Minister of Finance
- named as a possible presidential candidate in France
- would have worked for Banque de France"
Source(s): VM1 (worked 4 years for Cryns in 1970s and-or early 1980s as a child prostitute who had to bring in other children)
Added in 2008: Declaration of witness [witness wants to remain anonymous] to the Belgian Judiciary, October 24, 199x, (copy for Neufchateau cell): "The witness points out several people implicated in various affairs. She informs us that she already shared what she knew with the PJ [Judicial Police] of NAMUR [Namen].. She says to us that she received threats on behalf of examining magistrate MAROTTE of the NAMUR District Attorney's office. She seems to know an enormous amount of things, but doesn't want the NAMUR District Attorney's office to handle the information. The PJ [Judicial Police] warned her over what she said. A gendarme of the BSR [Special Investigations Unit of the Gendarmerie] of NAMUR, Daniel PETIT, would have liked to help her but he feared for his family and his job. She gives us a series of names: Philippe CRYNS, +/- 50 years old, known to the justice department, went to prison on drug charges in 85-86 which was related to the history of the MIRANO. There also were held "pink ballets" but he didn't worry because he had a video cassette [of these events] on which one could see politicians. The lawyer of CRYNS obtained an "arrangement."... Lucien DELFOSSE, notary in Eghezée, who is protected by the District Attorney's office in NAMUR... His mistress "Marcelle", who works in a government office, arranges special evening parties. He would have abused his own children. His wife is well-informed of all this and is very unhappy. Andre NEESEN, friend of a deceased friend, is at the moment in prison in HUY (?? [sic]). He would be well-informed of many things: on MAROTTE and the sex party organization in collaboration with JASPAR Francine."
Director of Laboratoire Dr Renaud, a cosmetics company. Co-founded Parc Savoy in 1985 with individuals like Charly De Pauw and Ado Blaton. Member of Cercle des Nations, together with such figures as Paul Vanden Boeynants, Baron de Bonvoisin and Cercle founder Jean Violet. Prominent member of Le Mirano in Brussels, which was part of the Cercle des Nations milieu, together with Le Circus and Parc Savoy. Other frequent members of Le Mirano were Madani Bouhouche, Robert Beyer, Patrick Haemers, Charly De Pauw, Jean Bultot and Michel Nihoul. X2 also mentioned Baron de Bonvoisin and a member of the royal family. In April 1984 a close family member of a prominent judge died in the Mirano from an overdose of drugs, resulting in an investigation which not only uncovered evidence of drug dealing, but also of a clandestine pedophile ring headed by Cryns. The prosecution and the judge decided to focus only on evidence dealing with drug dealing for which Cryns was sentenced to three years in jail in 1986. His partner Alexis Alewaeters received 5 years. Both Alewaeters, a close associate of Nihoul and Bouty, and Cryns were named as the main organizers of pedophile parties at Le Mirano and personal villas. Witness VM1, a child prostitute employed by Cryns, explained on February 16-17, 1997: "I had to pick up children and get them drunk or give them drugs, then take 'em to the private area [of the Mirano], where they were abused." About tapes that had been confiscated on which allegedly Cryns' clients could be seen having sex with the children, judge Claire De Gryse said she didn't watch them, "because everyone assured me that nothing was on there that would shock even a capuchin." VM1 also told that he witnessed children being murdered and how newly-initiated who worked against the program ended up in car accidents. Interestingly enough, Nihoul stated in 2001 to Der Spiegel that he had a picture of then Prince Albert having sex with a 16 year old at the Mirano. This picture was shot in the early 1980s.
b. 1932
Source(s): X2 (Present at parties with underage girls in villas in Knokke, including the one of his good friend Leopold Lippens, and Hotel Cromwell; The following text could well be a reference to Davignon, as he seems to be the only European Commissioner accused in the X-Files: December 29, 1996, Sunday Times: "In a separate twist, a Belgian newspaper claimed yesterday that a former European commissioner was among a group of judges, senior politicians, lawyers and policemen who attended orgies held in a Belgian chateau and organized by Michel Nihoul, one of Dutroux's alleged accomplices. La Derniere Heure, which claimed to have a guest list, did not name the commissioner but said he "came with a girl, Josette, nicknamed Jojo, the Bomb".")
Great great grandson of one of the revolutionaries which succeeded in separating Belgium from Holland in 1830 and to make it a Catholic state again. Grandson of Julien Davignon, an influential Belgian minister of Foreign Affairs. Etienne Davignon was born in Hungary in 1932. His family has intermarried with some of the more powerful Belgian blue blood families like the Janssens, Boëls, and Solvays. Studied law at Facultés Saint-Louis in Brussels and the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Completed his education with studies in Philosophy and Economy. Scholar of the Benedictine monks of Maredsous (at SG, he found out that three others were Benedictines: Maurice Lippens, Claude de Villenfagne van AnHyp, and Guy Ullens de Schooten). In 1959, Davignon joined the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as attache for the department of African Affairs. Became head of the cabinet of Paul-Henri Spaak in 1964 (as a follow up of Baron Robert Rothschild, and, together with Etienne Davignon, a governor of the Atlantic Institute in 1987), a position he held in 1965 when Pierre Harmel became prime-minister. During his career at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he was directly involved with Belgium's policies in Africa, the independence of Rwanda and Burundi and the solution to the Belgium and Zaire conflict. He was also a key figure behind the report on the future of the Atlantic Alliance (Harmel report) and he presided over the committee which prepared the first proposals regarding political cooperation between EEC members (Davignon Report, 1974-1975). Following the oil crisis in 1973, Davignon chaired the international conference that established an oil-sharing treaty. First president of the International Energy Agency 1974-1977. Worked as vice-president for the European Commission from 1977 to 1985, where he was in charge of industry, research and energy. He was active in the restructuring of European industry (steel, textiles, synthetic fibres) and in promoting new research cooperative ventures in information technology and telecommunications. In 1982, as Industry Commissioner, Davignon challenged Pehr Gyllenhammar (Volvo, Chase Manhattan, Kissinger Associates, Aspen Institute; later on managing director of Lazard, vice chairman of Rothschild Europe, and chairman of Rothschild Pension Funds) to organize a group of top European businessmen to lobby the European Commission. The Gyllenhammar group was to become the highly influential European Round Table of Industrialists or ERT, drawing up policy for Europe. Together with his Solvay business partner, Baron Daniel Janssen, Davignon was a long time member of the ERT. At the ERT Etienne chaired the working group on Trade and Investment. In 1985, he left the European Commission and joined Société Générale de Belgique. After the French Suez Group took over SGB in 1988, Etienne Davignon became its chairman and remained that until 2001. In March 1988 Gerald Bull, the famous gun builder, received a contract from the Iraqis to build 3 superguns, one of them a smaller prototype. The 2 full-size superguns were 150 meters / 450 feet long with a bore of one meter / three feet and, if finished, would have been capable of placing a 2000 kg / 4500 lb rocket propelled projectile into orbit (its purpose). Project Babylon, as it was called, was said to be financed by Société Générale. Bull had earlier built hundreds of revolutionary artillery pieces for the Iraqis and had upgraded their Scud missiles. He was assassinated in Brussels on March 22, 1990. It has been claimed that the former Belgian deputy prime minister Andre Cools, who was assassinated on July 18, 1991, was almost done investigating the Bull murder and wanted to lay bare an international criminal syndicate. Among the persons that supposedly were about to be indicted were Dick Cheney, Neil Bush, Frank Carlucci, Donald Rumsfeld, Jonathan Aitken (head of Le Cercle; member Privy Council), Count Hervé de Carmoy, and the Barbours, Racicots, and Bronfmans. At the time these people were assassinated, a scandal surfaced in Italy and the United States: $4 billion of unauthorized loans to Iraq were exposed, made by the Atlanta branch of the Italian Banca Nazionale del Lavoro. BNL had attracted the secretive Kissinger Associates as a business advisor, a firm Davignon, at some point, became a director of (identified as a director in April 2002, CSR Europe Magazine). Henry Kissinger, a close friend of Davignon, also sat on the advisory board of BNL. Davignon joined the board of Minorco in 1990 and retired from it in 2002, 3 years after this company had merged with Anglo-American Corporation (AGM). At that moment he stepped down to vice-chairman. Co-founder of the Association for the Monetary Union of Europe and president from 1991 to 2002. In 2002, after it had fulfilled its purpose of establishing the European Monetary Union (EMU), the group was dissolved just as quietly as it had been erected. Davignon is chairman of the Paul-Henri Spaak Foundation, chairman of the Royal Institute for International Relations (Belgian version of RIIA), and chairman of CSR Europe (European business network). Etienne Davignon is a founder of the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation and was chairman of the EU-Japan Business Dialogue 1995-2005. The follow-up of Davignon, Baron Georges Jacobs, at the time, was chairman of UCB SA (owned by the Janssens) and Delhaize SA. Davignon is a president of Friends of Europe and a director of The European Institute (since about 1995). Honorary chairman of Bilderberg since 1999, after Lord Carrington resigned. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Etienne Davignon sits on the Board of Advisors of 'Dialogues: Islamic World - U.S. - The West', together with Frank Wisner (Le Cercle) and Prince El Hassan bin Talal (head Club of Rome). The Dialogues, which are located in New York, are sponsored by the Carnegie Corporation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Etienne Davignon is chairman of the Board of the Institut Catholique des Hautes Etudes Commerciales in Brussels. He is a vice-chairman of Suez-Tractebel and Société Générale de Belgique (owned by Suez). He is a director of the Suez Group, which owns both companies. Davignon holds 10,000 shares in the Suez Group, while all other directors, including its chairman, own between 2,000 (almost all) and 5,500 shares (only one). The Suez Group itself is ultimately owned by the Belgian Frère (controls the Charleroi Group, a name probably not so popular anymore these days) and the Canadian Desmarais (Privy Council) families. In 2002, Tractebel was accused of business dealings with the billionaire (mafia) oligarchs in Kazakhstan, and their ally, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Among these Oligarchs were Patokh Chodiev and Alijan Ibragimov, both closely connected to their London business partners. Davignon is a vice-chairman of Fortis (Dutch-Belgian governed banking group). Appointed chairman of Fortis' newly-established International Advisory Council in 2001, together with Baron Paul Janssen (dr. and chair of Janssen Pharmaceutica; member Vatican Scientific Acadamy) and Guy de Selliers de Moranville (Solvay director). Maurice Lippens would attended the meetings of the IAC. Davignon was president of Union Miniere Belgique and vice-president of Petrofina, Arbed, Salem, Sidmar, Foamex, Gilead (USA), and Pechiney. Davignon was, or is, a member of the Board of the Générale de Banque, Maritime Belge, Compagnie des Wagons-Lits, Recticel, Sibeka, SN Airholding, Palais des Beaux-Arts (Belgium), Accor SA, Sofina (owned by the Boël family and chaired by Yves Boël), BASF, ICL, Solvay SA, Kissinger Associates (he's a friend of Henry and they have attended soccer/football matches together), and several SGB group companies. Etienne Davignon is a member of Belgium's most exclusive private club, Cercle de Lorraine - Club of Lotharingen. He is also a member of Cercle Gaulois, another elite Belgian club, and the Royal Sporting Club of Anderlecht. Listed as a governor of the Ditchley Foundation in 2000. Used to be a director of the Royal Club of Historic Cities and Gardens in Belgium (Koninklijke Vereniging der Historische Woonsteden en Tuinen van België), together with Baron Albert Frère, the Marquess de Trazegnies, Prince Alexander de Merode (former chair), Prince Lorenz (honorary chair), Count Ghislain d'Ursel and Count Emmanuel de Lichtervelde. Together with the Marquess de Trazegnies and the mayor of Venice, the Davignon is a patron of Veneziaviva, a foundation which is focused on preserving, restoring and enhancing the value of Venice's heritage. In 1999, Davignon was a main founder of Friends of Europe, a private lobbying organization for the European Union. Baron Daniel Janssen helped him to establish it and the institute's headquarters are located in the historic Bibliothèque Solvay, right outside the European Parliament in Brussels. Together with his business partner Count Maurice Lippens, Viscount Etienne Davignon was involved in setting up SN Brussels Airlines, the follow up of Sabena, which went bankrupt in 2001. Davignon also played a role in the Lernout & Hauspie scandal, which centered around a company that made by far the best voice recognition / language translation software on the market (although it wasn't perfect). According to one of the founders of the company, Jo Lernout, it went wrong in 1999/2000 when L&H started to buy up US companies who were working for the CIA and the Pentagon, especially because the L&H software worked almost the same as the NSA's Echelon spy system. The Wall Street Journal accused L&H of fraudulent book keeping in August 2000 and the 2 founders, Jo Lernout and Pol Hauspie, were arrested in April 2001. According to Business Wire, Davignon became a director of Lernout & Hauspie in May 2001. Within 3 weeks, in early June, he already resigned because Fortis, the bank he is a vice-chairman of, is the largest creditor of L&H. Jo Lernout and Pol Hauspie were released in early July of 2001 and L&H went broke in October 2001, its technology sold to the US for a fraction of its actual worth. Jo Lernout later claims that board members must have been pressured by the US intelligence agencies to destroy the company, because of all the incomprehensible mistakes they made. In 2003, the European Policy Centre, in cooperation with Notre Europe, released the papers 'Towards a Constitution for European Citizens', 'Building a Larger Europe', and 'Beyond Enlargement'. These papers were first discussed in closed debate at Société Générale de Belgique with Etienne Davignon and Jacques Delors (modern day successor to Jean Monnet; chair Notre Europe since 1996) chairing the first meeting, while both were key speakers at the second. Davignon works with Delors at PlaNet Finance, an institution which also counts the involvement of Pehr Gyllenhammar (Chase; Lazard; Rothschild), Michel David-Weill (owns Lazard), Felix Rohatyn (Lazard), Hervé de Carmoy (Almatis), Shimon Peres (Israeli prime minister; Gorbachev's Green Cross), and Michel Rocard (French prime minister; Bohemian Grove camp Mandalay). Delors, Davignon, Rocard, and members of the Green Cross, together with Gerald Mestrallet (Suez board with Davignon), sit on the membership board of Forum for a Responsible Globalization. Delors and Davignon also know each other from their involvement with The European Insitute; Delors was the main founder while Davignon has been a board member. Davignon was named 'European of the Year' in 2003 by European Voice, an Economist Group publication focusing on European affairs. In 2004, Davignon was one the witnesses of the declaration of birth of the Belgian princess Louise.
Source(s): Added in 2008: Declaration of an anonymous witness to the Belgian Judiciary, October 12, 199x, (copy for Neufchateau cell): "Event: Witness her husband, who has passed away, received an invitation for a party at a castle in the neighborhood of ATH. Former minister DESCHAMPS [sic] and Baron de BONVOISIN were present there. At a certain point children of approximately 10 years of age were brought in. These were then abused by the guests present. The husband of the witness didn’t know this would happen and left the place because he didn’t want to participate in it … Date of the event: About 4 years ago."
Born in ATH, a Belgian municipality located in the Walloon province of Hainaut, in the West of the country. Mayor of Aubechies and Beloeil, and senator for the liberal Party for Freedom and Progression (PLP) 1961-1985. Chairman of the PVV-PLP in 1969-1972. Held a top position (national chairman) when the PRL was founded in the late 1970s, along with Jean Gol (visitor of Les Atrebates and the Dolo with ties to alleged Gang of Nijvel members and Nihoul; Jean Militis, who was implicated in the 1970s (failed) right wing coup was a MP for the PRL). Named to the honorary position of Minister of State in 1973. Haemers Gang gendarmerie file (as published on PEHI website), p. 23: "In the past Patrick [Haemers] used to be a good friend of a prominent PRL politician (secretary of state at the moment). It might have been this person who, after the arrest of Patrick, intervened at the Belgian embassy or the consulate in Brazil. It would have been about a certain DESCAMPS or DESCHAMPS."
Source(s): BR.37.27.872/94: "Dechef kept busy by following youngsters. Dechef tortured. He has to give him fellatio until ejaculation in the cellar of his building (Martini tower)... Delvaille was tied up and beaten. He has been sodomized with a metal ruler. Marie-Jeanne (redhead) was also a victim. Once another man participated."
Description of Dechef in BR.37.27.872/94: "Gamekeeper or woodsman of Chateau Genval [a hotel] or La Hulpe [Chateau de La Hulpe is owned by the Solvay family, including 227 hectares or 560 acres of woodland]." The only Rene Dechef (Augustin "Rene" Dechef) that can easily be found, coincidentally is a secretary of Front Democratique des Francophones (Democratic Front for the French-speaking people) in the town of La Hulpe.
Source(s): X2 (her unnamed husband was part of the abuse circle of Oliver Castiaux, Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Bourlee)
Quality and innovation manager at Solvay.
b. 1951
Source(s): X2 (present at parties where underage girls are abused)
Attorney and judge. Husband of the regionally well known notary Guy Nasseaux.
b. 1947
Source(s): X2 (Present at sex parties in a castle near Eindhoven in the Netherlands, together with Jean-Paul Dumont, Baron de Bonvoisin and many others; present at parties with underage girls in villas in Knokke and in Hotel Cromwell, together with Etienne Davignon and Leopold Lippens)
Judge in Brussels. Councillor at the Cour d'Appel de Bruxelles (Court of Appeals in Brussels), according to Dutroux X-Files. Identified as a press spokesman of the Brussels Court of Appeals in 2001-2002. Identified as a member of the Scientific Board of the International Institute for the Judicial Power in 2003. Comite member of L'Union Internationale des Magistrats, together with the head of the Scientific Board of the International Institute for the Judicial Power. Chambers chairman of the Court of Appeals in Brussels. Member of the High Court of Belgium, together with Jean-Claude Van Espen.
Source(s): X2 (Present at sex parties in a castle near Eindhoven in the Netherlands, together with Jean-Paul Dumont, Baron de Bonvoisin and many others; had sex with X2)
Police inspector in Nivelles since 1986, according to Dutroux dossier. December 12, 1996, PV 118.380, 'Interview with X2; Oliver Castiaux': "In 1987: diner with X2, Castiaux, Bayens and de la Chevelarie (two judges). Bayens tells that during a meal of Opus Dei at Castle Dongelberg the children gave blowjobs to the guests from under the table. The castle has been put under surveillance by Patrick Denis (police inspector Nivelles) who is in the possession of the members list."
Source(s): 1979 Pinon Affair (present at parties where underage girls were abused, together with later King Albert II); X3 (participated in extreme torture parties in 1950s and 1960s with Vanden Boeynants and royals)
Close friend and business partner of Paul Vanden Boeynants. Vanden Boeynants had given him the contract to build the World Trade Center complex in Brussels, which started De Pauw's career as an international real estate baron. Together with Ado Blaton he built Parc Savoy where Cercle des Nations was located and people like Michel Nihoul came to party. Member of Cercle des Nations, which was founded in 1969. Together with Ado Blaton he was an investor in Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin's Promotion & Distribution Générales (PDG) NV, which was literally connected with the CEPIC headquarters through a corridor. In return for their investments PDG created fake invoices for De Pauw, Blaton, and others. PDG, together with King Albert II (then Prince), Fortunato Israel (ran a prostitution ring), Vanden Boeynants and Roger Boas (ran an arms company), was involved in the Eurosystem Hospitalier deal in Saudi-Arabia, which blew up in 1979 due the hundreds of millions of dollars used for briberies and commissions. Business partner of Patrick and Alain Vastapane, sons of Aldo Vastapane, another person whose career was supported by Vanden Boeynants.
Source(s): Maud Sarr (October 14, 1997, regular session of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives: "The latter [Maud Sarr] testified that there existed video recordings [of pedophilia during orgies], which were in the possession of the lawyer Guy Francois. [Congressman/senator Hugo] Coveliers stated: "This claim has never been investigated." In an interview with VTM Maud Sarr gave the names of Paul Vanden Boeynants and attorney-general Jaspar [prosecuted the CCC bombers].... According to Gijsels, the names of prosecutor of the king Jean Depretre and gendarme commandant Léon François were also mentioned."); X2 (PV 118.380, December 12, 1996: "PR [prosecutor] Depretre was in love with X2"; PV 118.379, December 12, 1996: "Depretre sent love letters to X2. He would give these letters to Castiaux [X2's pimp]")
Prosecutor of the king in Nivelles/Nijvel. On February 19, 1979, after having been under investigation for a year, the home of Lydia Montaricourt was searched. She was a prostitute who at the same time headed a Belgian prostitution network that she had taken over from Fortunato Israel, who was in exactly the same business, only on a more international scale. When Montaricourt took over Israel's prostitution business in Belgium in 1977, Israel burnt her address book in which the names of her clients were listed. However, Montaricourt had already copied the names in the book, and these names were found by the BOB in February 1979. As a result of this discovery, Fortunato Israel's home was also searched on February 26, 1979, and was taken in for an interrogation. 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot', p. 18 (Israel testimony): "Finally, I would like to confirm that I have been a prostitute. I also confirm that I contacted girls for important customers, but I was not paid by these girls, not even because I had found them. Eurosystem Hospitalier did pay me for my personal performance as a prostitute, and for my public relations role which consisted of, as I already said, to find girls who agreed to keep the prince [Albert] and his consorts company abroad. I recognize that these girls were prostitutes for the relations [business partners] of Eurosystem... So it is true that girls or customers could call me on that number... and that's what they effectively did. It is true that I 'worked' on my own account and not exclusively for Eurosystem.'" Since 1974, Eurosystem Hospitalier was controlled by Societe Generale. In June 1976, Eurosystem signed a 1 billion euro contract with Saudi-Arabia to build and exploit hospitals for the NATO-trained Saudi National Guard. Roger Boas, Paul Vanden Boeynants, Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin, Charly De Pauw, Ado Blaton, and Prince Albert (later King Albert II) were all involved in the Eurosystem Hospitalier deal, with mainly Prince Abdullah on the Saudi side. Fortunato Israel and her girls were called in to serve Prince Albert, his consorts and the Saudi princes during their business trips. People on the payroll of Adnan Khashoggi, a business friend of Paul Vanden Boeynants, were also clients. On March 28, 1979, a month after Montaricourt had been arrested and Israel interrogated, substitute magistrate Jean Depretre demanded and got control over the Montaricourt-Israel investigations. All investigations into the prostitution network were shut down, Montaricourt was sentenced to 13 months probation on May 2, 1979, and Israel was fully acquitted from any charges. Examining magistrate Schellekens explained: "This dossier was worked through extraordinarily quickly. In my whole career as examining magistrate I have never seen this. By now it has been about 40 years -first as a lawyer followed by magistrate- that I am involved in judicial business and I am flabbergasted when I see this data." Report of the Gang Commission, report section, p. 31: "It was Mr. Depretre who, as first substitute, dismissed the dossier Fortunato Israel. The commission judges that the dossiers in question did not receive a normal treatment. It does not agree with the position of the then first substitute Depretre that the non-prosecution of Fortunato Israel in these circumstances was a responsible decision." The BOB officers who led the investigation and their whole investigating cell were persecuted right after Depretre had taken control of the Montaricourt-Israel cases. Israel was on the payroll of Roger Boas, the owner of the ASCO factory where X1 said snuff movies with children were filmed. Israel also acted as the mistress of Boas. Had some involvement in the Pinon dossier, which was about accusations against a number of important men attending orgies where minors where also abused. Paul Vanden Boeynants, General Beaurir, Prince Albert, Charly De Pauw and Ado Blaton were the accused. According to Stef Janssens in his 1998 book 'De namen uit de doofpot', p. 84-85: "The 'pink ballets' affair covers many dossiers. The Pinon case is the most well-known, but only consists of lies, half truths and well known names from other real dossiers. In reality this was an insignificant divorce dossier that was used by the extreme-right as blackmail dossier against the political institutions... Benoit de Bonvoisin walked with his blackmail dossier the Tour of Belgium to complicate and contaminate the important judicial investigations. Albert Raes, the head of State Security, was linked to the Pinon Dossier. This was mixed in with a number of prominent names from the Fortunato Israel dossiers, so that those in the know understood that the authors of the Pinon dossier knew about the situations of the late 1970s. What could produce some additional pressure on the blackmail kettle, because this raised the suspicion by those in the know that de Bonvoisin kept the dossier as a joker behind his hand. The Nivelles prosecutor Depretre, who hid the Pinon dossier in his suitcase, at the time was not the designated abuse substitute of the Eurosystem-Montaricourt-Fortunato dossiers by coincidence. De Bonvoisin's primary reason was to settle the score with State Security... The only really interesting dossier is that of Montaricourt and Fortunato Israel and leading to Eurosystem Hospitalier." Report of the Gang Commission, report, p. 31: "Furthermore, it has been the case that prosecutor Depretre at the very least provoked an exaggerated interest in the Pinon case by handling this dossier in a mysterious way and keeping it in a locked vault on his desk." However, nobody seems to be entirely sure what to make of the Pinon affair. Although it indeed appears to have been used by the extreme-right as a blackmail dossier, the Pinon file does seem to have been extremely sensitive. Prosecutor of the king in the investigation into the Gang of Nijvel in the mid-1980s. Exercised a large amount of influence on examining magistrate Jean-Marie Schlicker. Commandant Duterme, who headed a team of BOB investigators that were looking into the Gang of Nijvel since 1984, was his right hand man. Rejected all evidence that indicated political motives of the Gang of Nijvel. Requested to gendarme general Robert "Bob" Bernaert, a good friend of general Fernand Beaurir, that BOB officer Gerard Bihay and his colleagues, who had written a report that made a strong case for high level involvement in the Gang of Nijvel, were demoted to the traffic section of the BOB. Publicly accused examining magistrate Jean-Marie Schlicker of only being interested in the fascist links to the Gang of Nijvel because of his Jewish background. When Schlicker pushed through in 1985, not only did Depretre everything he could to stop him, Schlicker's wife and kids were also threatened. In late 1985, Depretre became determined to prove that the Borains, a reasonably insignificant gang of criminals, were behind the Gang of Nijvel terror campaign. The Borains were acquitted from all charges in 1988, after a ballistics report turned up that proved their innocence. This report had been hidden away by Depretre. Around the same time, the Court of Cassation removed Depretre from the Gang of Nijvel investigation, because he was considered not objective enough. However, Depretre had slowed down the investigation enough in the first few crucial years that in the period after that it turned out to be impossible to find the real perpetrators of the Gang of Nijvel terror campaign. After WNP leader Paul Latinus (Nazi; recruited by the DIA in 1967, age 17; trained by NATO; reserve lieutenant with the Air Force; paid informant of State Security; recruited as an intelligence agent by PIO in 1977; recommended everywhere by the CEPIC leadership; member Front de la Jeunesse; founder Westland New Post (WNP) in 1981; named as one of the leaders of Group G; suicided in 1984) had been suicided in 1984, Depretre grabbed his dossier and locked it away in his personal file cabinet. On February 13, 1990, a prostitute named Maud Sarr stated on VTM that she had witnessed how Paul Vanden Boeynants, Jean Depretre, Commandant Francois (invited by the US Army's CID in 1969; educated by the DEA; received by President Nixon; secretary of the International Drug Enforcement Association; founded the gendarmerie's National Bureau for Drugs (NBD) in the 1972-1975 period with Paul "VdB" Vanden Boeynants and CIA support, and became the NBD's initial head; always present at the border when a new large shipment of marihuana and cocaine of VdB's company was smuggled into Belgium; leading member of the subversive and fascist Group G, together with DEA agent Frank Eaton; provided the CIA chief in Belgium with intelligence about leftists and other dissident groups; accused in 1990 by prostitute Maud Sarr of involvement in orgies with minors, together with Paul Vanden Boeynants and Jean Depretre (both accused by other sources as well); one of his successors at the NBD, general Beaurir was also accused of pedophilia and was also part of the CEPIC circle) and others had participated in orgies with minors. Within a week, however, it turned out that the VTM journalist in question had paid Sarr for these alleged revelations. She also withdrew her allegations during police interviews. Sarr had already turned up during the investigation into Montaricourt. On March 19, 1979, Sarr stated that she worked as a prostitute for Montaricourt and spoke about "little Charles", a boy below 16 years of age that was also used in the prostitution network. At this time, Sarr was in jail for lying under oath. Her claims and those about "little Charles" were never investigated. In 1992, Sarr made several other statements to investigators about orgies with minors which soon turned out to be half truths at best. Jean Depretre still was the king's prosecutor in Nijvel/Nivelles in the late 1990s, but has retired in the mean time.
Source(s): This name appears in PV 103.204/97, although how or why is not discussed in the summary, besides: "While doing work at Rue de Neufchâtel 62 in St. Gilles [Brussels] the witness noticed the existence of an almost finished subterranean bunker (in 01/96). A tunnel was concealed behind one of the walls. He was surprised by a conversation in which a lady said "the children will be well here."; According to an anonymous internet claim, there were independent accusations in 2003 that Charles was an organizer of sex parties with underaged children; this obscure but very influential family is involved with so many alleged child abusers that it has been included here.
It's not entirely clear who this Charles De Selliers De Moranville is, but the most likely Charles, together with his wife, is a member of Carnet Mondain, "the Yearbook of distinguished Belgian families", together with Georges de Kerchove d'Exaerde (accused of trafficking in drugs and children), Baron Guibert de Viron (a family member is accused of trafficking in drugs and children, and is married into the de Caters family who has also been accused), Jacques G. Jonet (accused of covering up the Pinon Affair; once Otto von Habsburg's political secretary; through his involvement with Mouvement d'Action pour l'Unite Europeenne he came at CEPIC and PDG headquarters), Count Henri d'Udekem d'Acoz (family married into the royal family and are close to the Knights of Malta), Countess Rodolphe d'Ursel (a family member is accused of being part of the abuse network of Baron de Bonvoisin, to whom this family is close). Almost certainly this Charles is an attorney in Brussels (where the bunker was), just like Georges de Kerchove d'Exaerde and Jacques G. Jonet.
There also was a Charles De Selliers De Moranville who died in 1998 and was a Jesuit.
Some other (very influential) family members:
In 1952, under the guidance of Professor Firmin Oulès and Philippe de Selliers de Moranville, head of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe's Steel Division, Henri Rieben defended his thesis on "From agreements of metalwork masters to the Schuman Plan." Henri Rieben would meet up with Jean Monnet, a founding member of Cercle Pinay, in 1955, and become a co-founder of Monnet's Action Committee for the United States of Europe. Monnet's earlier banking partner, George Murnane of Monnet & Murnane, was the main US representative of the Solvays (family suspected of Satanic practices) and Boëls (family member accused of trafficking in drugs and children).
Chevalier Guy De Selliers De Moranville, born in 1952, was reelected as a director of Solvay SA in 2005 (the Selliers De Moranville family is said to have intermarried with the Solvays). Guy also was first deputy vice president of the Banking Department of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). In 2001, he was appointed to the International Advisory Council of Fortis with Etienne Davignon (accused of child abuse) as chairman and with Maurice Lippens (three members of the family accused of hideous child torture) also attending the meetings of this council. Involved with the GreenFacts Foundation, just as Jacques De Selliers De Moranville.
Chevalier Alexandre De Selliers De Moranville acted as a votecounter at the Fortis SA/NV shareholders meeting of May 25, 2005. In this function he was one of four persons mentioned who managed the event. Maurice Lippens was chairman of the meeting.
Frédéric De Selliers De Moranville was a member of Cercle de Lorraine and an executive vice president of Banque Privée Edmond de Rothschild - Genève in 2006.
Philippe De Selliers De Moranville was a member of Cercle de Lorraine and vice president of Coca-Cola Enterprises Belgium in 2006.
A Barbara de Selliers de Moranville co-organized a huge party for 3500 children in the garden of Countess François d'Ansembourg. This was part of the Belgian Kids Foundation for Pediatric Research. The support committee of this foundation, located at the Queen Fabiola Children's Hospital, includes Countess Maurice Lippens (three members of the family accused of hideous child torture, including Maurice), and is presided over by Jean-Pierre de Launoit (accused of trafficking in drugs and children). Patron of the committee is princess Astrid.
b. 1946
Source(s): X1 (Said she had been raped by De Schrijver in the early 1980s and that he was involved in abuse parties at the UCO complex in Gent. This was a different crowd than those involved in the hunts. De Schrijver co-signed the death certificate of Veronique Dubrulle in 1983, who allegedly died of cancer. X1 claimed Veronique was tortured and murdered by the network. Drew some suspicion from De Baets and team, because he seemed out of his field of expertise when signing Veronique Dubrulle's death certificate. Veronique's body was never exhumed and the case was closed within months.)
Neuropathist at St-Vincent hospital in Gent in the 1980s.
b. 1945
Source(s): X1 (Said she witnessed De Waele rape 7-8 year old girls and was involved in abuse parties at the UCO complex in Gent. This was a different crowd than those involved in the hunts. De Waele co-signed the death certificate of Veronique Dubrulle in 1983, who allegedly died of cancer. X1 claimed Veronique was tortured and murdered by the network. Drew some suspicion from De Baets and team, because he seemed out of his field of expertise when signing Veronique Dubrulle's death certificate. Veronique's body was never exhumed and the case was closed within months. X1 claimed to have first met De Waele at a private party in the Decascoop of the Bert family in the early 1980s. X1, Clo, a Natasha and two other little girls were present at this private party)
Graduated as a Medical Doctor at the University of Leuven and Ghent (Belgium) in July 1971 (study of medicine takes 7 years in Belgium). Became a Board Certified Neurological Surgeon in February 1977. Heads the department of Neurological Surgery of A.Z. St. Lucas in Ghent since 1982. Has been to the United States more than 65 times. Also regularly traveled to Japan and a number of other countries to work with and learn from the top experts in neurosurgery. Member of the Belgian Professional Society of Neurological Surgery, the Congress of Neurological surgeons (USA), the Societe de Neurochirurgie de Langue Française, the Dutch Skull Base Society and the European Skull Base Society (ESBA). Co-Director of the International Neurosurgery Education Foundation (USA).
Source(s): Jacques Thoma (PSC-youth treasurer who said Dewolf and Philippe Sala (a lawyer) were initiating him into Opus Dei, which they considered the absolute top, first through group sex and later through a blood ritual)
Member of the PSC-Youth party of Paul Vanden Boeynants, according to the relevant PV.
Source(s): X1 (present with Tony, Nihoul, Bouty, Leopold Lippens, Vander Elst, the "apparent" owner of Castle Kattenhof, and Joost Bert at the murder of Katrien de Cuyper)
According to the administrator of the X1 dossier forums, "Robert" and "De Wolf" are not the same person. This is a mistake made in the Neufchateau summary document (I remember having been really unsure about adding this. Did it anyway, because nothing could be found on a "Robert De Wolf"). These unknown men were involved in the Castle Kattenhof affair.
X1 described him as a close associate of Paul Vanden Boeynants.
Source(s): X1 (present at some of the ASCO factory tortures, probably taking care of the filming of these events)
July 31, 2007, important correction from the administrator of the X1dossier forums (translated from Dutch): "The above information is based on a working document that can be found on the internet; sometimes these summaries contain mistakes. Also here something is wrong: in reality Werner Donners is meant here and not Serge Donners. According to the investigative data, Serge Donners has been involved in incriminating sexual affairs but not related to what Regina Louf told about what happened in the ASCO-factory. Werner Donners once was the boss of Tony in the publicity firm Tony worked. Werner Donners has died several years ago. At the time, Tony was a partner in a firm in which two sons of Werner Donners were involved, Serge and Thierry. See the data below:"
Involved with Cinema Publicitaire Belge, a production company, together with family member Werner. Werner and Serge were good friends of Paul Vanden Boeynants.
b. 1942
Source(s): X1 (father of Veronique, who was murdered by the network)
Head of Daska Films with his partner Jean Daskalides back in the 1970s. Former administrator of Decatron NV, a company founded in 1981 by the Bert family (accused of child abuse by X1) which focused on the development and building of movie theaters. Chairman and patron of the International Film Festival of Flanders, located in Gent. Retired in 2005. Father of Veronique, who officially died from cancer in 1983. X1 recognized Veronique from photos, and accurately described her age and time of her death. However, X1 claimed Veronique was tortured to death by Tony, Nihoul, Bouty, a member of the Bert family (run movie theaters) and others. Dubrulle participated in this network. X1 claimed that she had slept with at least one of the two specialists who signed Veronique's death certificate. However, Veronique's body was never dug up and her case was closed in early 1997. Shortly after the press first mentioned the X-dossiers in January 1997, detectives found out that Tony, X1's former pimp, called up Dubrulle three times. Further research by the authors of the 1999 book 'The X-dossiers' indicated that both men were good friends.
b. 1952
Source(s): X1 (violent abuser who went to the ASCO factory); X2 (Present at sex parties in a castle near Eindhoven in the Netherlands, together with Baron de Bonvoisin and many others); associated with Jacques Thoma, who said Dumont and friends were initiating him into Opus Dei, which they considered the absolute top, first through group sex and later through a blood ritual (claimed that Dumont was involved in money laundering for the PSC through German casinos); close to Nihoul
One of the "Golden Boys" of the PSC in the 1970s. Chairman of PSC-Youth, where he is said to have helped introduce the treasurer, Jacques Thoma, first into group sex parties and later into a clear cut Satanic cult. Thoma was told these were Opus Dei initiations. Member of the CEPIC Council, the fascist branch of the PSC party headed by Baron de Bonvoisin (Opus Dei) and Paul Vanden Boeynants (Opus Dei). Knew Philippe Cryns, the pimp of underaged children who organized sex parties at the Mirano. In the late 1980s, he shared an office with Didier De Quevy, attorney for Alexis Alewaeters in 1986 (briefly sent to jail for the Mirano affair, together with Phillipe Cryns, although the pedophilia aspects were ignored) and Marc Dutroux in 1989. Worked closely with Philippe Deleuze, a close friend of Nihoul; and Julien Pierre, the lawyer of Dutroux from 1996 until he was fired in January 2003. Nihoul organized the political campaigns of Dumont in the late 1980s. They were good friends and together with Vanden Boeynants he had been seen regularly at a warehouse of Nihoul in the Havenlaan in Brussels. PV 42.665, October 14, 1996 (testimony of Guy Einsweiller or Eschweiler): "Remembers Nihoul (fish trade near the PAVAN transport enterprise where he works. 108/11O Avenue du Port 1000, Brussels). During a deal, he saw Dumont drinking a glass with Nihoul. Sometimes saw Nihoul at the restaurant Mayflower in Koekelberg... declared to have regularly seen Dumont and Vanden Boeynants in the private area of the fish and crustacean enterprise that he exploited. [early 1990s]" Dumont was a good friend of police commissioner Georges Marnette, who did everything he could to torpedo the X-Dossier investigation. Dumont handled some business for Roger Boas of ASCO with Bombardier in Canada. Clients of Dumont have included such notorious figures as Francis Dossogne, Madani Bouhouche, Eric Lammers, Paul Latinus and Patrick Haemers. Dumont has acted as a legal counsel to Baron de Bonvoisin. Lawyer of Jean Paul Raemaekers, the convicted swindler and violent paedophile who was responsible for the disinformation that bodies of Dutroux's victims were buried in Jumet. During prison interviews, Raemaekers talked about Jean-Paul Dumont having been the lawyer of Jacques Grafe, the brother of politician Jean-Pierre Grafe (accused several times of pedophilia; Raemaekers claimed (probably invented) that JP Grafe was protecting his paedophile cell mate), who ended up in prison on charges of pedophilia. Raemaekers also named some other paedophile Dumont allegedly was involved with. Ended up in a scandal in July 1995, which ended his political career. Until then, he was headed for a top position in the PSC and a cabinet post.
b. 1956
Source(s): X1 (apparently at parties since the early 1980s, but not prominent and largely on the outside); convicted paedophile who worked closely with Nihoul [apparently since 1995] in kidnapping girls (this last claim is not official, but appears the only possibility when looking at many testimonies)
Born in Belgian Congo in 1956. Emigrated back to Belgium with his mother in 1960. Troublesome youth, but managed to get an education as electrician. Divorced his wife in 1983 after she accused him of abuse. Arrested in February 1986 and convicted in November 1988 for kidnapping, photographing, torturing, and raping 5 girls between the age of 11 and 19. Also accused of torturing an older woman by putting a razor in her vagina to force her to give him money. Michelle Martin, his girlfriend with whom he already had an affair during his previous marriage, was considered an accomplice. Initially, they only received 3 years in prison for committing these crimes, the reason being that they appeared before a correctional court with professional magistrates, instead of a public court in which a body of citizens co-decides what the sentence will be. Dutroux still appealed, but now was sentenced to 13,5 years in prison. Studied math, physics, electricity and anesthetics while in jail. Married Michelle Martin in 1989 while both were in prison. They would get three sons in total. On April 6, 1992, PSC Minister of Justice Melchior Wathelet accepted a probationary release of Dutroux from prison. A lot of people within the system did not agree with this decision, because Dutroux was known as manipulative psychopath devoid of any morals. It also stung these critics that Dutroux never admitted to his crimes, even though every single one of his victims identified him as the perpetrator. However, in Belgium it is normal that well-behaving convicts only serve about a third of their already relative low sentences due to the 1888 Law of Lejeune. After his release, Dutroux was able to convince a psychiatrist that his prison sentence had made him at least in part mentally unable to work, resulting in a government pension of about 800 euro per month. On paper he also separated from his wife who went to live in one of his other houses, together with their children. She also received about 800 euro per month. To the victims Dutroux had to pay about 20,000 euros. He also received an unusually large amount of sleeping pills and sedatives from his doctor, which he would later use to quiet the girls he abducted. Came to own seven houses, most of them vacant, and used three of them to rape and torture the girls he kidnapped. In his house in Marcinelle, near Charleroi (Hainaut), where he lived most of the time, he started to construct a concealed dungeon in the basement, hidden behind a massive concrete door disguised behind a closet . In early 1993, the unemployed Claude Thirault, who rented one of Dutroux's homes, was hired by Dutroux as a handyman. Dutroux asked this person to install water drains beneath one of his newly-bought houses. Although Thirault thought that this was a bit unusual, he didn't mind doing it. A few days into the job, two girls walked past the two men working. Dutroux said to Thirault: "If you want to kidnap them, you'll make 150,000 franks [about 4000 euro]." Dutroux went on to tell Thirault what the best approach would be: "Grab them from behind, put a sedative drug under their nose, pull them into the car, and lock the doors." Thirault, an occasional police informant, told this story to the police in July 1993, and as a result Dutroux's houses were searched months later, in December, the official reason being that he was suspected in a theft case. The police officers noticed Dutroux's modified basement, but did not find any girls. Dutroux's houses were searched again in June 1994 and it seemed that he had stopped working on modifying his basement. Dutroux abused the Slovakian Eva Mackova in Sars-la-Buissière in July 1994. In June 1995, Dutroux was sued for having illegally widened an opening to his basement to be able to put an airtube in. Got to know Michel Lelièvre in late 1994 (account differ; might be 1995; X1 said they already knew each other in the early 1980s). Julie Lejeune and Melissa Russo were kidnapped by Dutroux on June 24, 1995. In reaction to the missing girls, Thirault claimed that he went back to the police in late June 1995 to remind them of Dutroux's talk about kidnapping girls and the modifications to his basement. The police came back to Thirault a few days later and asked if he had some more solid evidence, apparently needed if the houses of Dutroux, a convicted child abuser, were to be searched again. Although they confirmed what he reported, the police claimed that Thirault spoke to them much later, in October 1995, and only at their own initiative. According to attorney general Velu from the office of cassation, both the police and Thirault were wrong. This official claimed that two, seemingly anonymous, occasional informants recommended that the police take a look at the house of Dutroux on August 10, 1995, about six weeks after Julie and Melissa were kidnapped. In any case, on this date a group of detectives began monitoring Dutroux under the code name Operation Othello. Earlier, on June 24, investigating judge Martine Doutrewe became head of the 'Julie and Melissa cell', tasked with finding the missing girls. Unfortunately for the girls, Doutrewe left for a vacation in Italy within days of being assigned to this post and would not return until early August. No other permanent investigating judge was appointed in her place which significantly impacted the efficiency of the entire investigation. On September 4, Dutroux's mother, who advised against the earlier release of her son, anonymously informed the police that the neighbors of Dutroux were very suspicious about his activities. Windows were blacked out, Dutroux was always making noise in the basement, the garden was filled with used car tires and two girls "of 16 or 18 years old" had recently been seen in Dutroux's garden. These girls had never been seen during daylight. This information somehow didn't make it to the to investigating team that was working on Dutroux. In the late summer, the BOB (Belgian FBI) seemed to lose interest in the case and informed the parents of Julie and Melissa that the girls were most likely dead. However, the parents kept looking for their children with support of the recently-established Marc et Corinne Foundation and made sure that the story of the missing girls remained quite prominent. Bernard Weinstein and Dutroux were responsible for stealing a truck on September 25, 1995, which was hidden in a storage building rented by Dutroux. Gerard Pinon, a police informant, was the real owner of the storage building. He informed inspector Georges Zicot that Dutroux and Weinstein had a stolen truck that was located in his storage and that Dutroux seemed to be running a small gang of car thieves. Zicot did nothing, allegedly waiting for the truck to be picked up again. In the meantime, in November 1995, a Gendarme officer from Charleroi reported that Dutroux was the kidnapper of Julie and Melissa. He claimed that this information had been gathered from four different sources. Nothing was done with this information. Around the time Weinstein went missing and was later found five meters underground in the backyard of Michele Martin, Dutroux's girlfriend, beneath the bodies of Julie en Melissa. On December 6, 1995, Dutroux was arrested for having been involved in stealing the truck and kidnapping and torturing three teenagers he suspected of having restolen the truck. Under the leadership of René Michaux, Dutroux's houses were searched on December 13, 1995 and again on December 19, 1995. One or more children were heard crying by Michaux and the locksmith accompanying him. They went looking in the basement, which clearly had a whole recently modified section, but couldn't find anything, leading michaux to conclude that the voices must have come from outside. Videos were confiscated, which showed Dutroux working on his basement. He ended up in jail for three months for his role in the stolen truck affair. By the time he came out, Julie and Melissa had died. In late December 1995, three young burglars broke in into Dutroux's home and stole his computer and several videotapes. One of them heard a sound coming from the basement, which this person thought was a door closing, and they scrammed. It later turned out that they unfortunately put in a new harddisk in Dutroux's computer and taped cartoons for their children over the unknown content of Dutroux's tapes. Operation Othello was shut down in January 1996, because Dutroux was in jail. It was not reactivated after he came out. Released early on March 20, 1996 for "humanitarian reasons"; his wife was about to have a baby. Sabine Dardenne was kidnapped by Dutroux on May 28, 1996. She was locked in Dutroux's basement and was told that if she began screaming for help, the "really bad men will come." Raped here multiple times, took pictures and made videos of that. Started depositing 130,000 franks in total in one of his bank accounts on May 31, 1996. Dutroux abused the Slovakian girl Yancka Mackova from July 22 to August 1, 1996. Dutroux kidnapped Laetitia Delhez on August 9, 1996 in a small district called Neufchateau (Luxemburg province), near the border of France and Luxemburg, in Bertrix. After the report that Laetitia was kidnapped, a number of witnesses came forward. Two of them had seen an old white van driving around Bertrix the day Laetitia disappeared. In one of these two cases a student was afraid the driver of the van was planning to steal his bike. As luck would have it, the 22-year-old was an autofreak and reported to the police the exact type of van and a good chunk of its license plate, as the first three letters reminded him of the name of his sister. In no time Dutroux's name, a known paedophile, rolled out of the computer. Connerotte, the examining magistrate put on the Dutroux case by Michel Bourlet, immediately ordered the gendarmerie to arrest of Dutroux, Michel Lelievre and Michelle Martin, and to search all their houses (owned by Dutroux). The suspects were arrested on August 13, but somehow the gendarme officers, headed by Rene Michaux of Operation Othello, were unable to find the girls. Three days later, in part after revelations from Lelievre, Dutroux pointed the detectives to one of his houses, in which Sabine and Laetitia were kept. It turned out that the girls had already been conditioned to see Dutroux as their master. Interestingly, even though an earlier research team in December 1995 decided to ignore the supposedly very faint cries they heard (and somehow concluded they must have come from outside), Laetitia, after her release, claimed that from her dungeon in the basement she was able to hear the voices of the investigators upstairs when they searched the house on the day of Dutroux's arrest. Why these Gendarmes were not interested in turning the basement upside down, even more so after children were heard, remains a mystery. About 300 to 400 videos were found in the apartments of Dutroux (reports on the amount of videos found actually differ). Dutroux could be seen raping children on these videos who clearly weren't Laetitia, Sabine, Julie, Melissa, An, or Eefje. Who they were remains unknown. Nihoul was arrested on August 16, and it later turned that he too had been spotted in Bertrix with Dutroux at the time of Laetitia's kidnapping (Nihoul was never charged, nor prosecuted for this though). On August 17, after hints from Dutroux, the bodies of Julie and Melissa, and Bernard Weinstein were found in the gardens of one of Dutroux's houses. A day later Dutroux and Lelievre confessed that they were responsible for kidnapping An and Eefje. The bodies of An and Eefje were found on September 3, and buried on land owned by Weinstein. Connerotte was kicked off the case in October and Nihoul was officially released on January 20, 1997. Dutroux often claimed that Nihoul was a contact of his and a key player in big international trafficking networks. Unknown men had visited Dutroux while he had girls in his house. One of these men is suspected to have been Nihoul. On April 23, 1998, Dutroux somehow managed to overpower his two (armed) Gendarme guards and escape from Neufchateau. He was caught 3 hours later. Coincidentally, during these hours the pimp of X1 confirmed that he had sex with X1 since she was 12. Besides De Morgen, no paper did a prominent report on this breakthrough in the X1 case. Dutroux was sentenced to life in jail and TBS in June 2004. To investigators and even to the victims Dutroux always promoted himself as the victim of an unfair world. He is generally considered the ultimate psychopath. It took 7 years to round up the case against Dutroux and his associates.
b. 1942
Source(s): Dutroux dossier, PV 100.130, December 2, 1996: "Sectarian or satanic activities at the Valmont castle in Merbes-Le-Chateau. Owner of the chateau = Ferbus Pierre (07/01/42). ... Di Rupo and Graffe would have been seen at these parties. A victim described a place during a television debate - the description looked like the Valmont castle. Residents of the chateau: Isaert Christian (10/03/50) - gardener[;] Beroudiaux Dominique (30/04/54)[;] Bosquion David (02/10/75). Three entrances to the castle but two have been blocked. A report of the Police of Lobbes [nearby town, to the north] get the same information concerning Graffe Jean-Pierre. In the property there supposedly is a cross of 5 meters across. It would be about satanism. A rapport of the BSR [Special Investigations Unit of the Gendarmerie] in Thuin [another nearby town] contains approaching information."; Although the Olivier Trusgnach, Laurent V. and Johan P., and Raemaekers cases against Di Rupo and Grafe clearly were part of a disinformation scheme by police commissioner Georges Marnette and associates against the team of De Baets and the Belgian public, it is known that both Grafe and Di Rupo were homosexuals who had sex with young prostitutes anywhere from 16 years and up. In case of Grafe, he also has several accusations against him that he had sex with 13 year olds.
Bought Chateau de la Roquette in Fontaine-Valmont in the district Merbes-Le-Chateau in 1976. The Dutroux X-Files talk about "Chateau Valmont near Merbes Le Chateau". That's confusing as there is a Chateau de Valmont in France. However, the Dutroux X-Files make it clear that Pierre Ferbus is the owner of this castle and that it is located in Belgium. Said to be a homosexual and former banker at Banque Bruxelles Lambert, which for over a century was the major Rothschild bank in Belgium and has numerous people on its board who have been accused of child abuse.
b. 1949
Source(s): Nathalie W. (raped when she was 10-12 years old); PV 116.166, December 12, 1996, police interview with Claude "Max" van Keerbergen (driver-valet parking attendant of Dolores Bara, according to PV 150.115/97; introduced to the Dolo by Nihoul's friend Doudou): "During a conversation between Dolo [Dolores Bara], Nihoul, Doudou, Forgeot and Jonasz he heard Dolo say: "It is despicable to do that with children"." & 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul', p. 126: "[Max] even says that 'Nihoul has learned to kidnap children, to earn money'. He even tried it in the Dolo, but Forgeot said: 'That's not the way you do that'."; 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul', p. 122 (PV A10988): "Dutroux might not have come to the Dolo, but they did know his technique to render girls unconscious and then rape them. A (grown-up) girl testified about this. She remembers to have received a drink from Dolores Bara and that she was threatened by Forgeot and Rodel. She later woke up somewhere else, naked. She had a burn on her arm. She remembers to have been grabbed by the shoulders and that she was raped by Forgeot..."
Frenchman. Together with Dolores Bara, owner and manager of the private sex club Les Atrebates from 1975 until it was closed by the police in 1983. Some of the visitors of Les Atrebates were Michel Nihoul (since 1981), Frans Reyniers (Brussels police commissioner; assisted in the Gang of Nijvel investigation; later convicted criminal; went to the Jonathan), Georges Marnette (Brussels police commissioner; good friend of Jean-Paul Dumont, the former CEPIC lawyer who has been accused of serious child abuse and was a friend of Nihoul; interrogated WNP Nazi terrorists Paul Latinus, Eric Lammers and Marcel Barbier in late 1983; recruited Paul Latinus as an informant just before he died; denied the existence of the Pinon affair videos, which turned out to be a lie; became notorious for his disinformation campaign during the Dutroux-Nihoul investigation), Guy Jadot (informant of Reyniers and Marnette), Guy Collignon (chief investigator in the Christine Van Hees murder who said to her brother that the investigation was gravitating towards high level people, that he would not pursue these leads and that he would soon be promoted because of that), Claude Leroy (judge and chef-de-cabinet of minister of justice Jean Gol; his wife had some dealings with Jean Bultot; gave classified information to the mafia), Jean Gol (chairman PRL 1979-1981; vice prime minister 1981-1988; minister of justice 1981-1988; X2 attended a meeting at the Hilton between Madani Bouhouche's spouse (husband of an alleged abuser), Paul Vanden Boeynants (alleged abuser), Wilfried Martens (alleged abuser), Guy Delvoie (alleged abuser who partied with Lippens and Davignon), Nihoul (alleged abuser) and Jean Gol; minister of foreign trade in 1985; chairman Liberal Party; member European Parliament; Freemason), Jacques Neerinck (substitute judge and notary), Leon Defosset (mayor of Etterbeek), Robert Darville (friend of Michel Nihoul; acted as a gunsmith and delivered explosives to the Haemers gang, which kidnapped Vanden Boeynants in 1989; regularly visited the company Logitel, just as Achille Haemers, Michel Nihoul and where Marc Dutroux and Michele Martin have also been seen. The witnesses told that some of the men there were talking about importing "young white and brown horses" from eastern Europe by plane, but after the Dutroux affair thought they had been talking about children. The witness, Rita Vetsuypens, found out she was married to a paedophile who was involved with these people), Michel Vander Elst, Jean-Louis Delamotte (business partner of Nihoul; incorporated Achats Services Commerces, which was tied to the white Mercedesses affair from which children were photographed; Nihoul, Bernard Weinstein, Michel Lelievre and Michele Martin (not Dutroux) had all been spotted on a regular basis in the immediate surroundings of this company), Eddy Merckx (most famous and successful road racing cyclist of Belgium; awarded a barony) and some people from NATO (PV 119.249). Forgeot and Bara set up The Dolo in 1987, and took much of the former clientele of Les Atrebates with them. Among them was Michel Nihoul, who was to be informed if problems arose with local authorities. Police commissioners Frans Reyniers, Georges Marnette, Albert Toch and Christian Eveillard (police commissioner of Etterbeek who protected The Dolo; his brother, Pierre, was head of the Security Service of the European Commission) went there. Some other visitors were Guy Collignon (chief investigator in the Christine Van Hees murder who said to her brother that the investigation was gravitating towards high level people, that he would not pursue these leads and that he would soon be promoted because of that), Leon Defosset (mayor of Etterbeek), Achile Haemers (father of well-known gang leader), Michel Vander Elst (lawyer; accused of child torture by X1; worked with the Haemers gang in kidnapping Vanden Boeynants; provided a fake alibi for Nihoul in 1996), Daniel Blondin (lawyer), Henri Tombeur (alleged paedophile), Rene Rodel (friend of Nihoul and Forgeot; suspected of trade in black girls, some underaged, used for the prostitution; main shareholder in travel agency Azur Evasion, which specialized in Thailand; in frequent contact with Jean-Marie Rihoux of Europe Love Travel, which arranges marriages with Thai girls, and a person who owned a bar in Thailand), Jacques Genevois (once a suspect in Loubna case; visited the Dolo in 1988; also met Nihoul in Le Perroquet), and Edouard Vanhuynegem (generally known as "Doudou"; lawyer and criminologist who often went to the Dolo; according to Claude "Max" Vankeerbergen, the former driver of Dolores Bara (2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul', p. 125; PV 116.166, December 19, 1996): "According to Max, Doudou was a contact of an ex-teacher of the Adolphe Max-atheneum. Doudou and the teacher 'made paedophile videos', he claimed. He would have heard Doudou and Nihoul repeatedly talk 'about cages for children, to make them suffer, and about videos imported from the United States on which black children were tortured before being burnt in the cage. That was some time in 1992-'93'. 'Dolores Bara knows all about it', he added to that."; apparently, certain kids had a tendency to start crying when confronted with Vanhuynegem; Vanhuyneghem often went to Thailand where he could find young boys; customer of "Mistress Roxanne", Didier Pellerin, a French transvestite specialized in SM; when Nihoul was interviewed about Vanhuynegem on October 10, 1996, he stated that "he is going to become a magistrate some day"). 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul', p. 160, about some other visitors of the Dolo: "... sales director of Philips, a director of Janssen Pharmaceutics (also J&J), an importer of champagne, a director of Frere-Bourgeois and a member of the Frere family, a director of Vittel-Perrier in Belgium... These individuals met here lawyers, the spouse if a Brussels examining magistrate, the chairman of the court of commerce, Claude Leroy... Jean Gol..." X2 claimed about the Dolo that she saw Henri Bil, the private driver of Vanden Boeynants, talking there to Madani Bouhouche (also identified Georges Marnette and Claude Leroy). X1 and Nathalie W. (placed Serge Kubla, mayor of Waterloo, at the Dolo) had also been taken to the Dolo. One witness mentioned to have seen Dutroux and Martin come out of the Dolo twice in early June 1996. A "Tony" and "Antoine" also was/were among the visitor(s) of the Dolo, and could well have been a reference to the pimp of X1. PV 116.166, December 12, 1996, police interview with Claude "Max" van Keerbergen (driver-valet parking attendant of Dolores Bara, according to PV 150.115/97; introduced to the Dolo by Nihoul's friend Doudou): "He knows Edouard Vanhuynegem as Doudou (lawyer). Vanhuynegem frequents the Dolo. Van K. knows Forgeot - Jacques Casserolle - Nihoul - De Cockere - Gaban - Roger Nollet. In the Dolo there was a transsexual that left with a commissioner attached the police in Etterbeek. Nihoul and Genevan frequent the Dolo, but not together. In the Dolo: Claude Grosjean is joined by his wife and their son of 4 years old. When seeing Doudou the child starts crying and and says to him "You cannot do that, because I am a child". During a conversation between Dolo [Dolores Bara], Nihoul, Doudou, Forgeot and Jonasz he heard Dolo say: "It is despicable to do that with children". Nihoul kidnaps a number of children to earn money. Van K. heard Nihoul and Doudou speak about cages for children, to make them suffer. Videos from the USA would show black children in cages in which they were tortured and burnt." 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul', p. 125-126: "According to Max, Doudou was a contact of an ex-teacher of the Adolphe Max-atheneum. Doudou and the teacher 'made paedophile videos', he claimed. He would have heard Doudou and Nihoul repeatedly talk 'about cages for children, to make them suffer, and about videos imported from the United States on which black children were tortured before being burnt in the cage. That was some time in 1992-'93'. 'Dolores Bara knows all about it', he added to that. Has this been checked out? An anonymous letter to the King's prosecutor Bourlet confirms that 'Vanhuyneghem often went to Thailand and said you could find boys there." 'I know that Nihoul is not a paedophile', says Max. He is a notorious gangster, without morals, who can be bought for little. He even says that 'Nihoul has learned to kidnap children, to earn money'. He even tried it in the Dolo, but Forgeot said: 'That's not the way you do that'.
b. 1938
Source(s): X2 (Present at parties with underage girls in villas in Knokke and Hotel Cromwell, together with Leopold Lippens and Etienne Davignon)
Judge in Brussels. Judge in the Court of Appeal and vice president/chairman of the Tribunal of First Instance in Brussels, according to Dutroux X-Files (at one point spelled Geluwe). Retired in 2003.
b. 1928
Source(s): known paedophile; X1 (when shown pictures, X1 identified Jacques Grafe alongside Jean-Paul Dumont, Jean-Paul Raemaekers and Rene Bats)
Convicted paedophile. Brother of politician Jean-Pierre Grafe.
Source(s): T1 (November 20, 1996, PV 117.320: "Voluntary testimony of T1 (anonymous)... In January '90 in the "Taverne du Passage", rue des Bouchers 41 in Bruxelles. A table with a man and two boys of 13 years - blonds. Description of the man and children. The man caressed the thigh of one of the children. The man was Jean-Pierre Graffe. Graffe seems to be an regular of the place."); Jean-Michel Rulens (in PV 117.529 on November 25, 1996 he told how he was present at group sex parties in La Brique with Elio Di Rupo and Jean-Pierre Grafe, how he as a 17 year old had sex with them, but how Di Rupo and Grafe also had sex with minors. Rulens mentions a number of other witnesses. Rulens had been sexually abused as a minor); Oliver Trusgnach (manipulated by Marnette and should be discarded); Nihoul (November 18, 1996, PV 10.600, interview with Jean Michel Nihoul (summary): "The information on radio-libre JMB [Nihoul involved with that from 1985 to mid 1990s] was overseen by Marie-Bernard Gilds and Jean-Louis Bogaert. Bogaert was press attache of the defense secretary of the time (Jose Demaret). Bogaert was also press attache for Jean-Pierre Graffe [Grafe]. Bogaert told him that Graffe was a child molester and that he liked to whip his boys."); November 20, 1996, The Guardian, 'Belgian minister to face hearing for 'buying child sex': "In a written statement, Mr Grafe, said the allegations against him were intended solely to harm his reputation as a public figure. But that did not stop the press from reporting that he had been investigated for having sex with minors twice before, in 1982 and 1984, and that his brother, Jacques, is serving a prison sentence for paedophile activities."; 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'The Dossier Nihoul', p. 43: "The Di Rupo affair made yet another dossier disappear into the background, a much heavier dossier against Jean-Pierre Grafe, also a friend of Vanden Boeynants."; Dutroux X-Files, PV 100.130, December 2, 1996: "Sectarian or satanic activities at the Valmont castle in Merbes-Le-Chateau. Owner of the chateau = Ferbus Pierre (07/01/42). Homosexual - banker BBL. Di Rupo and Graffe would have been seen at these parties. A victim described a place during a television debate - the description looked like the Valmont castle. Residents of the chateau: Isaert Christian (10/03/50) - gardener[;] Beroudiaux Dominique (30/04/54)[;] Bosquion David (02/10/75). Three entrances to the castle but two have been blocked. A report of the Police of Lobbes [nearby town, to the north] get the same information concerning Graffe Jean-Pierre. In the property there supposedly is a cross of 5 meters across. It would be about satanism. A rapport of the BSR [Special Investigations Unit of the Gendarmerie] in Thuin [another nearby town] contains approaching information." Additionally: PV 100.144 talks about Grafe having done a [political-business] favor to Ferbus at one time.
Doctor of Law. In the 1970s and early 1980s, Grafe was a prominent member of CEPIC, the extreme right wing branch of the PSC headed by Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Vanden Boeynants. Became chairman of CEPIC after the disastrous 1981 report of State Security that de Bonvoisin and friends were financing and supporting the fascist underground in Belgium. When Grafe kept de Bonvoisin at a safe distance from CEPIC there grew a conflict between the two. However, within a year, CEPIC was closed down as a whole. Walloon Minister of Higher Education in 1996 when he and vice premier Elio Di Rupo were named as pedophiles by Olivier Trusgnach, which had been a manipulation of Brussels police commissioner Georges Marnette. November 20, 1996, The Guardian, 'Belgian minister to face hearing for 'buying child sex': "Belgium's deputy prime minister, Elio di Rupo, will face a parliamentary commission into allegations that he procured 13-year-old boys for sex, the leaders of the government and opposition parties decided yesterday... A former chauffeur claimed that he had driven the minister to the Brussels red-light district in his official car, cruising for boys [apparently 16 years and older]... The local press quoted yesterday patrons of Le CanCan, a gay bar, and of a nearby nightclub, Le Garage, who said that the deputy prime minister was a regular visitor, ready to buy drinks for students... Meanwhile, the Wallonian (French-speaking) regional parliament has voted for a separate commission to investigate similar allegations against one of its ministers, Jean-Pierre Grafe... In a written statement, Mr Grafe, said the allegations against him were intended solely to harm his reputation as a public figure. But that did not stop the press from reporting that he had been investigated for having sex with minors twice before, in 1982 and 1984, and that his brother, Jacques, is serving a prison sentence for paedophile activities." During prison interviews, Raemaekers talked about Jean-Paul Dumont having been the lawyer of Jacques Grafe. 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'The Dossier Nihoul', p. 43: "The Di Rupo affair made yet another dossier disappear into the background, a much heavier dossier against Jean-Pierre Grafe, also a friend of Vanden Boeynants." In contrast to Elio Di Rupo, Grafe would resign from his position as minister. Vice chairman of Société de Développement de l'Aéroport de Bierset SA (SAB), founded in 1990, next to chairman Andre Cools. Cools would be murdered in 1991 and his death investigated by Connerotte and Bourlet. They were kicked off the case when they were about to solve it. SAB oversaw the airport of Bierset and attracted Agusta as an investor. Today vice-president of Société de Développement de l'Aéroport de Liège-Bierset, still shortened to SAB. Administrator of Association Liégeoise d'Electricité (ALE), Groupement de Redéploiement Economique (GRE), Comité de Direction de la SA Gestion du Bois Saint-Jean, SA de Promotion du Circuit de Francorchamps, Royal Motor Union. Vice-president of Radio-Tele Liege (RTC). Honorary president of Parlement de la Communauté Française. Chairman of Société mutuelle d'Assurances (Ethias), probably until 2007, which has also been joined by Elio Di Rupo. Today a city council member of Luik/Liege and consultant to Ministry of International Relations. Director of Centre Democrate Humaniste (CDH; former PSC), a christian-democrat humanist political party.
Source(s): X1 (mentioned the Hanet family, consisting of Fernand, Paul and Jacques, of being involved in the network by organizing child abuse parties at the UCO-Belvuco complex in Gent. Two neurospecialists and the well known Bert family were among the participants They were not part of the crowd that hunted on children.)
The family members were/are low-profile patrons of UCO Textiles, a large textile business headquartered in the region of Gent.
Fernand Hanet (b. 1931): once a manager of UCO Textiles.
Paul Hanet (b. 1933): vice-chairman of UCO Textiles and Belvuco NV; appointed to the honorary position Advisor for the Foreign Trade by royal decree; member of the Rotary in Gent.
Jacques Hanet (b. 1935): director of UCO Textiles; administrator of Belvuco NV; director of Ibel NV until 2000; member of the Royal Gent Flora, together with Jacques Solvay and several dozen other influential men in Belgium.
b. 1954
Source(s): X2 (part of her pimp's circle of abusers)
Judge in Namur and Nivelles.
b. 1939
Source(s): X1 (recognized as an abuser in PV 116.251, alongside co-gendarme/Diana group officers Bouhouche, Amory, Lhost and Mayerus)
Gendarme officer who worked at the Diana Group until his retirement in 1985, one month after a double murder he had become a suspect in. His name would be mysteriously removed from the dossier.
In 1985, gendarme officer Michel Denoncin became a suspect in a double murder on a trailer park/camping couple. The victims used to work in the sex industry, the woman, Maria-Louiza Vanruyskensvelde, as a prostitute, and her husband, Robert Vissers, as someone who took clandestine pictures of sex orgies for a third party that was never revealed. The sex club where Vissers had taken the pictures was located close to the gendarmerie headquarters in Etterbeek. It was known that Vissers had kept the negatives, and after the murder his trailer had been searched extensively by the killer(s). In his trailer detectives also found a business cart of a company of Robert Darville (friend of Michel Nihoul; went to the Jonathan; acted as a gunsmith and delivered explosives to the Haemers gang, which kidnapped Vanden Boeynants in 1989; regularly visited the company Logitel, just as Achille Haemers, Michel Nihoul and where Marc Dutroux and Michele Martin have also been seen. The witnesses told that some of the men there were talking about importing "young white and brown horses" from eastern Europe by plane, but after the Dutroux affair thought they had been talking about children. The witness, Rita Vetsuypens, found out she was married to a paedophile who was involved with these people). In the past, Vissers and Vanruyskensvelde used to work for a person named Robert Mahieu, who rented and owned a number of apartments where his clients could organize sex parties. When detectives searched the home of Mahieu and went through his agenda (in which all his clients could be found) they found the names of top officers in the banking and diamond world, diplomats and politicians involved with the European Union. Les Atrebates and the Dolo also appeared in the agenda. It soon became clear that there was a cover up in this affair when names were blackened out from official reports and crucial evidence disappeared. The trailer park itself also was suspect in itself. Its guard also was a guard in the Sint-Gillis prison where Jean Bultot was assistant director at that time. One of the trailers in the park was inhabited by the brother of gang leader Achille Haemers, and Achille himself would regularly be seen at the camping. One of the detectives involved in this case would later be found dead, the reason: suicide. Another officer involved in the case who kept questioning the innocence of Denoncin and Hubeaux would be bullied out of the gendarmerie. Denoncin was confidante of Col. Lhost, the former head of the Diana Group, who was mentioned by X1 as a child abuser. Denoncin's friend and co-suspect in this case was Michel Hubeaux, another Diana Group officer, and also recognized by X1 as an abuser in the network.
Source(s): Nathalie W. (raped her at the Dolo in early 1980s)
Mayor of Waterloo since 1982. Met Nihoul at the Dolo, Les Atrebates, the golf course La Bawette in Overijse and at Nihoul's local radio show. Regional deputy of Walloon 1995-1999. Vice minister-president of Walloon and Wallonian minister of economic affairs 1999-2004. One of the speaker at the 'Leaders Meet & Greet' event in Knokke in October 2004. Leader of the Parti Reformateur Liberal (PRL) in the Senate. Director of Dexia NV since 2005. Director of IP Trade. Director of Les Amis du Musée Wellington (Friend of the Wellington Museum).
b. 1940
X1 (1 of the 8 persons picked by X1 on September 30, 1996 out of 40 pictures presented to her (how many real pictures ranges from "several" to about 20). Four of the persons she pointed out intrigued De Baets (especially Christian Amory and Madani Bouhouche) and seemed to confirm his suspicions that cars of the Gendarme's Diana Group (similar to SWAT) were involved in abuse/torture network. However, X1 also misidentified at least three, and maybe four pictures, and this time it really was a mistake (as opposed to all the manipulations by the "re-readers" later on).
Lieutenant-Colonel in the Gendarmerie. 2nd commandant of the Mobile Legion and head of the Special Intervention Squadron (Diana Group; Belgium's combined SWAT/CT team) in the early 1980s. On February 18, 1982, Lhost became head of the investigation into the robbery of the Diana Group. During the robbery, which happened on January 1, 1982, a good number of high-tech small arms were stolen. Madani Bouhouche (also pointed out by X1 and seen at the Dolo by X2 with a confidant of Paul Vanden Boeynants) was totally implicated, but never prosecuted. Lhost exercised pressure on examining magistrate Bellemans to keep as much control over the investigation as possible. He ignored Lt.-Col. Marchoul, head of the info-section of the BOB Brussels, a person who would normally be contacted. On April 27, 1982, Lhost cancelled the coordination gatherings between leading members of the investigation, effectively bringing a halt to any meaningful investigation. Colleagues had already come to the conclusion at the time that Lhost was shielding the (central) role of the extreme right from being investigated. Lhost knew a lot of people over at Forces Nouvelles, the fascist front for the militant Front de la Jeunesse. Both of these organizations were overseen and funded by CEPIC, in particular Baron de Bonvoisin. Lhost left the Gendarmerie in 1985 and went to work for the Security Bureau (Bureau de Sécurité, or BDS ) of the European Union (European Commission section). Here he teamed up with another fascist cell, consisting of Pierre Eveillard (once worked in the cabinet of Paul Vanden Boeynants; his brother Christian was a police commissioner in Etterbeek who protected and visited the notorious Dolo), Robert Thomas (specialist in political violence; apparently ran his own intelligence group, trained members of Nazi organisations like Front de la Jeunesse and Westland New Post), Roland Maffioli (ex-member of the political section of the Brussels BOB, who helped infiltrating neo-nazi Paul Latinus into the State Security Service), and others. Heared by the Gang of Nijvel investigation commission on May 12, 1997, which made it clear to a number of commissioners that Colonel Lhost had indeed sabotaged the investigation into the 1982 Diana Group robbery. 1999, 'The X-Dossiers, p. 261: "One of the individuals that was [X1] recognized once was a driver in a service that was headed by Lhost and possessed heavy black BMWs." In 1985, a confidante of Lhost, Michel Denoncin, was suspected in a double murder on a couple in a trailer park. The confidante was a friend of co-gendarme officer and Diana Group employee Michel Hubeaux, who was recognized as an abuser by X1.
Source(s): X1 (brothers were among her worst rapists and torturers); X2 (brothers raped her and were present at child huntings at Chateau de Chimay); X4 (Lippens family: 1999, The X-Files, p. 327: "Soon in the investigation the names of politicians O. and E. are dropped as 'regular customers'. By that time these had already been pointed out by X1 and X3 as child killers.". Following the system used by the book (reversing of the alphabet), O. is really L. and E. is really V., indicating that the real names are Leopold Lippens (mayor) and Paul Vanden Boeynants (prime minister, etc.). There do not seem to be other possibilities. Only problem: according to the leaked X-dossier summary document, X1 and X2 mentioned Lippens and Vanden Boeynants, while X3 only mentioned Vanden Boeynants); two anonymous letters, mentioned in PV 116.353.
Brother of the very influential businessman Maurice Lippens. His father was an enthusiastic follower of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French mystical Jesuit priest who advocated the theory of a global consciousness and how nation states should be abolished. Another thing Teilhard tried to do was to bridge the gap between Darwinism and the Catholic faith. The father of the Lippens brothers gave lectures about Chardin and was a member of the Teilhard Society. Chardin joined the duc in altum of the Benedictines. President of the Royal Zoute Golf Club. Mayor of Knokke-Heist 1979-2004. This town is a very exclusive coastal holiday resort with a nature reserve, 65 tennis courts, and loads of 5-star hotels. Many streets in Knokke-Heist are named after aristocrats or ancestors of the royal family. Leopold had plans to build a 100 meter or 300 feet high casino before he would leave his post, but the residents of the town were against it (would block the sun for some of them). In April 2002, when boarding a plane for an official visit to Denmark, he was questioned by the airport security who found two bullets in one of his pockets. Said he probably forgot to take them out after a hunting trip. Leopold is a really good friend of Albert Frère. They regularly play golf with each other and go out hunting. Anno 2006, director of Compagnie du Zoute in Knokke, together with Maurice, Paul and Nadine Lippens, and Count Guillaume d'Arschot Schoonhoven.
b. 1943
Source(s): X1 (brothers were among her worst rapists and torturers); X2 (brothers raped her and were present at child huntings at Chateau de Chimay); X4 (Lippens family: 1999, The X-Dossiers, p. 327: "Soon in the investigation the names of politicians O. and E. are dropped as 'regular customers'. By that time these had already been pointed out by X1 and X3 as child killers.". Following the system used by the book (reversing of the alphabet), O. is really L. and E. is really V., indicating that the real names are Leopold Lippens (mayor) and Vanden Boeynants (prime minister, etc.). There do not seem to be other possibilities. Only problem: according to the leaked X-Files summary document, X1 and X2 mentioned Lippens and Vanden Boeynants, while X3 only mentioned Vanden Boeynants); two anonymous letters, mentioned in PV 116.353.
Born in 1943 and brother of Leopold Lippens. His father was an enthusiastic follower of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French mystical Jesuit priest who advocated the theory of a global consciousness and how nation states should be abolished. Another thing Teilhard tried to do was to bridge the gap between Darwinism and the Catholic faith. The father of the Lippens brothers gave lectures about Chardin and was a member of the Teilhard Society. Chardin joined the duc in altum of the Benedictines. Maurice was a scholar of the Benedictines of Loppem in his early years (at SG, he would find out that three others were Benedictines: Davignon, Claude de Villenfagne van AnHyp, and Guy Ullens de Schooten). Studied Law at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and graduated in 1967. After receiving an MBA from Harvard in 1972, he went back to Belgium. Joined Scienta SA, a large European venture capital group at the time which made many investments in Africa. Became managing director of Scienta in 1972. Director Société Européenne de Venture Capital in the 1970s, of which the main shareholders were the Agnelli and Rothschild Groups. Director of Paribas and Robert Bosch in the 1970s. Joined Groupe AG as a director in 1981 and became its chairman in 1988. In 1990, when Groupe AG became part of the Dutch banking group Fortis, Maurice held his post as (co-)chairman. Stepped down in 2000. Chairman of the Fortis Foundation Belgium. Vice-chairman of Société Générale de Belgique since 1988 where he became good friends with Etienne Davignon, a person he superficially knew for 30 years but never really liked until then. Lippens' parents and grandparents were good friends of Davignon's father and mother. Director of Groupe Bruxelles Lambert and TotalFinaElf. Director of Finasucre Sugar Group, owned by the Lippens family and an almost worldwide producer of sugar and milk acid. Chairman of the family's real estate group Compagnie du Zoute since 1983 (Compagnie du Zoute was founded in 1908 by Maurice (1875-1956) and Raymond Lippens). Chairman of Compagnie Immobilière d’Hardelot. Chairman of Hazegras. Chairman of le Village n°1. Chairman of CDC United Network, which distributes television productions and does marketing promotions in magazines and papers through Paperview. Director and treasurer of the Musée des Enfants (Children's Museum). Member of the Harvard Business School board of directors. Vice-chairman of the Royal Belgo-British Union (Anglo-Belgian Society). Member of the Belgian Council of INSEAD. Member of Cercle de Lorraine. Annual visitor of the Trilateral Commission in recent years. Visited Bilderberg in 2000, 2002, and 2006. In an interview with Trends.be, published on September 1, 2005, Maurice said: "I have never visited DAVOS and think it's one big carnival. I receive the membership lists and can, if I want to, call up anyone I'm interested in. I like to visit Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission. Bilderberg is intense. There one has to work from the early morning to the late evening. The Round Table of Industrialists is interesting, but I'm not a member because I'm not an Industrialist. Talking about the future of the world is a difficult thing by the way. I do like to listen and network in Washington with the Trilateral Commission. You'll hear about interesting trends from first hand." Maurice Lippens and Etienne Davignon set up SN Brussels Airlines, the airline which succeeded the bankrupted Sabena in 2001. Spoke at the Wharton INSEAD Economic Forum in 2002. Established the Belgian Commission on Corporate Governance in 2004 and has been its president since. Baron Daniel Janssen is among the directors of this commission. Just as his mother he is a great fan of the English culture and the only reason he never moved to England is because he thinks he will always be treated as an outsider. When he met Prince Charles, Maurice found out that they both read Eagle Magazine. Countess Maurice Lippens is a member of the support committee of the Belgian Kids Foundation for Pediatric Research, which is part of the Queen Fabiola Children's Hospital. President of this support committee, patroned by Princess Astrid, is Comte Jean-Pierre de Launoit. A Barbara De Selliers De Moranville co-organized a huge party for 3500 children in the garden of Countess François d'Ansembourg, which was part of the Belgian Kids Foundation.
Source(s): Text from PV 8.372/98 in the Dutroux dossier, which briefly outlines some of the connections of Michel Nihoul (translated from French): "Transmitted to examining magistrate Mr. LANGLOIS in Neufchâteau, his dossier 86/0/96 [April 22, 1998]... Annex 161. A note on the existence of a SNUFF [videos on which people are killed] network of which Mr. GLATZ of the CIDE would have had knowledge and in which one would find a certain François LIPPENS, who is close to themayor of Knokke, whose name is often mentioned in very horrible activities. I conductedno verification or crosscheck."; his family members Maurice and Leopold have been mentioned as child abusers by a whole range of witnesses.
Honorary consul general of Belgium in Nice, appointed in November 1987 (already a honorary consul general in 1998). Member of the Corps Consulaire des Alpes-Maritimes, the Consular Corps in Alpes-Maritimes, a region in southern France which includes the cities of Nice and Cannes. Officer in the Order of Leopold since 1998. Attended meetings with the King of Belgium celebrating the birth of Belgium and such. Has spoken at a number of these meetings.
Interesting note: X69, a transvestite specialized in SM and scatology, testified that in 1993 or 1994 he was asked by a pimp, Micha, from Berendrecht, if he wanted to make 50,000 franks in one night. X69 was interested and was pointed towards an old house in Berendrecht. While walking towards the house he noticed a large American car and "a gray Mercedes with a license plate of the Consular Corps" (1999, The X-Files, p. 331). X69 found 4 men and 3 women inside, including Michel Nihoul and Anne Bouty. Three girls and a boy were also present, which he estimated between 8 and 13 years old and probably from the Netherlands or Germany. Nihoul had sex with several children while Bouty made them watch her while having sex with a guy of about 30 years old. X69 didn't touch the children and was very uncomfortable that night. He had pee sex with a guy in his fifties. Investigators were able to find the house after a while; it had been demolished in the mean time.
b. 1946
Source(s): X2 (PV 118.381, December 13, 1996: "X2 met Dumont several times at the Platos in Ixelles. She also met Marnette, Pelos and Zimmer (PJ BXL) there. It is a club for orgies, occasionally with consenting minors participating. Dumont went there with boys. Dumont and Marnette know each other well (partners in crime)."); Nathalie W. (accused Marnette of being involved in raping her, together with Claudio de Balanguer, a sidekick of her Prince de Merode); PV 116.065, November 5, 1996: "31/10/96 JC Thomas (Gendarmerie) is contacted by an anonymous witness. The witness is outraged by the manipulation of public opinion by the Press (DH). He speaks about the article 'Ras-le-Bol'. Marnette himself has participated in partouzes with Nihoul during which coke was available. It is about a manipulation of Georges Marnette (PJ) with the complicity of [Gilbert] Dupont (DH). Marnette is again in contact with Forgeot and Bara [managers of the Dolo and Les Atrebates]. Marnette is protected. He kept in contact with Paulus de Chatelet [Véronique Paulus de Chatelet; governor of law of Brussels]. Affirmations can be confirmed by Guy Jadot (ex-informant of Marnette and Reyniers [apparently just as corrupt as Marnette]) and by Salvatore Barega..."; PV 100.835, February 21, 1997 (marked in red in the summary): "The informer learns from a journalist that a press leak was organized for 21 or 22/02/97. An article has to appear in La Derniere Heure about the murder at the champignonière [Christine Van Hees, which was reopened by X1]. The article has to be written by a journalist who is a friend of Marnette. NDLR [note de la rédaction]: see declarations of X2 about the intervention of Marnette in this dossier. According to journalist from the Gent area, Marnette and his journalist friend took part together in orgies of which photographs would exist."; PV 151.077, April 15, 1997: "Forgeot [owner Dolo and Les Atrebates; alleged rapist] says that Marnette, Collignon and Reyniers [Reyniers] frequented Les Atrebates."
Police commissioner in Brussels and today the number two in the justice department of the federal police in Brussels. Good friend of Jean-Paul Dumont (accused of being a violent child abuser and had connections all over Belgium's underworld), who in turn is a good friend of Nihoul (accused of being a violent child abuser). Has many contacts in the extreme right and the circle of the late Paul Vanden Boeynants (accused of being a violent child abuser). Interrogated WNP Nazi terrorists Paul Latinus (DIA-NATO-PIO agent), Eric Lammers (Wackenhut; pedophilia found on his and his friend's computer in 2004) and Marcel Barbier (Wackenhut-PIO-EIM agent, and Latinus' right hand in WNP) in late 1983, who admitted to having committed two murders. For some reason, they had been given orders to spill the beans. Recruited Latinus as an informant. Marnette was called by Latinus several hours before he was suicided in April 1984 with some information about a drug case he had stumbled upon. In May 1988, Marnette expressed his conviction that Latinus had been murdered by someone unknown.
In 1989, examining magistrate Freddy Troch was involved in an investigation into Group G and the claims of Martial Lekeu. Brussels police commissioners Georges Marnette and Frans Reyniers, both visitors of Les Atrebates and the Dolo, soon ran an internal investigation of Troch's investigation, followed by a complaint to examining magistrate Benoit Dejemeppe. A year later, Troch reopened some of the Gang of Nijvel documents and began looking into its political connections. Two of the persons he became very interested in as a result were Frans Reyniers (Brussels police commissioner; assisted in the Gang of Nijvel investigation; later convicted criminal; regularly visited the Jonathan, Les Atrébates and later The Dolo, Nihoul's favorite hangouts, for orgies, sometimes involving minors) and Baron de Bonvoisin. Troch was warned and subsequently kicked off the case by Melchior Wathelet, a violent child abuser together with Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Vanden Boeynants, according to X1. Dejemeppe was a protege of Wathelet, accused by the late Count Yann of involvement in drugs and pedophilia networks.
September 1989, Congressman Hugo Coveliers, secretary of the special investigating committee tasked with evaluating the way gangsterism and terrorism is combated in Belgium (1988-1990), to Humo magazine (1989, Hugo Gijsels (has written for Humo and De Morgen), 'De Bende & Co', p. 133-134): "Imagine, everywhere you hear that story about a blackmail dossier in which organizations of the extreme right are in the possession of pictures and videos on which a number of prominent people in and around Brussels have sex with with young girls; minors it is said. The existence of this dossier has always been vehemently denied. Until it was proven that testimonies and videos of this affair indeed were in the possession of the police services. An officer of the judicial police (Marnette, H.G.) denied the existence of these videos, while afterwards this person's superior admitted that they did exist, that they were kept with the judicial police in Brussels, but that they were completely worthless. Strange, because this stuff needs to be deposited with the registrar and not be kept at some police service. Subsequently, examining magistrate Jean-Marie Schlicker confirms that this dossier does indeed exist, but that he wishes not to give any testimonies about it. The at first non-existing dossier turns out to exist. The videos without substance then turn out to be interesting enough after all to be handed over to the examining magistrate tasked with the investigation into the Gang of Nijvel. But this person subsequently is afraid to testify about that! What do you think that has been going on here?" In August 1996, Marnette volunteered to come to Neufchateau in the aftermath of the Dutroux arrest as a specialist in sexual affairs. Following are examples of his peculiar role in the investigation.
In February-March 1995, after the convicted paedophile Jean-Paul Raemaekers began testifying about child abuse networks in Belgium and how high-level officials were involved, Marnette and Raemaekers' lawyer, Jean-Paul Dumont, tried to gain control over Raemaekers. PV 115.417, October 19, 1996: "Raemaekers interview - Period of 20/02 to 15/03/95. At the time of the investigation of the BSR 3/SRC, Raemaekers had signaled to his lawyers that he was going to give information on networks of child molesters. Lawyers = JP Dumont, Marc Depaus and Geuninkx. Dumont wanted to entrust the investigation to the judicial police [in which Marnette is commissioner in Brussels] to screen the information. Dumont intervened with Marnette who is "his good friend". Marnette sent two men to the jail to audition Raemaekers on this topic. Lawyer Depaus came with them. The evidence had to be provided to the judicial police via Depaus after having been filtered by Dumont."
When the prosecutor of the king in Brussels, Benoit Dejemeppe (accused of having been involved in the trafficking of drugs and children; his mentor, Melchior Wathelet, is accused of being a violent child abuser), privately inquired about the arrest and evidence against Annie Bouty (accused of being a violent child abuser; Nihoul's ex-partner), he did this through Marnette (accused of being a child abuser). Dejemeppe didn't just "inquire out of personal interest", as he defended himself, he also recommended that Bouty's dossier be moved out of the pedophilia dossier and into the car fraud dossier.
In his first week at Neufchateau, Marnette went to Connerotte and presented him with a picture from the collection of Jean-Paul Raemaekers, a convicted paedophile, on which a man could be seen who vaguely resembled Dutroux. Before giving in to Marnette's request to interview Raemaekers, Connerotte had other people take a look at the picture, who concluded that the photo in question had been made in the 1970s when Dutroux was too young to look like the man in the picture. Also, the man on the picture could be heard speaking Dutch in the full video, a language not spoken by Dutroux. Immediately suspicions arose by Bourlet and Connerotte that Marnette had a hidden agenda. A BOB officer later commented: "The motive behind it was clear. Just as more than a year before, in March 1995, he wanted to gain control over Raemaekers, preferably by interviewing him himself. Why we don't know. But when you see what Marnette did a short time later with Elio Di Rupo, then at the very least we have a strong suspicion."
Since September 1996, Jean-Paul Raemaekers (X1 knew about him) testified to the BOB about some of the things he knew. His stories ultimately became responsible for the extended digs in Jumet, which investigators like Connerotte, Bourlet and De Baets immediately saw as another red herring, not only for them, but also for the public. Connerotte didn't pay attention to Raemaekers, but after he was kicked off the Dutroux investigation over the Spaghetti affair in mid October, Langlois made Raemaekers one of his top priorities. At the same time Langlois did everything he could to discredit the X-File witnesses. Interrogators of Raemaekers, who claimed he passed through the stories of his cell mate Guy Focant, failed to notice several rather obvious contradictions in his story. They also failed to notice that Raemaekers took info from his other cell mate, Francis Debuisson, and used it in his own made up stories. Since October 19, Raemaekers, allegedly through Focant, claimed that Elio Di Rupo and Jean-Pierre Grafe protected pedophiles and were involved in the network themselves. This was two days before Olivier Trusgnach returned to Belgium and became involved with Marnette. Marnette then became responsible for the "leak" in which Di Rupo and Grafe were publicly accused of pedophilia (described below). The digs in Jumet, where according to Focant/Raemaekers a number of victims of Dutroux could be found, were finally cancelled in May 1997.
In the summer of 1996, the 22 year old Olivier Trusgnach fled to London after having stolen from his employer a load of pricey silverware. As a gay prostitute several years before he had had sex with government officials, the most prominent of them Elio Di Rupo (Parti Socialiste), vice-premier of Belgium in 1996; and Jean-Pierre Grafe (PSC), Walloon minister of Higher Education in 1996, not to mention once a member of CEPIC and a friend of Vanden Boeynants. Trusgnach was soon tracked down in London, but was not arrested. It is known that in early September 1996, Marnette received information from inspector Gregory Antipine that Trusgnach, as a former gay prostitute, had high level officials among his clients. For some reason Trusgnach came back to Belgium on October 21 to talk to the police about his sexual relationships with above-mentioned government officials. However, in his October 22 testimony there's nothing incriminating to be found as he stated that he was 19 years old at the time of the sexual contacts and wasn't forced to do anything. Marnette was almost immediately informed of the arrest of Trusgnach and had contacted officers involved in the case by October 22. On October 24, Trusgnach suddenly claimed that he was 17 years old when the homosexual contacts took place between him and Di Rupo and Grafe, which still wouldn't have been illegal. Then the next morning Trusgnach began claiming to have been even younger, only 15, and reported to his interviewers that he had been informed by the judicial police in Brussels (Marnette & Co.; date of this deal?) that if he would "cooperate" (in their crusade against Di Rupo) the charges against him for stealing silverware would be dropped. In the mean time, Marnette had written a PV about an informant (whom Marnette is said to have put under pressure) who claimed that two homosexuals, Laurent V. and Johan P., were in the possession of paedophile videos, and that Trusgnach "would have more information" (apparently, Marnette was aware that the informant knew both Di Rupo and Trusgnach). On October 28, Marnette and the two October 24 interviewers of Trusgnach, Antipine and Struys, put everything they "had learned" in a PV, which included accusations of pedophilia (as Trusgnach apparently was only 15) against Di Rupo, Grafe and a number of other mid-level government officials and businessmen. A few weeks went by with nothing happening, except that the report somehow got leaked to journalists. On November 15, various newspapers thought they had done enough fact checking on the leaked document and informed the police that its contents would be discussed in the November 16 newspaper editions. At this point, magistrates and police commissioners all of a sudden decided that the home of the two homosexuals, Laurent V. and Johan P., needed to be searched before these two would get rid of any evidence that they might possess. Then another peculiar decision was made: instead of the Judicial Police doing the raid, which had been working on both cases in its entirety, it was decided that the De Baets and team, of the BOB, had to search the place of Laurent V. and Johan P. De Baets was forced to cancel his vacation and had to telephone all night to even get an idea of what this case was all about. In the following weeks, newspapers spread the suspicion that De Baets and his team, who would soon find themselves in the middle of the X-File witnesses debate, had been responsible for the entire "anti-gay witch hunt" against Di Rupo and Grafe. Predictably, no evidence at all was found by De Baets against Laurent V. and Johan P. It also soon became obvious to anyone that Trusgnach, as a thief, con man and someone who kept altering his testimony, was about the most unreliable witness imaginable. November 26, 1996, The Independent, 'Gays under pressure in Belgium's moral backlash; Anger over child murders switches to Belgium's gays': "In spite of the threat to the government should his allegations prove true, and in spite of all the pages of lurid allegations printed in the Belgian press, not even the police have bothered to establish whether Oliver T was under 16, the age of consent, when he allegedly had sex with the Deputy Prime Minister. And nobody seems to care. Oliver T is a "victim" - whatever his age - and a new, and potent symbol of moral corruption at the heart of the state... Belgium seems determined to find the "guilty man". The "moral" right is on a new crusade... The gay community all over Belgium is on the alert. Political leaders of the extreme right Vlaams Blok party and the conservative Catholic parties are targeting them, they say." Michel Bourlet, Jean-Marc Connerotte, the team of De Baets, and even inspector Gregory Antipine all came to the conclusion that Marnette and associates had purposely manipulated and woven together the cases of Olivier Trusgnach and the two homosexuals. One reason cited was to discredit the team of De Baets that was working on the soon-to-be-very-controversial X-Files, and any revelations from these X witnesses that might accidentally hit the press. Another reason was to briefly "verify" the rumors of high level involvement in the Dutroux-Nihoul network, only to have them discredited again. A third reason might have been to remind high level officials to support the cover up, as their name might appear in the newspapers next (Di Rupo and Grafe had never publicly mentioned they were homosexuals, although it was known at the clubs they were "hunting" for boys). At some point Di Rupo said to journalist Alain Gerlache: "I think that what happened to me might have served to cover up things in this country that are much worse." Examining magistrate Laffineur, tasked with finding the source of the earlier-mentioned leak, accused Marnette of having been responsible for the leak. Marnette denied however, and was never prosecuted. Coincidentally, Marnette's seemingly honest subordinate, inspector Gregory Antipine, decided to hang himself on August 14, 1999. Interestingly, there were other dossiers against Grafe (and some also say Di Rupo) with far more serious accusations of pedophilia. But these dossiers were thrown out together with the Trusgnach dossier, and have never been properly investigated.
BOB officers Eric Eloir and Luc Delmartino have stated that they suspect that Georges Marnette worked together with his allegedly good friend Gilbert Dupont, a journalist of La Derniere Heure, in leaking certain information aimed at discrediting the whole Dutroux and X-witnesses investigation. Patrick De Baets stated that the whole Di Rupo affair not only was an effort to discredit his team and the X witnesses, and to get the pressure off Nihoul, but also to warn politicians to stay in line.
b. 1936
Source(s): X1 (Martens participated in rape and torture events at the ASCO factory; this person was brought into the network without knowing what he got himself involved with. Appeared uncomfortable and seemed to be pressured); X2 (seen Martens hang out with all the child abusers)
BA in Thomism, which is about the second most important philosophy to the Catholic church next to the Bible. Doctor of Law. Chairman of CVP's (Christian People Party) youth division 1967-1971. Chairman of the CVP 1972-1979. CVP's representative of the people in Gent-Eeklo 1974-1991. Prime minister of Belgium April 1979 - March 1981, and follow-up of Paul Vanden Boeynants of the PSC. Prime minister of Belgium December 1981 - March 1992. Always had a coalition with the PSC. Minister of State since 1992. Chairman of the European People's Party (EVP) since 1992, of which he had been a co-founder in 1976. Chairman of the European Union of Christen-Democrats 1993-1996. Fraction chairman of the European People's Party in the European Parliament 1994-1999. Considered one of the fathers of the Unionist Federalism. Chairman of the Catholic Flemish Student Union in Leuven.
Source(s): 1979 Pinon Affair (present at parties where underage girls were abused, together with the later King Albert II)
Born in 1941. Joined the socialists in Belgium at age sixteen. Mayor of Seraing from 1971 to 1989. Minister of Public Work and Wallonian Affairs 1977-1980. In the late 1970s he arranged the contract for the government to hire and eventually buy the Brussels WTC centre, a failed project from people like Vanden Boeynants, Charly De Pauw, Ado Blaton, and others. This dubious deal has cost the Belgian government about $500 million in total. Minister of National Education for several months in 1980. Minister of the Budget and Domestic Affairs 1980-1981. Vice Prime Minister for a few months in 1981. In 1982, Mathot ended up in the Mosbeux Affair: his wife was in business with the wife of someone who has been caught for embezzlement. Resigned as chairman of Parti Socialiste in 1983. In 1983, Mathot is caught trying to dispose of sensitive documents of the local Seraing soccer club, which might have exposed another case of embezzlement. Chairman of Parliament Defraigne intervened and Mathot was released. Member of Cercle des Nations. Freemason. Minister of Domestic Affairs within the Wallonian Government 1992-1994. In 1994, Mathot resigned again as he was accused of having taken bribes from Agusta, the company that sold helicopters to the Belgian government. Supposedly, other helicopters had been a better choice, but because of the bribes people like Mathot promoted buying Agusta's helicopters. At the same time Mathot was named as one of the persons who had Andre Cools killed in 1991, supposedly because the latter threatened to expose the whole dirty business after not having received his part of the bribes. Mathot was cleared of all charges in 1998. Again elected Mayor of Seraing in 2000 and remained in this position until his death in 2005. Chairman of Parti Socialiste in Ville de Liège since 2003 until his death in 2005.
X1 (1 of the 8 persons picked by X1 on September 30, 1996 out of 40 pictures presented to her (how many real pictures ranges from "several" to about 20). Four of the persons she pointed out intrigued De Baets (especially Christian Amory and Madani Bouhouche) and seemed to confirm his suspicions that cars of the Gendarme's Diana Group (similar to SWAT) were involved in abuse/torture network. However, X1 also misidentified at least two, and maybe four pictures, and this time it really was a mistake (as opposed to all the manipulations by the "re-readers" later on).
Colonel in the Gendarmerie. Co-founder of the Diana Group. Attracted the Nazi Jean-Francis Calmette (OAS terrorist; Wackenhut director; instructor at the CIA-NATO-sponsored secret fascist training camps of Front de la Jeunesse in the Ardennes, which were overseen by DIA-NATO agent Paul Latinus, another Nazi) in 1974 to train a group of gendarme officers in full-contact karate. Good friend of Madani Bouhouche (Nazi; BOB officer until 1983; caught spying on his colleagues; leading figure in the Practical Shooting Association; friend and partner-in-crime of such men as Christian Amory, Bob Beyer and Jean Bultot; went to the Jonathan; convicted criminal and murderer; in close contact with Front de la Jeunesse, Westland New Post and Group G) and Paul Latinus (Nazi; recruited by the DIA in 1967, age 17; trained by NATO; reserve lieutenant with the Air Force; paid informant of State Security; recruited as an intelligence agent by PIO in 1977; recommended everywhere by the CEPIC leadership; member Front de la Jeunesse; founder Westland New Post in 1981; recruited as a police informant by the questionable Georges Marnette; suicided in 1984). Good acquaintance of Major Jean Bougerol, a protege of Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron de Bonvoisin, not to mention head of PIO, a shady military intelligence unit that controlled the underground fascist networks in Belgium. Became administrative-director of EIM (European Institute of Management), the follow-up of PIO, in 1981. US ambassador Douglas MacArthur II became chairman of EIM several months later. June 6, 1997, Gang investigators Ruth and Lachlan to the Gang Committee: "Mayerus would have informed Colonel De Buyst, who was heared about this dossier, that the WNP effectively worked for State Security and that this was a honest and clean business... In any case, Colonel Mayerus was not carried away when he explained what WNP stood for. He said: 'No problem. It is safe, good in the name of national security.'" This statement that WNP worked for State Security could well be disinformation, as the fascist underground and US intelligence could not get along with its leadership. According to a gendarme officer who testified against the Gang Commission, Mayerus had referred a person, who was looking for a security expert, to WNP head Paul Latinus. Even after his retirement, Mayerus often stopped by at his former BOB office in Brussels, but after the gendarmerie found out that he worked for EIM he was forbidden to continue these visits. At this time rumors had begun to circulate that Mayerus was gathering information for EIM during these visits. January 7, 2006, De Morgen, 'Hoe louche was het speurwerk van Bouhouche? Zijn dossiers gekraakt' (How shifty was the detective work of Bouhouche? His dossiers cracked'): "Still other customers of ARI [detective firm of Bouhouche and Beijer in 1984-85] were recommended by former-gendarme colonel Rene Mayerus, director of the European Institute of Management, also a private intelligence service, with a seat directly across the American Embassy on the Brussels Kunstlaan. Chairman of EIM was the former American ambassador in Brussels, Douglas MacArthur II, the son of the famous general from the second world war. Owner of EIM was the late Michel Relecom, businessman with interests in Zaire, confidante of president Mobutu and chairman of the Belgian-African Chamber of Commerce. At the time, EIM had several contracts with the government of Zaire. In the Belgium the peculiar firm, thanks to Mayerus, one of the contracts received was from the Department of Foreign Affairs for the security of diplomatic gatherings and high level conferences in several castle domains of the department, as the Egmont Palace. Later Mayerus brought Bouhouche and Beijer in contact with the American commercial intelligence bureau International Intelligence Inc. (Intertel). At the request of Intertel, we learn from the database, ARI for example investigated a firm which had offices on the the Brussels Meeusplein, coincidentally directly across the headquarters at the time of State Security."
Source(s): X2 (two Merode brothers were present at a party with some of the worst alleged child rapists/killers: Oliver Castiaux, Baron de Bonvoisin, the Prince and Princess de Chimay, and Count d'Ursel. Details of the party were not mentioned in the leaked summary of X2's testimony); Nathalie W. (Prince Alexander was present at Satanic black mass where children were raped and tortured); X4 (1999, Annemie Bulte, Douglas De Coninck and Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, 'The X-Dossiers', p. 327 (Dutch to English): "Hearing after hearing the boundaries are pushed further. Extreme torture, rape scenes, murders of babies under the eye of men in black hoods. Pretty soon in the investigation the names of politicians O. and E. are mentioned as 'regular customers'. Those have been pointed out by X1 and X3 in the mean time as child killers. X4 also mentions the prince that played a central role in the account of Nathalie W. In the month of January she also points to a hotel in Knokke that was also mentioned by X1.". There's only one prince in Nathalie's testimony -Prince Alexandre de Merode- and he's one of her two or three central characters)
Descendant of one of the most noble houses in Belgium. Head of drug testing policy for the International Olympic Committee since its founding in 1967. Member of the executive committee of the IOC 1980-1986. Vice chairman of the IOC 1986-1990 and 1994-1998. Chairman of the Office Généalogique et Héraldique de Belgique (OGHB). Former chairman of the Royal Club of Historic Cities and Gardens in Belgium (Koninklijke Vereniging der Historische Woonsteden en Tuinen van België; like the National Trust in Britain). Directors of this group have included Baron Albert Frère, Marquess de Trazegnies, Etienne Davignon, Prince Lorenz (honorary chair) and Count Ghislain d'Ursel. The Corporation of the Knights of St. Michael of Brussels: "In 1977 the Burgomaster of Brussels, Mr. Van Halteren officially conferred upon the Corporation the title of "Serment de St. Michel de Bruxelles", the Oath of St. Michael of Brussels and entrusted them with its flag and coat of arms. Twenty years later, in January 1997 the Saint Sebastian Guild of Westerloo let it be known that the descendants of their founder, the Prince de Mérode owned a preciously guarded ancient flag of the "Serment" and that they wished to return it to the Corporation of the Knights of St. Michael. And it was handed over during the Chapter meeting of the Corporation on 29 September 1997 in the Gothic Hall of the Brussels City Hall by Prince Alexander de Mérode." Died without having married and without children.
Source(s): X2 (two Merode brothers were present at a party with some of the worst alleged child rapists/killers: Oliver Castiaux, Baron de Bonvoisin, the Prince and Princess de Chimay, and Count d'Ursel. Details of the party were not mentioned in the leaked summary of X2's testimony); Nathalie W. (Prince Alexander was present at Satanic black mass where children were raped and tortured); X4 (1999, Annemie Bulte, Douglas De Coninck and Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, 'The X-Dossiers', p. 327 (Dutch to English): "Hearing after hearing the boundaries are pushed further. Extreme torture, rape scenes, murders of babies under the eye of men in black hoods. Pretty soon in the investigation the names of politicians O. and E. are mentioned as 'regular customers'. Those have been pointed out by X1 and X3 in the mean time as child killers. X4 also mentions the prince that played a central role in the account of Nathalie W. In the month of January she also points to a hotel in Knokke that was also mentioned by X1.". There's only one prince in Nathalie's testimony -Prince Alexandre de Merode- and he's one of her two or three central characters)
The Merode is one of the most noble families in Belgium although seemingly never very influential outside their own region. The family was offered the Belgium throne in 1830 when Belgium separated from the Netherlands. The family refused, just as the family de Ligne, and the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas ascended the throne. Today it is one of 8 noble families in the Blue Salon.
X2 might have been talking about Prince Baudouin de Merode and his younger brother Lionel. Baudouin lived in Castle Merode in Westerlo until 2005, when Lionel moved in instead. The castle is only open to the public one weekend a year. Prince Baudouin de Merode is a regular guest of the Belgian royal family and a distinguished member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (July 20, 2006, Knack magazine, 'Zeg maar Albert tout court'). Baudouin's wife is a court lady of the Belgian queen. In 2004, the private Merode Forest of 3700 acres or 1500 hectares became property of the Belgian government.
The Merode family counts quite a number of Princes and Princesses.
Prince Amaury de Merode (1902-1980) was mentioned as a shareholder, and likely a large one, of Société Generale de Belgique in 1973, together with the Vatican, the Belgian Royal family, and the Lippens, Solvay, Boël, and Janssen families (1973, Anthony Rowley, 'The Barons of European Industry', p. 111). Amaury married Marie-Claire Prinzessin von Croy in 1926.
Prince Francois de Merode was member of the Cercle des Nations in the 1970s (1990, Hugo Gijsels, 'De Bende & Co.', p. 177), under the leadership of Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Vanden Boeynants. His son Adrien (b. 1946), like Amaury, married a princess of the de Croy family. Today he heads a low profile construction group named Beauwal SA. It has some building projects in the Far East.
Prince Bernard de Merode, born in 1949, has a law degree specializing in banking and finance. He worked with various banks before joining a prominent Swiss bank in London as a member of its senior management. In 1995, together with Philippe de Patoul (accused of trade in drugs and children), he founded TNN Trust and Management SA. Went to work as a consultant for Risk Analysis, a firm with offices in London, Switzerland and Luxembourg that describes itself as "a discreet provider of comprehensive business intelligence, investigation and security risk management services to its financial, legal and corporate clients around the world". Risk Analysis is headed by Christopher Davy, a Companion of the Order of the Bath who officially worked for "the Ministry of Defence", but according to anonymous UK government sources actually worked for MI5 for almost three decades. The firms' managing director, Martin Flint, is a retired very senior 20-year veteran of MI5. Bernard married Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin's sister Marie Francoise. Baron de Bonvoisin has been accused from several sides as a major child abuser.
b. 1942
Source(s): X2 (present at parties where 14 to 15 year old girls were abused and had sex with X2)
Born in 1942. Socialist politician from Flanders. Member of the Brussels Freemasonry lodge Erasmus and a member of the Grand Lodge of Belgium. Member of the European Parliament from 1979 to 1985 and from 1989 to 1994. Went to Bilderberg in 1993. President of Nyenrode Business University from 2000 to 2003. Formerly an advisor to the Rabobank, one of the largest banks in the Netherlands. Joined the board of Anglo-American Corporation in 2002, and is a member of the Audit and Nomination Committees. Nicky Oppenheimer of the De Beers is among his co-directors. Succeeded Etienne Davignon as a director of Solvay in 2003, which is a person that also worked for Anglo-American. Member of the Advisory Board of La Maison de l’Europe of Bibliothèque Solvay. Member of the supervisory boards of German utility giant RWE, Philips NV, Munich Re and Vivendi Universal. Member of the advisory boards of Goldman Sachs, Eli Lilly, and Agfa-Gevaert. Director of Carrefour Belgium and Wolters Kluwer (large Dutch publisher). Director of De Persgroep (The Press Group), a media corporation that owns newspapers and news magazines like Het Laatste Nieuws, De Morgen, De Tijd, and Het Parool. All in all, it owns about 30-40 percent of the magazines on the market in Flanders (Dutch-language Belgium). Anno 2008, van Miert is a vice president of the advisory council of the European Policy Center (EPC). The very important globalist Peter Sutherland is president of the advisory council of the EPC; Lord Kerr, the Pilgrims and Rhodes Trust executive, is another member of the advisory council of the EPC. Honorary president of the EPC is Max Kohnstramm, founding vice president of Jean Monnet's Action Committee, the initial European chairman of the Trilateral Commission, and former private secretary to Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands. Even Hans Blix, the long time head of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the person who headed the search in Iraq for WMD, is a member of EPC's advisory board.
Source(s): Haemers Gang gendarmerie file (as published on PEHI website), p. 40 (an informant who was a director within the Caisse Privee bank talks about Mouson or Kouson being known within the bank as a pedophile)
Haemers Gang gendarmerie file (as published on PEHI website), p. 40: "Contact Ellebout (Pers. Direct. Caisse-Privee) dd 13/03/90 [March 13, 1990]: The person involved hands us a list of the persons employed at Caisse-Privee under CRUYSMANS (since '83)... The C.P. was founded in by the grandfather of Guy Cruysmans in 1923. Since then there has continually been a member of the CRUYSMANS family on the board. CRUYSMANS Guy would have managed the bank as a despot. HE was also a member of the OCMW in St.-Lambrechts-Woluwe and because of this function he recruited young people from Woluwe (delinquent or not). These recruitings created several problems for C.P. , mainly thefts on transports of the C.P. to gas stations. In this period there also were two robberies on money transports of the C.P. In this period there were also problems in the bank surrounding VDB [Vanden Boeynants] and the case GEYSSELS. A certain Jacques DUMONT would have been involved in this in one way or another. From another source we learned the person in question would have copied certain documents to blackmail the C.P. Certain documents, belonging to VDB, were copied. The original ones were copied and replaced by the copy. In 1968, Hubert MOUSON was employed by CRUYSMANS. At the time MOSOM kept himself busy with leading a group of boy scouts. He is known in the bank as a pedophile and in '86 would have violated an employee of the C.P. - a certain Franck MAZY, also recruited by CRUYSMANS. MAZY would have tried to blackmail KOUSON, but was found dead in his apartment two weeks later (died from the fumes of the boiler). MOUSON was fired from the bank last year, just as Bob LOUVIGNY [ex-member of the military security service; member Practical Pistol Club of Belgium in the early 1980s, together with militant Nazis Madani Bouhouche, Juan Mendez, Juan Bultot, Alain Weykamp; head private detective agency BDRI since 1974, which at one point hired an exposed member of the the Nazi militia WNP; BDRI can work for companies, for example, for which it can investigate employees suspected of theft, forgery, fraud or other illegal activities; BDRI can also work for the government or private citizens; Louvigny was the private detective who was hired by the famous Dr. Pinon and was largely responsible for the Pinon Affair; Pinon later stated he suspected Louvigny had ulterior motives, besides investigating the affairs of his wife: "Even though after looking back I can't complain about the way my divorce was handled, I am still convinced he withheld information - even though he worked for me. For example, the list of license plates he wrote down while spying on a sex party, I never saw it."; chairman of the National Profession Union of Private Detectives of Belgium] who ceased his activities for the bank in that year. Both still are good friends."
More information on criminal links of the Caisse Privee bank: Haemers Gang gendarmerie file (as published on PEHI website), p. 66: "CASTIER tells us, off the record, that the first real criminal facts, carried out by LACROIX, SMARS, HAEMERS, began after Philippe began to work in the Happy-Few (late '83). They were good friends with Guy CRUYMANS, director of the "Caisse Privee". They regularly had meetings with other persons around CRUYMANS. Castier has brought Philippe to the home of CRUYMANS on several occasions. The trio, sometimes accompanied by their women, were to bring over money from clients to the Caisse Privee. These funds were placed under their name in different banks in SWITZERLAND, ANDORRA, PANAMA, LICHTENSTEIN, etc... After a while they were transferred to other accounts, under another name. The trio received a percentage on the transported funds. The activities also continued after the death of CRUYSMANS (Dec. '85)."
b. 1943
Source(s): X2 (present at parties where underage girls are abused)
Regionally well known notary based in Waterloo.
b. 1941
Source(s): X1 (knew him as 'Mich', who did a lot of blackmailing; liked to put razors in the vaginas of girls; had seen Nathalie W.); Nathalie W. (knew him as 'Mich'; raped her three times when she was still a child); PV 116.166, December 12, 1996, police interview with Claude "Max" van Keerbergen (driver-valet parking attendant of Dolores Bara, according to PV 150.115/97; introduced to the Dolo by Nihoul's friend Doudou): "Nihoul kidnaps a number of children to earn money. Van K. heard Nihoul and Doudou speak about cages for children, to make them suffer. Videos from the USA would show black children in cages in which they were tortured and burnt." & 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul', p. 125-126: "According to Max, Doudou was a contact of an ex-teacher of the Adolphe Max-atheneum. Doudou and the teacher 'made paedophile videos', he claimed. He would have heard Doudou and Nihoul repeatedly talk 'about cages for children, to make them suffer, and about videos imported from the United States on which black children were tortured before being burnt in the cage. That was some time in 1992-'93'. 'Dolores Bara knows all about it', he added to that... 'I know that Nihoul is not a paedophile', says Max. He is a notorious gangster, without morals, who can be bought for little. He even says that 'Nihoul has learned to kidnap children, to earn money'. He even tried it in the Dolo, but Forgeot said: 'That's not the way you do that'."; X69 (present at a small party with Nihoul and Bouty where several young children were abused); March 2, 2004, ANP, 'Ex-wife Dutroux points to Nihoul as contractor': "Michelle Martin, the ex-wife of Marc Dutroux, says that her former husband kidnapped the girls Julie and Melissa at the instructions of co-defendant Michel Nihoul. That turns out from the official indictments from the Dutroux-case, as public prosecutor Bourlet read out tuesday. This statement has not been taken up in the Dutch translation of the act... Also, a witness has spotted co-defendant Nihoul in 1995 together with Dutroux and Lelievre in Oostende, shortly before the kidnapping of An and Eefje."; at least 8 witnesses saw Nihoul with Dutroux in Bertrix at the location where Laetitia would be kidnapped the next day.
Born in 1941. Graduated in interior design. Married a woman named Adrienne in 1962. Became an independent interior designer in Verviers. Representative of a US paint company, but was fired for lack of performance. Took over a hotel of his parents in 1964 and set up a coffee shop. Both went bankrupt a few years later. Went to Brussels in the late 1960s and became a truck driver for a number of years. Together with his brother he also did some paint and wallpaper jobs. First met Annie Bouty in 1971, but it would take several years before they would see each other again. Sentenced for fraudulent bankruptcy and issuing bad checks in 1973. Set up United Corporation under his wife's name (who wasn't involved at all), and became an expert in real estate, next to interior design. This company also went fraudulently bankrupt, which resulted in his wife going to jail. After his wife came out in 1975, she was picked up by her brother and went to live with her mother, together with the couple's three children. She divorced him. Around this time it had become clear to Nihoul's family-in-law and his own brothers and sisters that he was invariably lowlife. Nihoul again met Annie Bouty in 1974, around the time that his wife went to jail for frauds he had committed. As a law expert and trainee at Jacques Marres, a counselor to Mobutu Sese Seko (the CIA and Belgian colonists-sanctioned dictator of Zaire/Congo), she had quite a number of higher level connections. She knew people in politics, the justice department, embassies, banking and soccer. First met Achille Haemers, major underworld figure, at the company Confortex in 1974. Nihoul and Bouty went to live together in 1975. Set up an interior design firm with Claude Michel, a former fiancee of Annie Bouty, in 1976. It went bankrupt some time in the late 1970s. In the late 1970s, Nihoul convinced Bouty to leave her mentor Jacques Marres and to set up her own attorney's office specialized in seeking asylum for refugees in Africa. Nihoul took care of public relations and brought in a lot of customers. In 1978, Nihoul spent some time in jail for his part in the fraudulent bankruptcy of "his wife's" United Corporation. Nihoul contacted Joseph Michel (PSC; founding member of CEPIC since 1972; minister of domestic affairs 1974-1977; minister of national education 1977-1979; chairman of House of Representatives; minister of domestic affairs and public ambt 1986-1988; introduced Jacques Langlois to politics in 1988 and made him a magistrate in 1993; according to André Rossignon, a former high level PSC official, Joseph Michel was largely responsible for the removal Connerotte in October 1996 and would also largely have prevented Langlois from searching the PSC headquarters), a minister of the PSC under Paul Vanden Boeynants, who became responsible for his early release. Got to know Jean Gol, leading light of the PRL and Minister of Justice from 1980 to 1988, in 1980, after an introduction from Andre Damseaux (already an associate of Nihoul; head of the PRL and prime minster of Walloon). Philippe Deleuze, a friend of Bouty from college, became a partner in the law firm of Bouty and Nihoul in 1980. Deleuze was married to Francoise Van Espen (acted as godmother of Nihoul's son), the sister of Jean-Claude Van Espen, the examining magistrate who played a crucial role in (covering up) the murder on Christine Van Hees and the Dutroux/Nihoul/X-witnesses investigations. Jean-Claude Van Espen himself acted as an occasional partner in the firm. Deleuze was a member of CEPIC and a board member of the Tentoonstellingspark (exposition park) foundation, of which Paul Vanden Boeynants was chairman. Vanden Boeynants and Deleuze are said to have been responsible for the appointment of Jean-Claude Van Espen to examining magistrate. Nihoul first met Vanden Boeynants in November 1981 at PSC headquarters in Brussels. He discussed with Vanden Boeynants an aspect of the Centre Medical de l'Est (CME) affair. PV 42.665, October 14, 1996 (testimony of Guy Einsweiller or Eschweiler): "Remembers Nihoul (fish trade near the PAVAN transport enterprise where he works. 108/11O Avenue du Port 1000, Brussels). During a deal, he saw Dumont drinking a glass with Nihoul. Sometimes saw Nihoul at the restaurant Mayflower in Koekelberg... declared to have regularly seen Dumont and Vanden Boeynants in the private area of the fish and crustacean enterprise that he exploited. [early 1990s]" According to Jozef De Poorter, head of construction firm VDK, which he took over from Arthur Vande Kerkhove after this person died, Vande Kerkhove was a great fan of orgies, which he attended with Paul Vanden Boeynants and Nihoul (T.3518/96, February 3, 2000). 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers' p. 116-118: "Edouard Nihoul, the Brussels PRL-politician and royal court supplier of cake and pastry, has similar experiences. The confectioner shouts from the rooftops in late 1996 that he is not family, but the by Michel Nihoul himself spread rumor seems inextinguishable... Edouard Nihoul, the unfortunate confectioner, at the time was chairman of the CEPIC in Brussels. 'Michel Nihoul helped during election campaigns. At a certain moment, Vanden Boeynants couldn't stand him anymore. I've read that he now denies to ever have had something to do with Vanden Boeynants. I have to laugh about that.'" Besides Vanden Boeynants (said to have been a major child abuser), Nihoul is also said to have helped arrange political campaigns for Jean-Paul Dumont (said to be a major child abuser) and Deleuze. Deleuze resigned after 10 months in 1980 after stating that Nihoul was giving too much business to Bouty and too little to him. His wife, Francoise, also complained that the company received too many complaints from clients who did not receive answers to their letters. Nihoul was responsible for that. Bouty had an apartment at the Rue Dupre in Jette (district in Brussels) from 1971 to 1981. X1 (Regina Louf) pointed out this address as a location where she had been abused by Nihoul and Bouty in the early 1980s, and accurately drew a layout of the apartment. PV 116.018, October 25, 1996 (4th interview with De Baets and Hupez): "X1 also specifies the presence of Bouty when she went through the rapes of Nihoul in Jette, rue Dupre 51. Bouty actively took part in the feasts and liked to hurt the children (put certain objects in the orifices of children... knives, screwdrivers... which wounded the children). Bouty had the role of executioner." X1 related how she first met Nihoul in the late 1970s when her mother brought her to the apartment of Nihoul (didn't exist anymore in 1996). Tony, Dutroux, Bouty, and Vanderelst could be found there. She would also meet Michele Martin and Bernard Weinstein at some point. May 2, 2002, BBC, 'Regina Louf's testimony': "One of the regular organisers of these parties, she said, was the man she knew as 'Mich', Jean Michel Nihoul. The sessions not only involved sex, they included sadism, torture and murder; and again, she described in detail, the place, the victims and how they were killed. She also claimed the young Marc Dutroux was there. "At these parties Nihoul was a sort of party beast while Dutroux was more on the side." Regina Louf's testimony was vitally important." X1 would be taken by these people to different locations where children were abused, tortured and killed. X1 also became one of the girls that Nihoul would take with him to business meetings, receptions, and diners so she could hang around persons that he pointed out. These persons were child abusers and this way Nihoul reminded them that there was no way out. Tony was also involved in blackmailing people. 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 99-103: "Since I was 8 or 9 years old, Mitch [Nihoul] would often enough take me with him and give me the assignment to hang around a certain customer. I liked doing that. I enjoyed seeing them shamble around, their efforts to stay out of my way unnoticed. I smiled when Mich asked me to stand next to a customer to make a picture, and how the customer reluctantly smiled and put a weak arm around my shoulder... The glances which were then exchanged between the one taking the picture and the customer were priceless. The customer knew he was trapped... In the night they had been the boss, now they were prey... Too bad that most of them, once they knew they had been trapped, went to experiment even more during the night... In Brussels there was a villa in which a room was set up with built-in cameras. Even in the 1970s these cameras were so discrete that only the people who maintained them and the child-hookers knew where they were located... Why did I had to get those guys clearly in the picture, why was I supposed to get them to hit me and brutally rape me? Why was 'regular' sex often not enough?... Blackmail, the word that was never mentioned, I only started to really understand when I was thirteen, fourteen years old... The deals that were struck between the perpetrators were negotiated before I went to bed with them, while I was sitting with them at the diner table - like the carrot in front of the mule to make him go faster - or after the sex. As appetizer or dessert, it made no difference to me, for them it was a way to keep each other to the deals made, unwritten contracts with enormous binding power. Because once you've had sex with a child, you are branded... unless all parties keep their mouths shut. Then nothing tastes sweeter than a child, one of the perpetrators once remarked. Contracts between the business milieu and the political world, contracts between businessmen amongst each other, fraud with subsidies or licenses, setting up fake firms, criminal contracts like arms trade... everything was possible. And it always ended with sex and children... Pictures were taken, in jest, to keep both parties to their contracts... [Through blackmail practices] men were introduced to the network by colleagues, friends or family members. Carefully or slowly, or briskly after a party. Step by step customers, who first went to bed with me cautiously, were stimulated to rougher sex. I was forced to help them with that... They became complicit and at the same time their mutual connections became tighter. Not one of these people was still inclined to sign contracts with individuals outside the network. If that happened one could make them pay dearly for that..." Nihoul set up Bio Plantal en Bio Clinic in 1980, which went bankrupt in 1982. Around the time his relationship with Bouty stranded, starting in 1981 and final in 1982, Nihoul was invited to the sexclub Les Atrebates. Some other visitors of Les Atrebates were Frans Reyniers (Brussels police commissioner; assisted in the Gang of Nijvel investigation; later convicted criminal; went to the Jonathan), Georges Marnette (Brussels police commissioner; good friend of Jean-Paul Dumont, the former CEPIC lawyer who has been accused of serious child abuse and was a friend of Nihoul; interrogated WNP Nazi terrorists Paul Latinus, Eric Lammers and Marcel Barbier in late 1983; recruited Paul Latinus as an informant just before he died; denied the existence of the Pinon affair videos, which turned out to be a lie; became notorious for his disinformation campaign during the Dutroux-Nihoul investigation), Guy Jadot (informant of Reyniers and Marnette), Guy Collignon (chief investigator in the Christine Van Hees murder who said to her brother that the investigation was gravitating towards high level people, that he would not pursue these leads and that he would soon be promoted because of that), Claude Leroy (judge and chef-de-cabinet of minister of justice Jean Gol; his wife had some dealings with Jean Bultot; gave classified information to the mafia), Jean Gol (chairman PRL 1979-1981; vice prime minister 1981-1988; minister of justice 1981-1988; X2 attended a meeting at the Hilton between Madani Bouhouche's spouse (husband of an alleged abuser), Paul Vanden Boeynants (alleged abuser), Wilfried Martens (alleged abuser), Guy Delvoie (alleged abuser who partied with Lippens and Davignon), Nihoul (alleged abuser) and Jean Gol; minister of foreign trade in 1985; chairman Liberal Party; member European Parliament; Freemason), Jacques Neerinck (substitute judge and notary), Leon Defosset (mayor of Etterbeek), Robert Darville (friend of Michel Nihoul; acted as a gunsmith and delivered explosives to the Haemers gang, which kidnapped Vanden Boeynants in 1989; regularly visited the company Logitel, just as Achille Haemers, Michel Nihoul and where Marc Dutroux and Michele Martin have also been seen. The witnesses told that some of the men there were talking about importing "young white and brown horses" from eastern Europe by plane, but after the Dutroux affair thought they had been talking about children. The witness, Rita Vetsuypens, found out she was married to a paedophile who was involved with these people), Michel Vander Elst, Jean-Louis Delamotte (business partner of Nihoul; incorporated Achats Services Commerces, which was tied to the white Mercedesses affair from which children were photographed; Nihoul, Bernard Weinstein, Michel Lelievre and Michele Martin (not Dutroux) had all been spotted on a regular basis in the immediate surroundings of this company), Eddy Merckx (most famous and successful road racing cyclist of Belgium; awarded a barony) and some people from NATO (PV 119.249). The owners of Les Atrebates were Michel Forgeot and Dolores Bara. Met the 25 year old Marleen De Cokere in September 1982 at one of the orgies in the Atrebates club. That same month they went to live together. At the time, Nihoul, in addition to his ongoing business relationship with Bouty's law firm, was a real estate expert at Office des Proprietaires (headed by the sister of the head of the Refugee Service). X1 recognized the Atrebates club and how she went there with Nihoul as a 12 to 14 year old girl. She recognized a picture of Nathalie W. and placed her in the early 1980s in the Atrebates Club. Nathalie W. was indeed present at this club and claimed how she had been raped by Nihoul, Michel Forgeot and Georges Marnette. She correctly identified Tony, the pimp of X1, and remembered how he was a friend of Nihoul. PV 22.820, October 11, 1996, cab driver Francois Fontenelle (2004, Het Dossier Nihoul, p. 124): "I brought Mr. Nihoul to Etterbeek to a house in the Atrebatenstreet. He invited me out to the first floor because he only wanted to pay inside. When I came in, there were three girls of twelve, thirteen years, almost without clothes, only in a nightgown. I saw they were very young because they didn't have any pubic hair. Two of them were foreign, the third I don't know. In the room there also were two men, dressed. Nihoul forced me to take off my clothes and when I refused he threw me out with my shirt and my coat... it certainly was Nihoul... I am also certain that it was the house in the Atrebatenstreet [Les Atrebates club]." 2004, Herwig Lerouge, Het Dossier Nihoul, p. 124 (PV 100.497, December 3, 2001, p.23): "A certain Lambermont, former restaurant owner in Woluwe, said the same thing. He would have seen Nihoul in Les Atrebates in the presence of minors." Les Atrebates was closed in 1983 after a police investigation into the orgies that went on there. According to at least one former member, who like many others, including Nihoul, went over to the Dolo, orgies continued to be arranged in the Atrebates club after it had been officially closed. Set up Inter Restho in February 1983. Went bankrupt in 1984. Together with De Cockere, Nihoul took over the bar Le Clin d'Oeil in Brussels in 1983, which counted among its regular customers Patrick Haemers (gang leader; Nihoul had known his father for almost 10 years at this point) and Brussels chief police commissioner Albert Toch (Dolo visitor; acted as an informant to Toch in 1994; voluntarily went to interrogate Nihoul and Forgeot in the wake of the Dutroux affair). According to a former employee of Le Clin d'Oeil -Agnes Dumont- Nihoul was always buying drinks to different police officers from Brussels. The takeover of Le Clin d'Oeil had been financed by the Centre Medical de l'Est (CME) affair (a scam in which he, Bouty and others were involved). Regular visitor of Le Mirano in Brussels, about which Juan Mendez said it was the key to understanding the Gang of Nijvel. Other frequent members of Le Mirano were Madani Bouhouche (alleged violent abuser; Gang of Nijvel linked), Robert Beyer (Gang of Nijvel linked), Patrick Haemers, Charly De Pauw (alleged violent abuser) and Jean Bultot (Gang of Nijvel linked). According to X2, Baron de Bonvoisin (alleged violent abuser), Paul Bourlee (alleged violent abuser) and her pimp Oliver Castiaux (alleged violent abuser) also visited the club, just as Prince Laurent. In April 1984, a close family member of a prominent judge died in the Mirano from an overdose of drugs, resulting in an investigation which not only uncovered evidence of drug dealing, but also of a clandestine paedophile ring there headed by Philippe Cryns (co-founded Parc Savoy in 1985 with individuals like Charly De Pauw and Ado Blaton. Member of Cercle des Nations, together with such figures as Paul Vanden Boeynants, Baron de Bonvoisin and Cercle founder Jean Violet). The prosecution and the judge decided to focus only on evidence dealing with drug dealing for which Cryns was sentenced to three years in jail in 1986. His partner Alexis Alewaeters received 5 years. Both Alewaeters, a close associate of Nihoul and Bouty, and Cryns were named as the main organizers of paedophile parties at Le Mirano and personal villas. Witness VM1, a child prostitute employed by Cryns, explained on February 16-17, 1997: "I had to pick up children and get them drunk or give them drugs, then take 'em to the private area [of the Mirano], where they were abused." About tapes that had been confiscated on which allegedly Cryns' clients could be seen having sex with the children, judge Claire De Gryse said she didn't watch them, "because everyone assured me that nothing was on there that would even shock a capuchin." VM1 also told that he witnessed children being murdered and how newly-initiated who worked against the program ended up in car accidents. Nihoul was brought in as DJ of Radio Activite in Etterbeek in 1984 by Didier Genart. Genart was son-in-law and parliamentary secretary of mayor Defosset of Etterbeek (and Les Atrebates). Radio Activite was headquartered in Etterbeek. At Radio Activite Nihoul surrounded himself with teenagers and artists, for whom he organized parties in a local town hall and Chateau Faulx-les-Tombes. Soon Nihoul and entourage came to consider these events, to which many under aged teenagers went, as sex parties. Whether Nihoul and his group had sex with under aged children doesn't seem to be known, only that a lot of recruiting was done with alcohol. In 1984, Nihoul and De Cokere were invited by the mayor of Etterbeek (visitor of Les Atrebates) to spent a month at Chateau Faulx-les-Tombes. Over the course of a year Nihoul got to know a lot of people, including local politicians and prostitutes he interviewed on his radio. Set up his own Radio JMB in September 1985, of which he became chairman. PV 10.600, November 18, 1996, (interrogation of Jean Michel Nihoul - summary): "The information on radio-libre JMB was overseen by Marie-Bernard Gilds and Jean-Louis Bogaert. Bogaert was press attache of the defense secretary of the time (Jose Demaret). Bogaert was also press attache for Jean-Pierre Graffe [Grafe]. Bogaert told him that Graffe was a child molester and that he liked to whip his boys." One floor below Radio JMB the headquarters of the influential Parti Reformateur Liberal (PRL; now Mouvement Reformateur) were located. Besides PRL members Jean Gol and Andre Damseaux, Nihoul got to know a number of other PRL politicians. One of them was Henri Tombeur (actually, Nihoul already knew him since his time at Radio Activite), the former PRL council member of Etterbeek who ended up with a conviction for pedophilia. PV 151.514, May 5, 1997 (about December interview about Nihoul), Nathalie Perignon (suspiciously present with three men (Radio Activite employees who knew Nihoul) in a black car observing the champignoniere where Christine had been murdered a week before; phoned up Fabienne Kirby during the Dutroux investigation. Kirby was was a friend of Christine Van Hees and had begun confirming X1's story a short time before the investigation was terminated; interviewed in December 1996, but left alone after that because De Baets and team were removed; told about Nihoul and Dolo employees attending orgies at the Dolo to varying degrees): "Perignon worked at the Euro 92 bar in Tervuren [meeting place for wealthy Eurocrats and NATO officers; lot of stories about [under aged] prostitution, orgies and terminated police investigations; today a sexclub named Le Mirage is located at that address]. Perignon = ex-coordinator of Radio Activite. She knew Nihoul... Nihoul introduced him to Graindorge and Vander Elst in 90-91. Nihoul bragged about being protected by the judicial police, magistrates, politics (VDB). Her husband saw Nihoul and VDBoeynants together in the Dolo." The former owners of Les Atrebates, Michel Forgeot and Dolores Bara, set up The Dolo in 1987, and took much of the former clientele of Les Atrebates with them. Among them was Michel Nihoul, who was to be informed if problems arose with local authorities. Police commissioners Frans Reyniers, Georges Marnette, Albert Toch and Christian Eveillard (police commissioner of Etterbeek who protected The Dolo; his brother, Pierre, was head of the Security Service of the European Commission) went there. Some other visitors were Guy Collignon (chief investigator in the Christine Van Hees murder who said to her brother that the investigation was gravitating towards high level people, that he would not pursue these leads and that he would soon be promoted because of that), Leon Defosset (mayor of Etterbeek), Achile Haemers (father of well-known gang leader), Michel Vander Elst (lawyer; accused of child torture by X1; worked with the Haemers gang in kidnapping Vanden Boeynants; provided a fake alibi for Nihoul in 1996), Daniel Blondin (lawyer), Henri Tombeur (alleged paedophile), Rene Rodel (friend of Nihoul and Forgeot; suspected of trade in black girls, some under aged, used for the prostitution; main shareholder in travel agency Azur Evasion, which specialized in Thailand; in frequent contact with Jean-Marie Rihoux of Europe Love Travel, which arranges marriages with Thai girls, and a person who owned a bar in Thailand), Jacques Genevois (once a suspect in Loubna case; visited the Dolo in 1988; also met Nihoul in Le Perroquet), and Edouard Vanhuynegem (generally known as "Doudou"; lawyer and criminologist who often went to the Dolo; according to Claude "Max" Vankeerberghen, the former driver of Dolores Bara (2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul', p. 125; PV 116.166, December 19, 1996): "According to Max, Doudou was a contact of an ex-teacher of the Adolphe Max-atheneum. Doudou and the teacher 'made paedophile videos', he claimed. He would have heard Doudou and Nihoul repeatedly talk 'about cages for children, to make them suffer, and about videos imported from the United States on which black children were tortured before being burnt in the cage. That was some time in 1992-'93'. 'Dolores Bara knows all about it', he added to that."; apparently, certain kids had a tendency to start crying when confronted with Vanhuynegem; Vanhuyneghem often went to Thailand where he could find young boys; customer of "Mistress Roxanne", Didier Pellerin, a French transvestite specialized in SM; when Nihoul was interviewed about Vanhuynegem on October 10, 1996, he stated that "he is going to become a magistrate some day"). 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul', p. 160, about some other visitors of the Dolo: "... sales director of Philips, a director of Janssen Pharmaceutics (also J&J), an importer of champagne, a director of Frere-Bourgeois and a member of the Frere family, a director of Vittel-Perrier in Belgium... These individuals met here lawyers, the spouse if a Brussels examining magistrate, the chairman of the court of commerce, Claude Leroy... Jean Gol..." X2 claimed about the Dolo that she saw Henri Bil, the private driver of Vanden Boeynants, talking there to Madani Bouhouche (also identified Georges Marnette and Claude Leroy). X1 and Nathalie W. (placed Serge Kubla, mayor of Waterloo, at the Dolo) had also been taken to the Dolo. One witness mentioned to have seen Dutroux and Martin come out of the Dolo twice in early June 1996. A "Tony" and "Antoine" also was/were among the visitor(s) of the Dolo. PV 116.166, December 12, 1996, police interview with Claude "Max" van Keerbergen (driver-valet parking attendant of Dolores Bara, according to PV 150.115/97; introduced to the Dolo by Nihoul's friend Doudou): "He knows Edouard Vanhuynegem as Doudou (lawyer). Vanhuynegem frequents the Dolo. Van K. knows Forgeot - Jacques Casserolle - Nihoul - De Cockere - Gaban - Roger Nollet. In the Dolo there was a transsexual that left with a commissioner attached the police in Etterbeek. Nihoul and Genevan frequent the Dolo, but not together. In the Dolo: Claude Grosjean is joined by his wife and their son of 4 years old. When seeing Doudou the child starts crying and and says to him "You cannot do that, because I am a child". During a conversation between Dolo [Dolores Bara], Nihoul, Doudou, Forgeot and Jonasz he heard Dolo say: "It is despicable to do that with children". Nihoul kidnaps a number of children to earn money. Van K. heard Nihoul and Doudou speak about cages for children, to make them suffer. Videos from the USA would show black children in cages in which they were tortured and burnt." 2004, Herwig Lerouge, 'Het Dossier Nihoul', p. 125-126: "According to Max, Doudou was a contact of an ex-teacher of the Adolphe Max-atheneum. Doudou and the teacher 'made paedophile videos', he claimed. He would have heard Doudou and Nihoul repeatedly talk 'about cages for children, to make them suffer, and about videos imported from the United States on which black children were tortured before being burnt in the cage. That was some time in 1992-'93'. 'Dolores Bara knows all about it', he added to that. Has this been checked out? An anonymous letter to the King's prosecutor Bourlet confirms that 'Vanhuyneghem often went to Thailand and said you could find boys there." 'I know that Nihoul is not a paedophile', says Max. He is a notorious gangster, without morals, who can be bought for little. He even says that 'Nihoul has learned to kidnap children, to earn money'. He even tried it in the Dolo, but Forgeot said: 'That's not the way you do that'. Nihoul got to know the chairman of SOS Sahel, Emile Robijn, in 1985. SOS Sahel, founded in 1974, was supposed to be a foundation to support people living in the Sahel (boundary zone in Africa between the Sahara to the north and the more fertile region to the south). However, Robijn was swindler who would be convicted in 1996 for having embezzled more than 1 million euros since 1980. Nihoul was convicted in that same process for having embezzled about 125,000 euros of SOS Sahel. Nihoul had even defrauded Robijn. From mid to the late 1980s, Nihoul worked with Bouty and her law firm Cadreco, which was specialized in representing refugees from Africa (especially Nigeria, with whose government Bouty had close relations) in Belgium. Bouty and Cadreco also represented Alexis Alewaeters, who was involved in the drugs & child prostitution affair at Le Mirano with Philippe Cryns. On October 6, 1986, Lt.-Col. Guido Torrez, head of the Neufchateau district of the gendarmerie, personally called the gendarmerie in Schaarbeek to tell a gendarme officer to leave his suspect, a Portuguese named Juan Borges, alone. Why Torrez made this highly unusual move came out three years later when the company of Annie Bouty, Cadreco, went bankrupt and all the company's financial records were sieged. It turned out that Bouty's friend Michel Nihoul had been the one who personally called up and convinced Col. Torrez to leave Borges alone. Borges was a business partner of Nihoul in the underworld, and was involved in the illegal trade of gold, drugs, fake dollars, art and apparently also humans. He had high level connections to the Italian mafia and fascist members of the Jonathan Club like Frederic Godfroi (inspector of the BOB in Brussels who became a gang leader; friend of Jean Bultot and acquainted with Nihoul). In 1985-1986, Borges owned the firm Candy Medical, which was a front for illegal weapons trafficking. This firm was located in a building owned by the Security Bureau of the European Union/Commission, headed by fascist Pierre Eveillard, whose brother was a police commissioner who protected the Dolo. Brigitte Jenart, Borges' girlfriend since 1983 who only found out about the criminal circuit he was involved with after a while, in 1996 claimed that it took only one call from Bouty at the time for the gendarmerie to leave Borges alone. Jenart also claimed that Bouty had it checked once in a while if Borges had not appeared on an internal watchlist of the gendarmerie. Jenart committed suicide in April 1998. Bouty admitted in 1989 that she had told Nihoul to call Torrez. Nihoul founded J.M. Nihoul et Associes in 1987, together with his son. Bouty had an advisory role during the founding of the partnership. The company went bankrupt in 1989, largely because Nihoul's son, not wanting to become Nihoul's next bankruptcy victim, provided evidence to the police of his father's swindles and had the company declared bankrupt prematurely. During the investigation into this bankruptcy the justice department found videotapes and invitations of sex orgies at Nihoul's home. After his release later in 1989, Nihoul's daughter had to convince Nihoul not to have his son murdered. Nihoul started a "wholesale" in fish and shellfish in 1989. His company was called De Cokere-Nihoul, although Marleen claimed never to have been involved in the enterprise. Through Marcel Henrottay (a visitor of the Dolo), invited in 1988 to become a member of Confrerie des Maitres Brasseurs et Distillateurs de Wallonie, a group that promoted locally produced alcoholic beverages. Marleen De Cokere and Michel Forgeot were also invited. Within two years, Nihoul was asked to become chairman of the Confrerie. In the early 1990s, Nihoul was a very prominent visitor of Coco Beach, a club owned by "M.C.D.", a former girlfriend of Patrick Haemers with whom she had a son. The club was continually visited by members of the Haemers gang and Jean Bultot also loved to go there. At that time, M.C.D. lived together with Jean-Paul "Pepe" Derijcke, the former owner of The Jonathan in the 1980s. The Jonathan was a club filled with militant NATO and CIA-sponsored Nazis where prostitutes were used to blackmail customers. Visitors included Madani Bouhouche (Nazi; BOB officer until 1983; caught spying on his colleagues; leading figure in the Practical Shooting Association; friend and partner-in-crime of such men as Christian Amory, Bob Beyer and Jean Bultot; went to the Jonathan; convicted criminal and murderer; in close contact with Front de la Jeunesse, Westland New Post and Group G; named by X1 as someone who raped her), Jean Bultot (Son of Lucien Bultot, who was a nominee for the fascist Parti des Forces Nouvelles; good friend of Francois Dossogne, head of the fascist Front de la Jeunesse (private militia behind Parti des Forces Nouvelles); became assistant director of the Sint-Gillis prison in Brussels in 1978, despite a strong negative advice from State Security (attacked for years by the fascist de Bonvoisin and CEPIC in general); acted as a liaison between several Nazi inmates and Belgian's fascist underground, for which he allegedly did some recruiting; friend of Jean-Paul "Pepe" Derijcke, owner of the Jonathan in Sint-Gillis in the 1980s; member Belgian Practical Shooting Association, together with Bouhouche and other fascists; founded the Prisons Practical Pistol Club and mainly recruited fascist friends from the police and prison guards, including Bouhouche, Juan Mendez, Alain Weykamp and Bob Louvigny; organized shooting events at which a number of participants usually wore Nazi emblems and shirts of Soldier of Fortune; at these practical shooting events the theme 'warehouse panic' was quite prominent and was later put into practice by the Gang of Nijvel; seriously linked to the Gang of Nijvel; fled to Paraguay in 1986, after the murder on Juan Mendez (by Bouhouche); from Paraguay he began claiming that State Security (again, attacked for years by the fascist de Bonvoisin and CEPIC in general) was involved in the Gang of Nijvel and gave the advise to examining magistrate Freddy Troch to reinvestigate the Pinon affair (quite possibly a hidden threat to Belgium's establishment)), Juan Mendez (born in 1952; fascist gun-lover who owned dozens of rifles and pistols; arms merchant at Fabrique National (FJ) whose Peruvian predecessor fled Belgium after it was found out he worked for the CIA and was involved in the illegal arms and drug trade; involved with the fascist underground since the late 1970s, and was tested to be introduced to higher circles by Bouhouche; part of Bouhouche's group to some day conduct a terror-extortion campaign against warehouses; interrogated several weeks before his murder about his connection to Douglas Stowell, a rich American who apparently was working for or with the CIA in Iran-Contra; one MP5 stolen from the Diana Group was found at his home after he was killed), Lucien Ott (born and raised within the Foreign Legion in Algeria (colony of France); airborne commando veteran; served in French Indochina (colony of France); joined French Military Intelligence; founded the International Bodyguard Association (IBA) in 1957; bodyguard of de Gaulle during the height of the OAS crisis; died in 1980), Francis Dossogne (paid "advisor" to Baron de Bonvoisin; took his orders from Army Intelligence major Jean Bougerol, head of PIO and personally picked by Vanden Boeynants and Baron de Bonvoisin; another "private detective"; director of CIDEP, publisher of the fascist NEM magazine; good friend Jean Bultot, who is closely tied to the Gang of Nijvel; gave permission to Paul Latinus in '78-'79 to reorganize the Brussels department of Front de la Jeunesse; according to Martial Lekeu, Dossogne, Latinus and DEA agent Frank Eaton were leaders of Group G, a Nazi-inspired NATO-sanctioned parallel organization within the Gendarmerie), Jean-Francis Calmette (joined the terrorist OAS, which tried to assassinate de Gaulle and destabilize Algeria; director of Wackenhut Belgium until 1981; instructor at the secret fascist training camps of Front de la Jeunesse in the Ardennes, which were protected by NATO and overseen by DIA-NATO agent Paul Latinus, another fascist; member of Westland New Post (WNP), headed by Latinus; head of security of the annual ball of the PSC in 1980, headed by Paul Vanden Boeynants at the time), Raymond Lippens (gangster), and Robert Darville (Les Atrebates; acted as a gunsmith and delivered explosives to the Haemers gang, which kidnapped Vanden Boeynants in 1989; suspected of trade in children with Nihoul and Dutroux). Pepe Derijcke and Nihoul knew each other well and at some point they even went to see a castle in Hoei that Pepe was interested in in buying and turn into a hotel for rich people. A couple went with them who had the idea to turn it into a SM castle. Nihoul's shellfish/fish business, largely a front for criminal activity, went bankrupt in 1992. A French investor named Michel Briat was willing to pay the debts of the company. In reality Briat, a murderer, was part of a French gang that also traded in stolen cars. At some point in 1993 or 1994 Nihoul fell out with these men and distanced himself from them, fearing for his life. In late 1992 or early 1993, Nihoul became a member of the Comiqu'art, a club for actors (theatre) and singers. According to the owner, Nihoul was not involved in organizing any of the club's events, but at least one witness got the impression that Nihoul was coordinating the club's Monday evening singing competition for girls from 8 to 15 years old. This witness also noticed how Nihoul often could be found in the dressing room of the young artists. Dutroux went to this club at least once in 1995 (after his release from jail), but his membership and how much he went has never been investigated. X69, a transvestite specialized in SM and scatology, testified that in 1993 or 1994 he was asked by a pimp, Micha, from Berendrecht, if he wanted to make 50,000 franks in one night. X69 was interested and was pointed towards an old house in Berendrecht. While walking towards the house he noticed a large American car and "a gray Mercedes with a license plate of the Consular Corps" (1999, The X-Files, p. 331). X69 found 4 men and 3 women inside, including Michel Nihoul and Anne Bouty. Three girls and a boy were also present, which he estimated between 8 and 13 years old and probably from the Netherlands or Germany. Nihoul had sex with several children while Bouty made them watch her while having sex with a guy of about 30 years old. X69 didn't touch the children and was very uncomfortable that night. He had pee sex with a guy in his fifties. Investigators were able to find the house after a while; it had been demolished in the mean time. In early 1996, Nihoul was interested in buying two bars in the west of the country. Because of his special interest in how many rooms each bar had it is thought that he wanted to turn these bars in brothels. Nihoul certainly knew Michel Lelievre since September 1994. Lelievre met Casper Flier, the former business partner of Annie Bouty, in jail in late 1993. Flier had been convicted for international cocaine trafficking while Lelievre had been locked up for trafficking XTC pills. After his release, Lelievre went to work at a gas station owned by Flier. In March 1995, he stayed a couple of days at the place of Annie Bouty, and it was here that Lelievre allegedly first met Nihoul. Lelievre and Nihoul became partners in crime in trafficking stolen cars and drugs, with Nihoul telling Lelievre what to do. Lelievre at some point introduced Dutroux to Nihoul, but exactly when, and if Dutroux and Nihoul had never met before, is not known (like X1 claimed; they also moved in the same milieu). Dutroux and Nihoul certainly knew each other since August-September 1995. Mikhael Diakostavrianos, Lelievre and Dutroux went to Yugoslavia, Slovakia and the Czech Republic to get young girls, either for their own personal pleasure or to be placed in the Belgian prostitution through the connections of Nihoul. On September 15, 1995, Nihoul went to gendarme officer Gerard Vanesse with Michel Lelievre, who was wanted at the time. He convinced Vanesse, to whom he was an informant, not to arrest Lelievre. At the same time Nihoul was an informant to Brussels police commissioner Albert Toch, who he knew from the Dolo. There was continuous phone contact between Dutroux, Lelievre and Nihoul in 1995 and 1996. In September 1995 a new phenomenon occurred in which occupants of white Mercedesses were following and photographing schoolgirls. Reports first came in from Bergen, La Louviere and Charleroi, and soon another 15 reports came in from Couvin, Thuin, Chimay and Beaumont. In the afternoon of December 13, 1995, after a disastrous search in Dutroux's Marcinelle home, Rene Michaux (head of spy operation on Dutroux) met with police officer Christian Dubois in La Louviere. This officer informed him about even more cases of white Mercedesses following schoolgirls. Dubois also turned out to have an informant, separate from Claude Thirault or gendarme officer Christophe Pettens, who were known to Michaux, who had informed Dubois that the white Mercedesses belonged to a paedophile network centered around a company called ASCO (not the company of the Boas family which was mentioned by X1) in Schaarbeek or Sint-Gillis. According to the informant, the occupants of the white Mercedesses were putting together catalogs with pictures of children. Their clients could pick one of these kids, which would then be kidnapped, locked up in Belgium for a while, and then exported to eastern Europe or Thailand. The price for each child would be 300,000 franks or about 7500 euros. During their conversation Michaux told Dubois about Dutroux. Dubois recalled: "I remember that Michaux told me that Dutroux went to countries in eastern Europe... The sums he mentioned for the kidnappings were similar to those given to me by my informant... Even today this still keeps me awake at night. I feel responsible. Afterwards, in 1996, I looked into Dutroux... You just felt it. This was the man we were looking for! I should have bought a crowbar and a gun and, against all regulations, entered that house in Marcinelle; and tear down everything until I had found those kids... It would have been worth the risk [of losing my job]." Dubois strongly felt that he and Michaux had independently stumbled on the same network and was sure that his colleague was going to take action. This wasn't the case, however, which later also greatly surprised the Verwilghen Commission. Michaux made a note of Dubois' information and simply left it there. In the mean time, Dubois was ridiculed by his boss, commissioner Monique Devodder. In January she even went public in a tv broadcast on Au Nom de la Loi (famous for their later campaign against the X-witnesses) to denounce the reports about the white Mercedesses as unsubstantiated rumors. Dubois was then transferred from field work to a support division, but this didn't keep him from doing investigative work on Dutroux and ASCO. On June 18, 1996, Dubois sent a fax to police commissioner Daniel Lamoque informing him about the connections between ASCO, Dutroux and the disappearance of Julie and Melissa. No reply was given by Lamoque and he would later give a rather bizarre testimony in which he explained that Dubois had written that the men in the white Mercedesses were interested in "mineurs", which he interpreted as "only boys" and therefore couldn't have had a connection with the case of Julie and Melissa. ASCO (Achats Services Commerces; again, not the company of the Boas family which was mentioned by X1) later turned out to be a very interesting company. It was incorporated on July 2, 1991, primarily by Jean-Louis Delamotte, a friend and regular business partner of Michel Nihoul who also went to the Dolo. Nihoul, Bernard Weinstein, Michel Lelievre and Michele Martin (not Dutroux) had all been spotted on a regular basis in the immediate surroundings of the company. People in the neighborhood had also noted that Nihoul was often surrounded by young negro girls and had the impression that these girls were on transit. Five mattresses and some baby milk were found inside the company's headquarters after the it had gone bankrupt in 1994. Delamotte's company Soparauto, registered at the same address, owned 5 white mercedesses, all with French license plates, as had been reported. In May 1996, Lelievre and Dutroux went to Nihoul to buy XTC, which Nihoul had stashed away (with the approval of the gendarmerie) after ratting out one of his crime partners. Lelievre again visited Nihoul on August 10, three days before he and Dutroux would be arrested for kidnapping Laetitia Delhez on August 9 (Nihoul was also spotted at the scene of the kidnapping by at least 8 or 9 witnesses). Lelievre received 1,000 XTC pills from Nihoul, which he expected to sell for 4 euros a pop (a lie from Nihoul and Lelievre, because street value of XTC was about 12 euros per pill). Nihoul could never come up with a fitting explanation for his payment in XTC pills to Lelievre (and Dutroux, in whose home XTC pills were also found), leaving Bourlet and others with the suspicion that these pills were a payment for the kidnapping of Laetitia Delhez. However, this suspicion was never investigated by examining magistrate Langlois. Interview with Patriek De Baets, Humo, September 28, 1999 and October 5, 1999, 'Marc Dutroux and Michel Nihoul: the sabotage of an investigation': "Nihoul was a non-registered informant who had been brought in by a gendarme officer from Dinant, the late Gerard Vanesse. Two gendarme officers of the financial section of the BOB Brussels maintained contact with Nihoul: Eddy Verhaegen and Bernard Meurant. They used him as a potential informant in investigations into fraud with telephone cards and mobile phones. In addition Nihoul had been an informant in the Walsh affair, which was solved by the drug section of the BOB Brussels. It involved the trafficking of 10 kilograms of amphetamines in which a certain Walsh, a Briton at a stopover in Brussels, was involved. The amphetamines were confiscated, but it later turned out that Walsh also was in the possession of 5,000 XTC pills, which had been stashed away in a car tire located somewhere at Annie Bouty's. And those pills officially were never found. But they later did turn up in the possession of Michel Lelievre, the accomplice of Marc Dutroux. Did these pills serve as a payment to informant Nihoul for his services in this case? [Nihoul had ratted out Walsh] And have those kidnappings of children - at least some kidnappings - been paid for with those XTC pills?... Certainly when Eddy Suys of the judicial police (GP), initial head of the Obelix cell, who looked in depth at Nihoul, had found out that Nihoul was in contact with Brussels gendarmerie officers Verhaegen and Meurant, and that he regularly called to the BOB Brussels. Suys found out about that last fact when he checked Nihoul's phone calls made in the months before his arrest. Suys was planning on doing searches at the BOB and interrogate Verhaegen and Meurant about their contacts with Nihoul. Lieutenant-Colonel Brabant absolutely wanted to prevent that." One of the claims of Nihoul about the XTC pills was that he, as a police informant, was infiltrating in the drug network that Dutroux and Lelievre were involved with. He even dared to claim: "If Dutroux and Lelievre weren't arrested in August 1996, that would not have taken long anymore, because of me." Bourlet and Connerotte have given a whole list of reasons why this claim is ridiculous, and besides some of Nihoul's associates, most people agree. Dutroux, Lelievre, Michele Martin were arrested on August 13, 1996, after evidence of the kidnapping of Laetitia clearly pointed in Dutroux's way. Nihoul was arrested on August 16, 1996, after his close connection to Dutroux and Lelievre was found out about. Annie Bouty, Nihoul's girlfriend, was arrested on September 5, but after a few interrogations released on October 20, 1996. In the days after the arrest of Nihoul and Bouty, examining magistrate Jean-Marc Connerotte asked the gendarmerie if they had any files on Bouty and Nihoul. The gendarmerie lied and told Connerotte they had nothing on them. After a search of Nihoul's apartment, amazingly not a single fingerprint of Nihoul had been found. Also, it turned out that someone had been deleting files on Nihoul's computer after his arrest. Through some of the files that remained it could be determined that Nihoul was in contact with Thierry de Haan, a director of the large insurance company Royale Belge who had also been tied to the car theft case which sent Dutroux to jail in late 1995. Interestingly, a family -father, mother and son- recognized Nihoul and Dutroux at the location where Laetitia was kidnapped. Luckily for Nihoul, the family's statements and actions were completely misrepresented by the press (with help from the gendarmerie). In February 1997, the mother was almost hit by a car. Around the same time, the family received numerous anonymous phone calls, were followed by a car, and men attempted to break in into their home. The right hand of the controversial police commissioner Georges Marnette had to support the family, but miserably failed in that. They ultimately were forced to back down. It took 11 days for Nihoul to come up with an alibi for August 9, which was provided by, of all people, the lawyer Michel Vander Elst. Vander Elst was a visitor of the Dolo and had once been convicted for having provided false alibis for members of the Haemers Gang, after they had kidnapped Paul Vanden Boeynants. Initially, Vander Elst was named as one of the masterminds of the kidnapping after investigators had found out that the kidnappers had been in continuous contact with Vander Elst. Vander Elst was named by X1 as among those involved in sadistic games with young girls and as someone who visited the ASCO torture factory. Vander Elst was a regular advisor to the BVBA Audio Corporation since 1992, which has been linked to pedophilic practices. Additionally, manager of the BVBA Audio Corporation was Joseph Schulman, whose brother Charles was married to the sister of Bernard Weinstein. Nihoul's alibi for August 9 was largely confirmed although participants of an evening barbecue which Nihoul attended couldn't get their story straight. One of the inconsistencies was that Vander Elst claimed that Nihoul came with Bouty, while all others claimed that Nihoul came with Marleen De Cockere. It was only in mid-1997 that a breakthrough was forced. Michel Bourlet was contacted by family V., which had seen Nihoul in Bertrix where Laetitia was kidnapped, and had to hear how this family wanted to withdraw their testimonies after having been intimidated over a period of many months. The family (again) mentioned how they were sure that they had seen Nihoul and how they later that day attended an evening market. That last remark prompted Bourlet to launch an inquiry into the date when this evening market had been organized, something which the original interviewers of the family somehow didn't think of (they just told the family it had indeed been organized on August 9). It turned out that the evening market had been organized on August 8 and that this was the date the family had seen Nihoul at the swimming pool in Bertrix where Laetitia would be kidnapped the next day. The details the family gave about the evening market proved they had been there. The family was shown car wrecks for Dutroux's garden and they picked out the Renault Trafic that they had seen on the parking lot of the swimming pool where Laetitia was kidnapped the next day. It was the same Renault Trafic that other witnesses had pointed out as having seen in Bertrix on August 8 and 9 with Dutroux in or next to it. A total of at least 8 witnesses were found who had seen Nihoul on August 8 in Bertrix, some of them in the company of Dutroux. In May 1999, Vander Elst was interviewed again about the alibi he provided to Nihoul for August 7 and 8 and now all of sudden claimed he had been mistaken. He had been painting with Nihoul in an apartment in Schaarbeek on August 6 and 7, and had not been in the company of Nihoul on August 8. Anne Noel, who was present at the alleged August 9 barbecue was also re-interviewed, and all of a sudden she also was certain that Nihoul was unable to work at the apartment on August 8. He had told Noel that he had to go somewhere. Both Noel and Vander Elst claimed that they made a honest mistake and blamed the investigators for not being thorough enough in confirming their testimonies. The investigators said they spent three full days confirming the statements of these individuals and that at the time they all were very sure about what they had testified. In the end this means that Nihoul does not have an alibi for August 8, 1996, the day he was seen all over Bertrix in the presence of Nihoul, and one day before the abduction of Laetitia by Dutroux and Lelievre. Dutroux and Lelievre acknowledged they had done some reconnaissance in Bertrix before the kidnapping, but seemed to have left out Nihoul. Dutroux was in permanent telephone contact with Nihoul the day before the abduction of Laetitia, the day of the abduction itself, and during the next few days. Lelievre, Michele Martin and Dutroux all initially acknowledged that they constituted a gang which included Nihoul. Michel Lelievre in PV 8377/98: "During that diner [in the late summer of 1995] Dutroux explained to Nihoul and Bouty that he was able to get stolen trucks. Dutroux was much more reserved than Nihoul. He only talked about trafficking of weapons and trucks. There also was talk about forged Portuguese passports." August 19, 1996, The Guardian, 'House of horrors stuns Belgium': "Mr Nihoul allegedly told police that Mr Dutroux had spoken of building cages to keep young girls in." Lelievre in PV 2557, August 29, 1996: "I would like to reveal other things about Jean-Michel Nihoul, but I don't want that these testimonies are taken up in the dossier. As I said, I fear for my life and those around me. I remind you that Nihoul told me the following: 'if you cross me, I will destroy you'. With those words he made it known to me that he would kill me or have me killed." Michele Martin, Dutroux's wife, in PV 2557, August 29, 1996: "I was afraid that they would hurt me or my kids. With "they" I mean Marc, Jean-Michel Nihoul and his gang... I have heard Marc personally telling Lelievre that he should bring a girl for Michel Nihoul. If I haven't mentioned that before, that is because I'm afraid of that gang, I mean Nihoul, Marc Dutroux and others in Brussels. I mean well-placed individuals who Nihoul knew. The connections of Nihoul made me fear for my children and myself... I was afraid, because Jean-Michel Nihoul, Marc Dutroux and Michel Lelievre were part of a gang that was involved in all kinds of business, like drugs, pills, girls and forged papers. I have to say that at the time of the kidnapping of Sabine and Laetitia, Michel Nihoul, as I already stated, often called to Sars, to my home. He was looking for Marc Dutroux. He didn't call for me. When Nihoul tried to reach Marc he always remained vague. I never knew why he called so often to Marc Dutroux. Over time I became more and more convinced that Marc Dutroux and Jean-Michel Nihoul did things that couldn't stand the light of day and which I was not supposed to know about. By the way, Marc told me that he went more and more to Brussels and met an increasing number of people in light of his activities with Michel Nihoul." Michele Martin in PV 2739, October 9, 1996: "I believe that Marc Dutroux got to know Jean-Michel Nihoul in late 1994, early 1995. Nihoul always gave me the impression that he had many connections that he could count on. Marc Dutroux told me that Nihoul had taken care of many of Lelievre's problems: he had prevented that he was arrested, he had worked out his fines and solved his money problems. Marc had accurately sensed that he would benefit from continuing to see Nihoul, because of his connections and those of his wife, the lawyer [referring to Bouty]. The more they saw each other, the more they opened up of course. I think that at a certain moment a mutual trust was built. I see evidence of that in a conversation between Lelievre and Marc that I coincidentally heard and in which Dutroux said that they had to bring back a girl for Nihoul. I think that Jean-Michel had influence on Marc Dutroux. Marc often told me that he was impressed by the connections Nihoul had." March 2, 2004, ANP, 'Ex-wife Dutroux points to Nihoul as contractor': "Michelle Martin, the ex-wife of Marc Dutroux, says that her former husband kidnapped the girls Julie and Melissa at the instructions of co-defendant Michel Nihoul. That turns out from the official indictments from the Dutroux-case, as public prosecutor Bourlet read out tuesday. This statement has not been taken up in the Dutch translation of the act... Also, a witness has spotted co-defendant Nihoul in 1995 together with Dutroux and Lelievre in Oostende, shortly before the kidnapping of An and Eefje." June 18, 2004, The Times, 'Murdering, raping monster convicted at last': "The 47-year-old former electrician [Dutroux], dubbed the Monster of Marcinelle, argued that he had been ordered by his fellow defendant, Michel Nihoul, to procure his young victims for a sex ring widely believed to involve members of the country's establishment." Sentenced to 3,5 years on December 30, 1996 for his frauds in SOS Sahel and J.M. Nihoul et Associes. Acquitted from accusations that he was involved in the kidnapping of girls with Dutroux on January 22, 1997. Sentenced to an additional year in jail in 1998 for another fraud committed. First released on December 16, 1999. Due to efforts of minister Marc Verwilghen, head of the Dutroux Commission in 1996-1998, Nihoul was back in jail on December 24, after not reporting with an officer who was supposed to guide and supervise him for a while. The Justice Department set him free again in January 2000 prompting Nihoul to file a complaint against the government. Tried to get some financial compensation for Verwilghen's action. Jailed in February 2004 when the Dutroux process was about to start. Soon released for heart problems. Sentenced to 5 years in jail in June 2004 for having been part of a gang involved in trade in stolen cars, trade in forged identities, drug trafficking and trafficking in humans. Not sentenced for abduction of or trade in children. June 18, 2004, The Times, 'Dutroux guilty of child rape and murder': "The final co-defendant, Michel Nihoul, was convicted only of being part of a gang that smuggled drugs and people into Belgium." February 21, 2004, The Daily Mail, 'Devil of the Dungeon': "During the Seventies and Eighties, Nihoul, now 63, arranged sordid orgies and swapping parties for rich and privileged Belgians. According to one key witness, whose story will not be heard at the trial (for reasons that will emerge later), Nihoul first met Dutroux when the latter brought drugs to these debauched sex parties. Years later, it is suggested, the two men hatched a plan to snatch teenage and prepubescent girls 'to order' for supply to wealthy clients, including politicians, members of the legal establishment, and perhaps even the servants of Belgian royalty. If this is true, it might explain much of the farcical 'bungling' by police and justice officials which has undermined the Dutroux investigation. It would also explain why, for many years after Dutroux's arrest, Nihoul was allowed to roam free on bail, and boasted - rashly, as it turns out - that he knew 'too much' ever to be brought to trial. He is charged with being part of the sex-torture gang, and heading a separate drug-trafficking and car-theft syndicate... 'It was highly organised,' she [Louf] said. 'Big business. A lot of money was involved.' Among the organisers, she claimed, was Jean-Michel Nihoul. The young Dutroux had supplied the cocaine, and sometimes brought girls." June 9, 2004, Planet.nl news, 'Last word Dutroux took three hours': "Bourlet admitted that he had no hard evidence against Nihoul. "We have closed the case too soon for that", he said. Nihoul was continually in contact with Dutroux and his assistent Lelievre during their suspicions dealings. He worked as a police informant, but never ratted out Dutroux." Released in April 2006 after having served a third of his sentence. After his release, Nihoul was contemplating to sue Marc Verwilghen and a number of journalists. He also threatened to sue anyone in the future who might be thinking of making "false testimonies". One of the things Nihoul said was: "I will speak about the entire case with all of its manipulations. I will speak about all those who build their careers on this case: the politicians, the journalists and the parents [of the missing children]."
b. 1936
Source(s): X3 (participated in extreme torture parties in 1950s and 1960s with Vanden Boeynants and royals)
Son of Pierre Nothomb, who also was a politician. Member of Parliament from 1968 to 1995. Chairman of the PSC from 1972 to 1979, where he was followed up by Paul Vanden Boeynants. Vanden Boeynants had been Minister of Defense and Premier of Belgium during Nothomb's time as PSC chairman. Nothomb is often described as having been far less influential in behind-the-scenes 1970s politics than VdB or Baron de Bonvoisin. Chairman of the Chamber of People's Representatives 1979-1980. Member of the European Parliament 1979-1980. Minister of Foreign Affairs from May 1980 to December 1981. Vice-premier and minister of Foreign Affairs December 1981 to November 1985. Vice-premier and minister of Internal Affairs and Decentralization from 1985 to 1986. Chairman of the Chamber of People's Representatives from 1988 to 1995. Minister of State from 1995. Senator from 1995 to 1999. Chairman of the PSC from 1996 to 1998. Chairman of the European Movement Belgium (Europese Beweging België) until at least 2007 and vice president of the European Movement International. The history of the European Movement from another section of PEHI: "In May 1948, the Congress of Europe was convened by the United Europe Movement in The Hague. It was organized by Jean Monnet with the help of Joseph Retinger; it's chairman was Winston Churchill while Alcide de Gasperi, Paul Henri Spaak, Leon Blum, Robert Schumann, and Konrad Adenauer, the latter soon to be chancellor of West-Germany, were among the attendants. The congress called for the creation of a Council of Europe, but was too large and unwieldly to reach any decisions on this issue. It was, however, agreed upon that the European Movement should be set up. Seven Resolutions on Political Union were adopted at the The Hague Congress. Resolution number seven stated: "The creation of a United Europe must be regarded as an essential step towards the creation of a United World." Retinger and Churchill's son-in-law Duncan Sandys, went to America after this congress to lobby for support for their campaign for European unity. Here they met two key figures, William Donovan (head OSS; founder in 1947 of the CIA; SMOM) and Allen Dulles (OSS; CIA; SMOM)... A new organization was set up, the American Committee on United Europe (ACUE), which would be used as a conduit for covert CIA funds, augmented by contributions from private foundations such as the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, to support many important organizations in Europe that were pro-capitalist, anti-communist, and working towards European integration. This covert contribution never formed less than half the European Movement's budget until the 1960s." Chairman of the International Club Chateau Sainte-Anne since 2005, established in 1969 as a meeting place for important Belgian and European diplomats and other politicians. Many of its leading members are of nobility. Two previous chairmen were Jacques Solvay and Count de Kerchove. Among its 2000 members are Viscount Etienne Davignon and Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan (head Club of Rome).
Nothomb is said to be an uncle of the present Marquess de Trazegnies who owns Corroy-le-Chateau. It is one of the best preserved medieval castles in Europe, with massive round towers and a moat. It was built around 1270 by the Count Philippe of Vianden and and his wife Mary of Brabant. The castle passed to the family of Nassau-Dillenburg, princes of Orange, then to the Nassau-Corroy, and is now inhabited by the Marquess of Trazegnies. Corroy-le-Chateau has only been open to the public since 1971, but as usual access is limited. The marquess is a member of the board of directors of the Royal Club of Historic Cities and Gardens in Belgium (Koninklijke Vereniging der Historische Woonsteden en Tuinen van België), which has also included Baron Albert Frère, Viscount Etienne Davignon, Prince Alexander de Merode (former chairman), Count Ghislain d'Ursel and Count Emmanuel de Lichtervelde. Together with Etienne Davignon and the mayor of Venice, the Marquess de Trazegnies is a patron of Veneziaviva, a foundation which is focused on preserving, restoring and enhancing the value of Venice's heritage. Trazegnies is a representative of Europa Nostra. "Marquess de Patenos" in Sheri de Borchgrave's book 'A Dangerous Liaison' is the Marquess de Trazegnies. On p. 251, while showing her around the castle (there's a picture in the book), aunt Helene says: "You would just love the parties he throws here, ma cherie. But it will take years until your inhibitions are dissolved enough to attend one of them. They're unforgettably naughty." According to Sheri, her husband Jacques had already begun introducing her to group sex parties and had a demonic-like alter personality which could be brought forward quite easily. It must be said that in terms of reliability Sheri's story ranks far below the X-File testimonies, even individually. It remains an interesting coincidence however.
b. 1951
Source(s): X2 (part of the circle of abusers of X2)
Sometimes named Viscount. In other cases just Monsieur. According to the Dutroux files, Yves is a magistrate/substitute in Nivelles. Member of Carnet Mondain, "the Yearbook of distinguished Belgian families", together with Chevalier Charles de Selliers de Moranville and wife (accused of involvement in the child abuse network), Jacques G. Jonet (accused of covering up the Pinon Affair; once Otto von Habsburg's political secretary; through his involvement with Mouvement d'Action pour l'Unite Europeenne he came at CEPIC and PDG headquarters), Baron Guibert de Viron (a family member is accused of trafficking drugs and children, and is married into the de Caters family who has also been accused), Count Henri d'Udekem d'Acoz (family married into the royal family and are close to the Knights of Malta), and Countess Rodolphe d'Ursel (a family member is accused of being part of the abuse network of Baron de Bonvoisin, to whom this family is close).
b. 1949
Source(s): X1 (knew him from the network); X4 (knew him from the network. A picture of her as a child might have been found in the collection of Raemaekers, although follow-up "research" was inconclusive)
Convicted for robbing his employer, an insurance company, in 1979. Convicted for fraud and extortion in 1980. His driver's license was taken away for life after he was responsible for a deadly traffic accident. Went to France in 1981, but had to flee back in 1986 after the police was looking for him there. Set up fake companies (including small banks and investment firms) and foundations all the time, which sometimes dealt with children. Literally always massively exaggerated his own credentials. Acted as a parent to a 13 year old girl in 1986 (for a year), which he had taken over from her mother. When the child later claimed Raemaekers had raped her, it was enough for the the mother to claim "she makes it up" to have the case thrown out. In the late 1980s, he owned a Jaguar and two Porsches. As a violent paedophile he was convicted in 1989 and 1995. After he was released in 1991 the doctor who had to guide him back into society was never told that Raemaekers was a paedophile. Raemaekers went on raping kids almost immediately. In 1993, he was caught after a scam he pulled in which he robbed the shareholders of his fake firm. He fled to Rotterdam in the Netherlands and bought a sex bar. When he was arrested, detectives found approximately 4000 videotapes in his apartment (a very underreported fact). Only 2000 of these tapes were sent to the BOB. Allegedly because of a lack of storage space, these were ordered destroyed in February 1995 (finally done in June 1996), one day after Raemaekers had lost his chance to appeal against his sentence. The other 2000 or so videos were stashed in a warehouse in Anderlecht of judicial expert Andre Fourneau, something which most investigators were not aware of. Allegedly because of a lack of storage space, Fourneau wanted to get rid of these videos and sent the collection to the curator of the PEFL auction in Molenbeek (Brussels). On December 7, 1995, PEFL auctioned 779 videos of Raemaekers' collection. Someone bought them all up (in three parts) for 750 euros, a price which some were a bit surprised about. On March 12, 1997, the BOB retrieved the remaining 797 videos at Fourneau. Nothing unusual was found on these tapes. Examining magistrate Jean-Claude Van Espen, who once worked at the same law firm as Nihoul and Bouty and was involved in sabotaging the X-investigations, headed the investigation into the PEFL affair. The videos that ended up with the BOB were investigated, at least to some extent. On some of them young Asian girls were raped. On others girls from eastern Europe. Some of the tapes showed Raemaekers raping several children from his old neighborhood, who had never spoken out about these facts. He had the same habit as pimps like Tony to blame everything that went on wrong on the girls, which would have severely impacted their confidence and self-esteem. Raemaekers briefly spoke about having supplied kids to paedophile parties with important officials in neighborhoods in and around Brussels (in line with info about Tony, Dutroux, Nihoul and other pimps). During his 1995 trial: "- Why did you tape those [rape] scenes? - You could earn a lot of money doing that. You could also exchange those videos. - With who? - That happened within a large paedophile network that is active in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. I myself was only a small link. - Who were the others? - I do not wish to testify about that." This was later followed with: "If I speak then this country will explode." Psychiatrists wrote that Raemaekers suffered from theatricality, mythomania, megalomania, paranoia, hysteria, narcism, extreme impulsiveness, and lack of any form of fear (which definitely was true; Raemaekers was an extreme liar). When he got the last word on his trial on January 25, 1995, he tearfully claimed that he was sorry for all the things he had done (which he absolutely wasn't). Then he went on to say: "I am the patsy [definitely the wrong word] who now goes to jail, while the bigwigs remain free... [wants to read up a list of accomplices, but is stopped as it is a public hearing]... Alright, I will present the names to the qualified authorities later on. Then I still want to close this speech with the announcement that I kept a number of videotapes in a safe place which can prove that I am right. In addition I left a testimony of 150 pages with a notary. These will be given to the justice department as soon as something happens to me." The paper he gave to the authorities included the names of one magistrate in Brussels and 4 of his creditors (so, not very much and not very reliable). After his sentencing, Raemaekers made statements to BOB officers that Nancy and Nelly (young girls who visited Raemaekers' house to play with his daughters; Nelly was diagnosed with DID/MPS), like most other victims of the network, were rented out by their mother. That he didn't mention her involvement was "part of the deal". On February 1, 1995, the BOB officers found out that on the account of Raemaekers in the Vorst prison a number of anonymous deposits had been made. After a brief investigation at least some of these deposits were found out to have been made by the mother of Nancy and Nelly. Raemaekers was questioned by the BOB about these deposits on February 20, 1995, and explained that this money was hush money from anonymous pedophiles or from parents who had supplied him with their children. About the mother of Nancy and Nelly, Raemaekers claimed that she rented out her children for 250 euros per hour to a number of pedophiles. Raemaekers also gave the names of some of these pedophiles. He himself claimed to have received about 10,000 euros in hush money. Around this time the controversial Brussels police commissioner Georges Marnette (alleged child rapist) decided to become involved. Raemaekers provided his evidence through Jean-Paul Dumont to Marnette. PV 115.417, October 19, 1996: "Raemaekers interview - Period of 20/02 to 15/03/95. At the time of the investigation of the BSR 3/SRC, Raemaekers had signaled to his lawyers that he was going to give information on networks of child molesters. Lawyers = JP Dumont, Marc Depaus and Geuninkx. Dumont wanted to entrust the investigation to the judicial police [in which Marnette is commissioner in Brussels] to screen the information. Dumont intervened with Marnette who is "his good friend". Marnette sent two men to the jail to audition Raemaekers on this topic. Lawyer Depaus came with them. The evidence had to be provided to the judicial police via Depaus after having been filtered by Dumont." In 1996, when his relationship with the BOB was fine again, Raemaekers said: "Nevertheless, back then, two investigators of the judicial police had come [without leaving a trace of their visit]. They were sent by the Brussels commissioner Georges Marnette. He is a good friend of Jean-Paul Dumont. It was Dumont who forbid me to have any contact with the gendarmerie. I would only give my information to the GP, but only after this was filtered and checked by Dumont." Another reason that has been mentioned, in this case by Marc Depaus, is that Raemaekers tried to arrange a lessening of his sentence in return for information with the BOB. After this failed, Raemaekers, through Dumont, in February-March 1995, decided to cease cooperation with the BOB and only work with the judicial police of Marnette instead. Marc Depaus, a young lawyer who had been appointed by his (law) master Dumont to this case, withdrew from the Raemaekers case after he saw that this game was to big for him. Depaus stated: "I found out that he [Raemaekers] had contacts with unidentified persons who didn't leave a trace of their visits." Depaus explained that Raemaekers already in his first talks with him explained that he would start naming high level people if he was given a severe sentence. According to Depaus, Dumont was very interested in the Raemaekers case, was always available, and appeared to be the only one Raemaekers fully trusted. Depaus: "I use the term 'hornet's nest' because the case seemed simple at the beginning. Raemaekers was in the possession of a certain amount of information and wanted to negotiate about that. The first demarche consisted of checking the feasibility and modalities of those negotiations. After my visit to examining magistrate Vandermeersch [turned down the possibility of working with the BOB] I began asking myself the question how much support the investigators had from their hierarchy. On the other hand it turned out that there was a rivalry within this police service and at the end I found out that Raemaekers had contacts with unidentified persons who didn't leave a trace of their visits. All these elements made me realize that I was playing a game of which I didn't even know half of the rules. It is in that context that I withdrew... I don't know if the judicial police was chosen by master Dumont because of his close contacts with commissioner Marnette, but it is true that master Dumont and commissioner Marnette have known each other for a long time... Yes, I know that these documents [about child abuse by prominent individuals, videos included) exist. If the negotiations would have been successful, it was the intention that I would guarantee their recovery, but at this moment I do not know where they are located." It turned out that Raemaekers had expected that the 'dark side' in the justice department, knowing who he was, would come to his aid. In his own words: "After my arrest people send me signals. They would have me medically confined. That way I would be out in a year or so. I cannot explain why it went so wrong and I was sentenced to life [15 years or so in reality]. All evidence pointing to the people I worked for, which was found in 1993, had already been removed during the investigation." Later in 1995, Raemaekers was sent to the prison in Bergen, among detainees the most terrible prison in Belgium. The prison was overpopulated and dirty, and Raemaekers heard stories there about pedophiles being tortured to death. He also claimed to have been witness to a food poisoning, which was labeled a suicide. During his stay in the prison Raemaekers took large amounts of sedative drugs to tune out as much as possible. He felt betrayed. At some point in 1996, Raemaekers was transferred to the prison in Namen. Raemaekers became quite well known in this prison for spending a relatively large amount of money and doing all kinds of business which nobody really knew the details. What also intrigued people inside and outside the prison was that Raemaekers, since late 1995, had a lawyer which he didn't have to pay for: Jean-Marie Flagothier. Flagothier, an expert in Military Law, used to be a member of the Brabantse Reserve Officieren (BROC), which included the son of Paul Vanden Boeynants and was tied to the Gladio/Stay-Behind affair. To the media Flagothier claimed that he had been able to remove Raemaekers from Dumont's sphere of influence. Others claimed that Flagothier and Dumont were on the same side and were manipulating Raemaekers with some unknown purpose in mind. In early August 1996, just before the Dutroux affair, Raemaekers got a new cell-mate, Serge Loriaux. Raemaekers introduced himself as Alexandre de Saligny, bank director. Loriaux later recounted a conversation between him and Raemaekers at the time the Dutroux affair broke out on August 13: "- What do you think of this? - Pfff. - It leaves you cold? - What people don't get excited about... To me it seems the most normal thing in the world. - Alexandre, the country is exploding. - All hypocrites. You know, in Belgium there are families who are willing to sell their children for 200 or 300 thousand franks. Then you can do with them whatever you want. They've been offered to me more than once." Loriaux: "He continually told me that the tapes the police had shown to his wife were nothing compared to the tapes he claims to possess. He told me that on these tapes paedophile scenes could be seen with important Belgian personalities. He said that if these tapes ended up in the hands of the Justice Department this would create an enormous shock. Judging from his words there even were ministers involved... There's also stuff in between there that is of such a nature that it can give him a second sentence to life-long hard labor." Loriaux gave this information during a BOB interview on September 21, 1996, PV 114.110. Raemaekers had even suggested to Loriaux that when he was released he could use Raemaekers' house in Peru and start painting there (Loriaux officially was a painter and heavily in debt). Raemaekers also asked him if he could pick up some videos once out of jail. After Loriaux had been separated from Raemaekers in the aftermath of the Dutroux affair, he suggested to the BOB officers to be placed back with Raemaekers in one jail and work as an informant. The BOB officers were enthusiast, but the management of the prison blocked the proposal. After the Dutroux broke loose, Marnette voluntarily went to Neufchateau to help (read: manipulate) with the investigation. The first thing that Marnette did was take with him a picture from Raemaekers' collection and claim that it was probably Dutroux who could be seen in this picture. It turned out to be a complete fraud, and Marnette's proposal to personally interview Raemaekers was rejected. The picture was shown to Raemaekers at some point who also claimed that the man in the picture (who spoke Dutch, a language Dutroux doesn't know at all) was well known person within the network, but was not Dutroux. Raemaekers referred to the video from which Marnette's "Dutroux" picture was taken as an "oldie". These were usually 8mm films who were later on transferred to VHS. This material was still circulated within the networks, but was usually only bought and traded by the less well-to-do pedophiles. Raemaekers claimed he had never met Dutroux. A BOB officer later commented: "The motive behind it was clear. Just as more than a year before, in March 1995, he wanted to gain control over Raemaekers, preferably by interviewing him himself. Why we don't know. But when you see what Marnette did a short time later with Elio Di Rupo, then at the very least we have a strong suspicion." On September 12, 13 an 15, 1996, a number of articles appeared which detailed how the investigation into Nihoul was sabotaged (Marnette played a role in Nihoul's investigation), how the Justice Department had a renewed interest in Jean-Paul Raemaekers, how Marnette had been pushed out of the investigation and how during a break-in by Jean-Paul Dumont an audio tape with some of Raemaekers' statements had been stolen. There appeared to be no specific reason why articles about Raemaekers had to appear at this point in time, and a number of BOB officers suspected that Marnette had been behind these reports, largely through journalist Gilbert Dupont, suspected to have been a close friend of Marnette. It soon turned out that no tape had been stolen by Dumont. The reports also falsely claimed that Dumont would have rejected to legally assist Raemaekers, because he had done this through Marc Depaus while he himself had been heavily involved in the Raemaekers' case from behind the scenes. In a report BOB officers wrote: "This probably were the last interferences of commissioner Marnette, before his leave on vacation... All these elements confirm our earlier conclusions: Raemaekers hinders, and it is possible that one is trying to intimidate him [including through the newspapers]." During his September 7 and September 15 BOB interviews, during which time the strange news articles appeared, Raemaekers spoke in detail about a 1992 sex orgy in Villa de Meise, and how about a dozen men of some standing were involved in a sex orgy with five under aged children. Besides Jean-Paul Dumont, he didn't know the men very well, but remembered that they owned Jaguars, BMWs and Mercedesses. One car had a license plate of the Lion's Club. Raemaekers gave many details about this villa and even drew a layout. He told that these kind of parties were regularly organized, but he had been surprised with this one, because no women attended. The villa returned in testimonies of a number of other witnesses. Things changed on October 9, 1996. In the early afternoon, Raemaekers called up his BOB interviewers, apparently in a panic, and told how a close associate of Dumont came by and told him he would be killed if he didn't keep his mouth shut. When Raemaekers' interviewers, Danny Lesciauskas and Serge Winkel, visited him just three hours later, Raemaekers apparently was not that troubled anymore with these death threats, and began talking (rambling) about his new cell mate, Guy Focant, who had been locked up with Raemaekers 5 days earlier. Focant had recently been investigated by Neufchateau, because a victim from his home town had claimed that he had seen Nihoul twice in the small local network of Focant. Unfortunately, like most other victims of Focant's network, this witness was mentally handicapped and his testimony carried no weight (applied as a novice to a monastery a few weeks after his testimony) . According to investigators involved in the Focant case, Focant was known to have been in contact with a few elderly pedophiles and corresponded with gays around the world through mail. No evidence of a large child abuse network was found. According to Raemaekers, Focant had told him that he had kidnapped children for Nihoul. Over the next several weeks, Raemaekers volunteered to act as an informant to Winkel and Lesciauskas about his talks with Focant. He gave no more information about his own experiences. On October 19, 1996, in PV 115.442, Raemaekers first claimed that Focant had told him that Elio Di Rupo and Jean-Pierre Grafe were involved in the child abuse networks, and how these two were trying to protect Focant and others. On October 22, Focant and Raemaekers were joined by Francis Debuisson, a paedophile from Meux, a small village near Namen, who had rented out his own two sons. Raemaekers studied the pictures Debuisson had brought with him and on November 1 told a story to his interviewers about how he knew that Dumont in 1992 had picked up some boys from a house in Meux. He "remembered" that this person had the surname Debuisson and gave a description of this person's house (which he of course had seen on Debuisson's pictures). Lesciauskas and Winkel reacted very excited to these revelations of Raemaekers, as Francis Debuisson, to which the evidence obviously lead, indeed turned out to be a paedophile. Unfortunately, Winkel and Lesciauskas forgot to check in which cell Debuisson had been locked up. When Raemaekers in later weeks freely talked about his cell mate Francis Debuisson the investigators still didn't ask any questions. They continued to miss opportunity after opportunity to unmask Raemaekers. Raemaekers also gave Debuisson his lawyer, Jean-Marie Flagothier. In November, Raemaekers began to relate how Focant was relieved that the digs in Jumet were stopped (Focant allegedly reacted to the news with: "What a bunch of idiots, they didn't went deep enough") and how he had claimed that Jean-Michel Nihoul killed Elizabeth Brichet (a girl that disappeared in 1989 and was found on July 3, 2004 on the domain of Chateau de Sautou, after a confession of Michel Fourniret). These digs in Jumet had begun in early October after Lelievre briefly mentioned some story about Dutroux digging for coal. August 17, 1996, PV 100.221, small note in Lelievre interrogation: "Dutroux is digging at J. Destree street [in suburb of Charleroi]. He digs deep, because he said to have found coal [relatively close to surface]." Others, like Michelle Martin, confirmed Dutroux's interest in coal and somehow the old coal mine in Jumet, a district of Charleroi, became a possible location where Dutroux might have buried some of his victims. After several weeks of digging nothing was found and this aspect of the investigation was closed down. That is, until Raemaekers brought up the topic again. Raemaekers, November 15, 1996, PV 117.123: "I then found out that she was dead, but that her death was the result of a job that went bad. Her body is located in Belgium, more precisely in a mine. Because of the fact that the previous day it had been said on Bel RTL [Call RTL] that the digs were undertaken in a mine [Jumet] and that they have been stopped, I concluded that it exactly was that mine entrance where she must have been buried, but that the investigators didn't dug deep enough... During the conversation I noticed that it was odd that the little Ken had never been found, while his sister was found drowned. He [Focant] immediately answered: "Yes, he is buried with Elizabeth". I asked, in the absence of Debuisson, if he knew about other kidnapped children in the Netherlands. He affirmed this to me, but without going in details." Raemaekers, November 23, 1996, PV 117.125: "On November 15 I learned that the bodies are located close to the location of the last digs... In fact, in an effort to learn more I said that the searches were done in the Charleroi region. Guy Focant then answered that I was mistaken and that that was happening in Jumet... He talked about a mine entrance with an elevator through which the miners used to descend. Thereafter he gave a description of the location where the bodies were by drawing a small layout on a piece of paper, which I then redrew in my agenda from my memory." Raemaekers gave a whole bunch of other information to his interviewers, to Winkel and Lesciauskas and later to BOB officers in Brussels. Because of this information the digs in Jumet were restarted on December 12, 1996, and interestingly would continue with the full support of the media, the same media that ridiculed the X-witnesses. On December 14, Debuisson also was finally asked some questions about Focant by the judicial police in Brussels. Although very reluctant to give any information, the interrogators managed to extract the following testimony from him: "He [Focant] explained that one, to find them, had to dig several feet further, beyond the collapse. He also said that the detection devices of that British policeman John Benett were useless, as the ground was to fatty because of the coal. Focant said that he was sure that the bodies of Elizabeth Brichet and Ken Heyrman were located in Jumet, together with those of other children he didn't mention the name of... I have not heard him say that he went to hide bodies himself... At a certain moment I also heard him say that he had never been in Jumet. Yeah, that was a bit strange indeed. But how could I know that what was said in that cell was of any importance to the investigation? To me it seemed more like small talk to counter the boredom." The digs in Jumet went on for months without anything being found. Criticism rose and on May 5, 1997, Raemaekers, Focant and Debuisson (who was living at home again with his two sons) were taken on site. Raemaekers began dancing around and shouted that this was the location where the children were buried. Focant explained that he had never been here and that he had no idea that this whole dig was based on his alleged confessions to Raemaekers. Debuisson said he had never been here and that he never took anything serious that was said by Raemaekers and Focant in his cell, and he still didn't. Further statements from Focant and Raemaekers also completely contradicted each other. May 13, 1997, press notification of Guy Focant: "During my stay in the same cell as Raemaekers this person, bizarrely enough, was continually taken away to be questioned. He said that he helped the investigators to dismantle a network of pedophiles that operated in the highest circles of society... I didn't worry about the exact and detailed questions he asked me about the coal mine in Jumet. He also asked those questions to a guard who lived in this region... Raemaekers keeps making false accusations, like I would have told him certain things. I have been asked thousands of questions. What can I tell, as this is the first time I saw a coal mine?... In the mean time, and for reasons I am not aware of, the digs in Jumet continue based on false accusations. In all likelihood the money has been wasted and my life is in danger." The digs in Jumet were finally cancelled on May 27, 1997. The media never talked about this event as possibly being one of the red herrings to discredit talk about large high level paedophile networks. Raemaekers (voluntary & militant) lawyer, Jean-Marie Flagothier, is suspected by some to have played a crucial role in this affair. Claude Jasselette, the cell mate of Raemaekers in late 1996 and early 1997, explained (April 14, 1997, to GP in Namen): "The lawyer of Raemaekers certainly is part of the scheme... The only time in the consulting room that I was given the chance to meet a lawyer it was Flagothier. In the presence of Raemaekers, which is totally illegal. It is therefore that I can say that master Flaghotier orally as well as by letter provides intelligence to Raemaekers. I also would like to state that Raemaekers sees his lawyer weekly and practically always returns with documents, photocopies and intelligence concerning all his allegations. He diligently writes this information in his small blue notepad." Dumont and Marnette appear to have also been involved in this manipulation. Besides the continuous involvement of these two alleged pedophiles with Raemaekers, one of the strongest pieces of evidence is the media campaign against Elio Di Rupo and Jean-Pierre Grafe, which started on November 16, a month after Raemaekers had begun accusing Elio Di Rupo and Jean-Pierre Grafe in his testimonies. While Raemaekers was testifying about these two men, Marnette was manipulating Oliver Trusgnach into claiming that he was abused as a minor by these same two men. This testimony was then conveniently leaked to press, at the same time that De Baets and his team were forced to participate in this bogus investigation. This resulted in Trusgnach being discredited, to some extent De Baets also, and hopefully would result in a more sceptical reception of the X witnesses by the general public, if their story ever came out. An anonymous BOB officer commented: "The motive behind it was clear [why Marnette wanted to link Raemaekers to the Dutroux case]. Just as more than a year before, in March 1995, he wanted to gain control over Raemaekers, preferably by interviewing him himself. Why we don't know. But when you see what Marnette did a short time later with Elio Di Rupo, then at the very least we have a strong suspicion." Connerotte and De Baets have both spoken out that the investigation was heavily manipulated and that there was an effort to discredit the X witnesses. They specifically mentioned Abrasax, Jumet and the Di Rupo cases. Connerotte was not interested in pursuing Raemaekers' claims about Focant, which started on October 9, to any extent. This immediately changed after Langlois took over from him on October 14. December 3, 2002, Annemie Bulte for Humo, 'War in Neufchateau: examining magistrate Connerotte speaks about the Dutroux dossier for the first time' (Connerotte): "I regularly and much earlier complained about those terrible circumstances in which I had to work in the Dutroux case... How could one, single, understaffed examining judge work through such heaps of information and separate the important things from the unimportant?... I experienced those circumstances as a form of pressure... I definitely did not consider it impossible that I was being manipulated. We continually received information about all kinds of bizarre leads. Those then received a lot of media attention, but to us meant nothing but time loss... Just think about the Abrasax case and the digs in Jumet. If I remember correctly, the first leads in those two cases were already put under my nose in the very beginning of the investigation. Afterwards precisely Abrasax and Jumet were used by the media as an argument to say that the whole investigation was manipulated and pointed towards false leads [by low level pedophiles as Raemaekers and "believing" investigators]. I experienced the same thing in the Cools case, in which the police began to manipulate and was wholeheartedly supported by the media." Interview with Patrick De Baets, Humo, September 28, 1999 and October 5, 1999, 'Marc Dutroux and Michel Nihoul: the sabotage of an investigation': "I think that there was a higher plan. The population had to get the message: "There's a witch hunt going on in this country, the investigation is derailing, they've gone crazy in Neufchateau. Let's stop going after Nihoul." And even more important was the finger pointing to the politicians: "You again were probably responsible! Chasing politicians, bringing down bigwigs, that's the hobby of men such as De Baets. So now close the ranks as soon possible."... And why were we brought into that ludicrous Di Rupo investigation? Because we were working on the well-known X-witnesses. By discrediting me and my team through the Di Rupo case, one actually wanted to discredit the testimonies of the Xs... Again, take examining magistrate Van Espen: he walked in very tight shoes, because Nihoul had fingered him to members the 23th brigade of the judicial police as the person who always stood ready to protect him and his friends as legal trouble was around the corner... And all of a sudden Regina Louf pointed to individuals who Van Espen knew only all too well. This could severely compromise him. So Van Espen also benefited from us being discredited in the Di Ripo case." Even Gregory Antipine, Marnette's sidekick in the Trusgnach manipulation, told an investigating committee that he believed Marnette had been manipulating. Some time thereafter Antipine committed suicide.
b. 1948
Source(s): X2 (attended parties where X2 was abused)
Judge in Brussels. Councillor at the Cour d'Appel de Bruxelles (Court of Appeals in Brussels), according to Dutroux X-Files. Chairman of the 13th chamber of the Court of Appeals in Brussels.
Source(s): New in 2008: Declaration of Dany Lefrant to the Belgian Judiciary, October 13, 199x, (copy for Neufchateau cell): "Pink Ballets [normally refers to underaged children being present] with STIERS Steeve, VAN DEN BROECK Franck, the Baron Bonvoisin, SPITAELS Guy, Frans Reyneers, bar le cancan [the bar where Elio Di Rupo, according to Cancan's owners, went to pick up students]. This happened more or less 7 years ago."; known to have been a visitor of Les Atrebates, where Nihoul and others went for orgies (said to have involved minors on some occasions)
Brussels police commissioner who worked closely with Georges Marnette (the person who spread disinformation to frustrate the X witnesses investigation). Assisted in the Gang of Nijvel investigation. Later convicted criminal. Regularly visited Les Atrébates and later The Dolo, Nihoul's favorite hangouts, for orgies, according to some sometimes involving minors. 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulté, and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 123-124: "The history of The Dolo begins in 1975. At that point, in Etterbeek's Atrebatenstraat 154, in an ordinary mansion at the first floor, a private club is opened in which group sex and partner swapping was practiced. The owners are a couple, Michel Forgeot, an immigrated Frenchman, and Dolores Bara. The club is only accessible to members - there is no facia - and operates under different names: vzw ACH, vzw MI-DO, APV. The attendants speak of 'Les Atrebates' for convenience. Nihoul is a regular customer since 1981 and soon becomes good pals with Forgeot and Bara. Forgeot will always deny that minors also attended - the age of the customers has always been carefully checked at the entrance. Nevertheless, the club is closed in 1983 by the Brussels BOB for "encouraging debauchery". The Brussels GP [judicial police] has also visited several times, but that was always without results, Michel Forgeot later says. That doesn't surprise him. At the time, the Brussels GP [judicial police] commissioner Georges Marnette, together with his colleague Frans Reyniers, is one of the regular clients of the club. Also GP'er Guy Collignon was often present. 'I think it's quite strange that Mr. Marnette headed an investigation into The Dolo, while he himself came to the orgies there', says Forgeot. 'I personally saw him taking part in the orgies.'" In 1990, examining magistrate Freddy Troch reopened some of the Gang of Nijvel documents and began to look into its political connections. Two of the persons he became very interested in as a result were Frans Reyniers and Baron de Bonvoisin. Troch was warned and subsequently kicked off the case by Melchior Wathelet, a violent child abuser together with Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Vanden Boeynants, according to X1 and others. Along with Georges Marnette and Benoit Dejemeppe, Reyniers was involved in frustrating investigations into the fascist underground and Group G. 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 109-110, 112-113: "On April 25 and 28, 1997, the members of the mixed Delta-cell of examining magistrate Troch, consisting of gendarme officers and members of the judicial police, had testified extensively in front of the Gang Commission. Gendarme officers Sack and Collewaert and GPP officer Van Rie of the Brussels police went in detail about their conflicts with the group Reyniers-Marnette-Zimmer of the Brussels judicial police: 'Another case we would like the to take a look at is a peculiar one. It pertains to the case which was referred to by examining magistrate Bulthe as the trio Reyniers-Marnette-Zimmer [coincidentally, all three have been directly or closely indirectly linked to child abuse]. Every time we came into contact with these people there almost occurred an incident. We concluded that Reyniers had information about the possible involvement of Papadopoulos and Philippe De Staercke in the facts in Wilsere in March 1985; about the post office robbery in Verviers with an Uzi, which had been stolen in Wilsele, and about the robberies in Overijse and Aalst of the Gang of Nijvel. That information hasn't reached us... About the involvement of the extreme-right in the gendarmerie - and more exactly within the Group G - we did extensive investigations. We conducted a search at just about every gendarme officer who had been involved in that. Those individuals were also thoroughly questioned. At the moment we took on a GPP'er [judicial police officer], an ex-gendarme officer and a friend of Lekeu [Bernard Devillet], as a possible suspect in Group G, there came a pretty strong reaction from the judicial police in Brussels. At that moment there came an interference in our investigation.' [Troch confirmed the interference with support of Dejemeppe]..." Went to the fascist Jonathan Club. 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 114-115: "In October 1983, members of the GPP-Liege made a confidential report about the Jonathan club, in which sex parties... were organized and caught on camera. A witness related that this club was frequented by the members of the Front de la Jeunesses, among them Dossogne, the ex-assistant prison director Jean Bultot and well known Brussels gangsters. Also Lekeu and arms trafficker Darville of the Haemers gang came here, just as Fredo Godfroid (Brussels police), the local Sint-Gillis police and Van Esbroeck of the De Staerke gang. The boss of the Jonathan was Pierre-Paul [Pepe] De Rycke, member of the extreme-right Parti des Forces Nouvelles (set up by Emile Lecerf and de Bonvoisin). On February 24, 1992, De Rycke supplied the membership list of his club to the Gang cell Jumet of Charleroi. [Gendarme colonel] Sack revealed to the Gang Commission: 'Frans Reyniers [police commissioner and close associate of Georges Marnette] was regularly seen in the Jonathan. This club was managed by Pierre-Paul De Rycke, a very good friend of Bultot. Francis Dossogne once arranged the security of this club, after there had been some threats.'... According to the organigramme of the Delta-group of Dendermonde,... Bouhouche... came in the Jonathan." Acquainted with Jean-Paul Dumont, the CEPIC-PSC lawyer accused of child abuse, who also once acted as a lawyer to Reyniers. 1998, Stef Janssens, 'De namen uit de doofpot' ('The names from the cover up'), p. 145, 177: "The Dutroux Report regularly points to certain lawyers who arranged all kinds of business for Nihoul... With these the CEPIC lawyers Jean-Paul Dumont and Philippe Deleuze are meant. Dumont was a close friend of Roger Boas... Dumont had a certain type of customers: Dossogne, Latinus, Bouhouche, labour broker Bongiorno, also Reyniers and still others... [Eric] Lammers [yet another fascist militant] had managed to slip up during the hearing to his lawyer Jean Paul Dumont in the presence of the victim's lawyer. He had recreated the sound the victim made while his throat was being slit. The court ordered the jury not to take this into consideration, as this fell under the confidentiality between client and lawyer. That's how Lammers still got acquitted... At the proces in 1986 dealing with cocaine parties at the Mirano, Alewaeters was represented by the lawyers Deleuze and [Didier] De Quevy, who worked together with Dumont. According to the Dutroux Report, it appears to have been Jean-Paul Dumont who maintained contact with Cryns... Nihoul and Deleuze were both involved in a scam around an underaged kid, of which lawyer Deleuze had been given custody."
Source(s): X2 (Described being present at Chateau de Chimay when she heard young children screaming outside in the woods. They were being hunted. X2 also described a meeting she was taken to where Baron de Bonvoisin, Count d'Ursel, Oliver Castiaux, two brothers of the de Merode family, and the Prince and Princess of Chimay were present.)
Philippe de Riquet is the 22nd Prince of Chimay since 1980, heading one of the eight families that are still members of the Blue Salon. President and resident of Chateau de Chimay, which is surrounded by 130 ha. or 321 acres of private land. Hunts on young children have been organized in the woods surrounding this castle, according to X2's testimonies. Chateau de Chimay is in south-central Belgium, close to the French border and about 80 kilometers west from Chateau des Amerois. Member of Cercle de Wallonië, together with many elite members of Belgian Society. Created the Chimay International Baroque Singing Competition in 1991. Another obscure noble in general. The Chimay family is closely related to the de Croy family, of which one branch is also in the Blue Salon. The House of Croy was an international family of European mediatized nobility which held a seat in the Imperial Diet from 1486, and was elevated to the rank of Imperial Princes in 1594. Among the more illustrious members of the House of Croÿ were two bishops-dukes of Cambrai; two cardinals (one being also the Archbishop of Toledo and another being the Archbishop of Rouen); five bishops; one Prince of Masovia; one Grand-Bouteiller, Grand-Maitre and Marshal of France; one Grand Equerry of the King of Spain; several imperial field marshals and twenty generals; a couple of governors of the Netherlands; one Russian Field-Marshal; numerous ambassadors and senators in France, Austria, Belgium; and thirty two knights of the Order of the Golden Fleece.
b. 1945
Source(s): X2 (Present at sex parties in a castle near Eindhoven in the Netherlands, together with Jean-Paul Dumont, Baron de Bonvoisin and many others)
Studied economics, math and physics at the University of Gent 1963-1967. In jail for fraud 1973-1977. Got over his heroin addiction while in prison. Created a software program, Moneytron, which allegedly could quite accurately predict the money market. Soon billions of dollars were brought to his small investment company by the wealthiest businessmen around the world. Over a period of 10 years in the 1980s and early 1990s, Moneytron had an average return on investments of 18 to 25% and Rossem gained a fortune of several hundred million dollars. His wife, Nicole Annys, died in 1989 and van Rossem suspected foul play. He froze her body in a specially-prepared grave until someone would perform an autopsy. This never happened as after a few years a defect occurred and the body began to decompose. Set up a libertarian party and won three seats in parliament in 1991. Sentenced to 5 years in jail in 1991 for massive financial fraud (released after about a third of the sentence, which is normal in Belgium). Most of his clients didn't testify against him as a lot of it was dirty money. Wrote a book in jail which became a best-seller. Shouted 'Vive la République!' in 1993 when King Albert II was crowned. This was rerun of the 1951 crowning of King Baudouin, during which Julien Lahaut, chairman of the communist party, shouted the same thing (which got him killed by a NATO terrorist). Even though at one point he counted the Belgian royal family among his clients, van Rossem (as the only one in this list) has always been very opposed to the financial establishment of Belgium. Van Rossem: "I wanted to become the first Belgian Fortune-billionaire and through that take my revenge on all those rich bastards who I made innumerable times more rich. I didn't care about the money, really; I just wanted to show that a leftist rascal like me also could make it to the top of the capitalist system." Generally seen as an eccentric, anarchist con man who looks very much like a cult leader. However, he made a lot of sensible comments in recent years (all translated from Dutch):
"How many people have died from bird flu worldwide? 100? 200? Is that now a Pandemic? Who by the way has invented that ridiculous word?... It should be clear by now to everyone who's behind that: that's the pharmaceutical industry. They see their chance to sell millions of vaccines, of which we don't even know if they work. They spread fear to make a lot of money from it..."
"It irritates me to no end that a moron like Bush wants to control the whole world. I also think it's a travesty that no one reacts to that. That has to do with a misplaced feeling of loyalty to a country that freed us 60 years ago from Hitler and the fascists."
"You know what it is? I think the islam is a retarded religion, which doesn't show any respect for women. All religions are poison, but the islam is the worst of all."
Van Rossem in the Dutch documentary 'Het Grote Complot - Part 3', broadcasted on January 24, 2004:
"The whole third world is indebted to the banks. And it really is the financial power clique that keeps these countries poor. Why does poverty continue? Because it has a purpose."
"It is only the institutional investors, the really big banks, the really big concerns, who always win, because the stock markets are a zero-sum game. What one person wins, the other loses. And the winners always are the institutional investors. And the institutional investors have a buddy everywhere. I will give an example: the very serious magazine Scientific in America is going to publish an article that Johnson & Johnson, that's the Belgian Janssen Pharmaceutics, has found a remedy against AIDS. At that moment the institutional investors get a tip: the day after tomorrow that article is going to appear... So these [institutional investors] buy call options en masse. They speculate a la hausse... [question asked: foreknowledge, isn't that illegal?]... Ah, but that's only on paper! Everybody trades with foreknowledge. Of course."
"As long as you bring money into Switzerland you have no problems at all. They do not ask: "How did you earn that?" They do not ask: "Is that black, gray or white money?" Just bring it in, then you are a lovely boy. And at the moment I wanted to take back a good chunk of that money they came up with all these problems... It's not that way anymore now, but back then people went there with whole steel coffins full of money. I remember that all the money of the Russian mafia was there; all the money of the Italian mafia was there; all the money of the Bolivian mafia was there; etc. So I think that Switzerland remains the most criminal state among the criminal states. And when Bush says, "I'm going to start a war against terror", then start a war against Switzerland. You don't need weapons for that... but there it is again, the self-interests, because his money is likely to be at some place also, the money that cannot be seen."
About 9/11: "I used to be a client of the Bahrain Middle East Bank, B&B Bank in Geneve. Very decent investment bank. I was there... What's his name again, that leader of Al-Qaeda?... Bin Laden. Check this out: The year '88, who back then was one of the bankers at B&B? That was Usama Bin Laden. He didn't walk there with a robe that fell to the ground. He was a manager with a nice suit and a tie. I just find it so unlikely that he became a religious fanatic all of a sudden... I don't know what's behind that... There's always more than meets the eye. One thing is clear to me. I am still an investment specialist. I don't understand how two days before the attack on the twin towers there was I don't how much speculation by ten-some institutional investors who speculated a la bausse against the airline companies; who speculated a la bausse against the insurance companies... in the mean time we know that the CIA had knowledge [about the coming attack]. To say that it was a conspiracy, I don't know the details, but it also smart not to be naive... No, I think there have been power cliques who have been manipulating with no other purpose then to make money; because a lot of money has been made [from that event]. Also the fear that has been installed again; that enormous fear with the American public; and fear is a blessing for political leaders."
PV 117.322, December 16, 1996 (Eddy Verhaeghen): "Loose translation of an extract of the book 'Hoe kom ik van de grond?', written by Jean-Pierre van Rossem [in 1993], in which he speaks about snuff movies. Drawing of a man in front of a girl, cutting her to pieces while saying "I like small girls". The writer and Belgian film maker Pierre Platteau [had a very violent father who was a member of the fascist Flemish Militant Order and involved in local politics] would be working on a TV series on snuff-movies [apparently never made it to the tv]. Speaks about kidnapping of children for rape at the Belgo-Dutch border. Such photos or movies would be sold in Hulst and Putte [two small towns about 60 km or 40 miles apart, the former just across the border in the Netherlands, and the latter in Belgium. Antwerp is right in between them] (kept in the backroom of a shop). Description of some paedophile videos that one can find there (rape - torture - murder). Van Rossum would have a contact in Breda who knows where these movies are shot. Van Rossum would have submitted all info in the mailbox of the court of Breda."
Source(s): Mentioned by X2 as told to her by Eva, a girl that disappeared after being taken into a SM chamber; PV 151.419, about X2's Liliane statement: "... see the statement of WAETERSCHOOT with regard to bodies that would have been buried in the Park of a castle. LILIANNE could be Lilianne de RETHY and the castle mentioned by WAET."; X3 has given descriptions of a place and a person that might also have been Chateau d'Argenteuil and Liliane.
Daughter of a governor of West-Flanders. Second wife of King Leopold III since 1941, after the king's first wife had died. Mother of Prince Alexander (b. 1942). Stepmother of King Baudouin and King Albert II. King Leopold III abdicated in favor of his son Baudouin in 1951 over the controversy that he remained in his country during WWII and visited Hitler in Germany. Created the Cardiology Foundation in 1958 to promote new forms of treatment for cardiovascular diseases. Liliane financed a number of Belgian children who needed to go to America for operations, and in 1961 she inaugurated a new cardiac research laboratory at the Hospital Saint-Pierre in Brussels. This interest was inspired by a life-saving operation performed on her son in Boston. The couple went to live in Chateau d'Argenteuil, close to Brussels and Waterloo, in 1960, which is where they resided for the rest of their lives. Leopold died in 1983, after which Liliane withdrew completely from public life. Fluent in English, French, German and Dutch. In 2004, Chateau d'Argenteuil was acquired by Jean-Marie Delwart, whose family are shareholders in Solvay and who was a former chairman of La Floridienne. President Putin tried to buy the domain from Delwart soon after, but failed.
Source(s): X3 (participated in extreme torture parties in 1950s and 1960s); X3 also mentioned "King Albert" although from the PV summaries it does not become clear whether this was Albert I or Albert II
Second son of King Albert I of Belgium and Queen Elizabeth of Bavaria. King Albert I bestowed the title of Count of Flanders on Prince Charles in 1910. Educated in London and joined several the Royal Naval Colleges in the course of his early life. Spent periods on board various British warships. Regent of Belgium from 1944 to 1950, because his elder brother King Leopold III was seen as a collaborator of the Nazis. During his regency Belgium received the Marshall Aid, the Benelux was formed, and Belgium became member of both the UN and NATO. Withdrew from public life in 1950, when Leopold III's son Baudouin became official king, and stayed mainly in his village on the royal estate at Raversijde (Ostend). He drew and painted, and had many contacts with artistic circles.
Source(s): X3 (participated in extreme torture parties in 1950s and 1960s); X3 also mentioned "King Albert" although from the PV summaries it does not become clear whether this was Albert I or Albert II
HRH King Baudouin of Belgium from 1951 to 1993. Eldest son of King Leopold III, who had to step down from the throne in 1951, after the Belgian people accused him of having gone along too willingly with the Nazi occupation. Married Fabiola de Mora y Aragón in 1960, who came from a Spanish noble family on good terms with Franco. After the marriage the couple would be criticized for occasionally visiting Franco. Fabiola couldn't get children so the couple decided to "love more of all the other children". His wife withdrew to the Castle of Stuyvenberg after his death.
b. 1934
Source(s): 1979 Pinon Affair (present at parties where underage girls were abused. Apparently, Albert only came when these children were present); X3 also mentioned "King Albert" although from the PV summaries it does not become clear whether this was Albert I or Albert II; Nihoul once stated off the record that he had a picture of Prince Albert having sex with a sixteen year old at the Mirano in the early 1980s.
HRH King Albert II of Belgium since 1993. Younger son of King Leopold III (1901-1983). Great grandson of the builder of Chateau des Amerois, Count Phillipe von Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha, the Count of Flanders (1837-1905). Philippe's older brother, King Leopold II (1835-1909), was the son of the first king of Belgium after the 1830 revolution. Leopold II privately owned Congo during the latter part of the 19th century and plundered it for its resources. Millions of Congolese were maimed or died in the process. During this time he was a competitor of Cecil Rhodes and other imperialists while his own adventures in Congo were financed by Baron Leon Lambert, who in turn was an agent of the Rothschilds, just as Cecil Rhodes. September 20, 1998, the Portland Oregonian, 'Heart of Darkness' (discusses a book of Adam Hochschild): "The rubber and ivory belonged to one man, Leopold II, the king of Belgium. The part of the Congo where the goods came from, an area as large as the United States east of the Mississippi River, also belonged to Leopold. Not to the Belgian government or its people but to him, personally. Through bribery, chicanery, brute force and an almost supernatural sense of cunning, Leopold had acquired an enormous private colony in Africa and gotten the rest of the world to accept his claim as legally binding. (The United States was the first country to sign a treaty recognizing Leopold's right to the Congo.) A constitutional monarch with limited powers in Belgium, Leopold wanted a colony, any colony, all his own... Leopold never visited the Congo and spent most of his profits from ivory and rubber, estimated in the billions, on palaces and greenhouses in Belgium, on property in the French Riviera, and on his 16-year-old mistress... The Congo ran on slave labor, with Leopold's full knowledge. His employees and his private army, mostly Belgians, forced the local population into slavery as porters, road and railroad builders, ivory hunters and rubber gatherers. A typical tactic was to burn down a village and kidnap the women and hold them until the men agreed to whatever demands were made of them. Discipline was arbitrary, capricious and often fatal. Hochschild estimates that the population of the Congo dropped by about 10 million people because of murder, starvation, exhaustion, exposure, disease and lowered birth rates during Leopold's reign of terror, which lasted from the early 1880s until after his death in 1909... The Congo finally became independent of Belgium in 1960. Its first elected leader, Patrice Lumumba, was assassinated with CIA [and Belgian] assistance in 1961. His replacement, Mobutu Sese Seko, renamed the country Zaire and ruled it as a dictator until being overthrown in 1997. The country is now in a state of anarchy and civil war." Distant cousin of Queen Elizabeth II.
King Albert II married Queen Paola, who is of Italian and Belgian descent. Their eldest son, Prince Philippe, the Duke of Brabant, married Princess Mathilde d'Udekem d'Acoz, a known member of the Knights of Malta. King Albert II went to the Swiss private school Institut Le Rosey. As crown prince, Albert was president of the Belgian Institute for Foreign Trade. This meant that he accompanied delegations of Belgian businessmen on promotional trips abroad. Albert accompanied three, sometimes four, of these trade missions a year. One trade expedition was to haunt Albert for decades to come. On June 14, 1976, Eurosystem Hospitalier (ESH), a subsidiary of the Société Générale (SG) since 1974, which was a holding company partly owned by the Belgian royal family, entered into a large contract worth about 1 billion euros with the Saudi authorities to build and exploit hospitals for the Saudi National Guard (guards the oil interests in the region). The National Guard were trained by NATO and had to buy modern weapon systems. The contract was the result of a trade mission to Saudi-Arabia led by Albert in October 1975. The whole ESH deal fell into the water in 1979, because more than 25% of the total deal involved bribes and commissions. On top of that, it was reported that the prostitutes of Fortunato Israel also served King Albert and the Saudi princes during their business trips. In 1981, Société Générale made arrangements to finish the project, which succeeded. In addition, the Saudis each paid Alexander Haig (representing Reagan) and Margaret Thatcher a further $2,5 billion. Albert succeeded his elder brother Baudouin as king in 1993. March 5, 2004, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard for the Telegraph, ' Judge tells of murder plots to block Dutroux investigation': "In January 1996 Judge Connerotte wrote to King Albert alleging that his investigations into crime networks were being blocked because suspects "apparently enjoyed serious protection". He went on to say that the "dysfunctional judiciary" was breaking down as mafia groups took secret control of the "key institutions of the country". His enemies fought back after he was pulled off the case. He was formally accused, along with two key detectives, of manipulating testimony, forgery, and illegal leaks. The inquiries took up three years, drawing off police energy while the main Dutroux case languished. In the end, the three were cleared of all charges."
b. 1963
Source(s): X2 (masturbated and ejaculated in a dish of bolognaise sauce in the presence of nobility accused of child abuse; present at child abuse parties at the Mirano, but like his older brother, only masturbated)
Younger son of King Albert II and Queen Paola, and brother of Prince Filip. His godparents are Don Bettino Rocasoli and Duchess Sophie von Arenberg. Very involved with animal welfare and the environment. President of the Royal Institute for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and the Promotion of Clean Technologies. President of the Prince Laurent Foundation for the Welfare of Domestic and Wild Animals. Ambassador for World Harvest, a Washington, D.C. based agricultural research association. There are rumors that Aldo Vastapane is the real father of Prince Laurent, normally considered the youngest son of King Albert II and Queen Paola. Present in 2004 when the Charter de Merode was signed in the Abbey of Averbode in which the private Merode forest was transferred to the government.
Source(s): New in 2008: Declaration of Dany Lefrant to the Belgian Judiciary, October 13, 199x, (copy for Neufchateau cell): "Pink Ballets [normally refers to underaged children being present] with STIERS Steeve, VAN DEN BROECK Franck, the Baron Bonvoisin, SPITAELS Guy, Frans Reyneers, bar le cancan [the bar where Elio Di Rupo, according to Cancan's owners, went to pick up students]. This happened more or less 7 years ago."
Graduated in 1957 in political and social sciences at the Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL). Abondoned his Catholic faith, became a freemason, and went to the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Investigator and later director of the Solvay Institute for Sociology at the ULB from 1958 to 1968. Professor at the ULB from 1966 to 1971, and still today a honorary professor. Joined the Parti Socialiste in the early 1960s. In 1974 Spitaels became Senator, in 1977 mayor of Ath (Aat) and Minister of Labor (in the government Tindemens IV) and after that Vanden Boeynants II). In 1979 Spitaels became vice prime minister in the successive administrations Martens I, II, III, IV (until 1981, first as minister of Labor, later of Traffic). Became chairman of the Parti Socialiste in 1981. Nominated Minister of State in 1983. The Parti Socialiste joined the government of Martens VIII in 1987 and with 40% of the public votes, Spitaels was seen as the most influential figure in government (his nickname at the time was "God"). Invited to Bilderberg in 1991 with Wilfried Martens. Chairman of the Organization of European Socialist Parties until March 1992. Minister-President of Wallonia from 1992 to 1994. Along with other politicians of his party he was involved in the 1995 Agusta scandal, in which the socialist party was accused of having accepted large bribes from Agusta (not to mention Dassault) in the 1988-1989 period. In return, leading Socialist politicians made sure the Belgian government bought Agusta helicopters. The affair is said to have been responsible for the death of Andre Cools in 1991. Spitaels's political career wouldn't recover from this scandal. In 1997 he was forced to resign as mayor of Ath, director of Community Credit (Gemeentekrediet; now Dexia; director since 1989), and chairman of the Wallonian Parliament. Convicted for "passive corruption" in the Dassault affair, for which he was given a fine.
b. 1930
Source(s): X1 (Recognized the Count as the owner of the "villa des bateaux" [Villa of the boats] where she had been with Christine van Hees, Nihoul's girl that was brutally murdered later on; Marie-Cecile d'Ursel did indeed live in the "villa des bateaux" at Clos des Lauriers 27 in Brussels.); X2 mentioned a "Count d'Ursel" as present at a meeting with the princes de Merode, the prince and princess of Chimay and Baron de Bonvoisin.
De Pauw dook in dat jaar 1957 plots op als aandeelhouder van de vastgoedfirma Terres et Domaines. Dat bedrijf was in 1953 opgericht door onder meer Jean Cruysmans, destijds bestuurder van de Caisse Privée en van het Zwitserse bankhuis Pictet & Cie. Andere aandeelhouders waren graaf Philippe d'Ursel, familiaal verwant met baron Benoît de Bonvoisin, en prins Rodolphe de Croÿ-Roeulx, de latere voorzitter van de beruchte Cercle des Nations. De prins werd vervolgens ondervoorzitter van de Compagnie de Promotion (CDP), de spilvennootschap van de groep De Pauw.
Belgium high nobility consisting of Duces (these represent one of the eight families that are still members of the Blue Salon) and Counts. Husband of Marie-Cecile de Bonvoisin and brother-in-law of Baron Benoit de Bonvoisin since 1959. Used to be a member of Cercle des Nations, together with Baron de Bonvoisin and Paul Vanden Boeynants. Has been convicted for financial fraud. The d'Ursel family were among the founders of Caisse Privé Banque in 1949, an elitist private bank headed over the years by the Cruysmans family (bank had been founded in 1923, but was dissolved and re-established in 1949). Besides blue blood, the entourage of Paul Vanden Boeynants, including Charly De Pauw, became heavily involved with the bank. One of his family members, Count Philippe d'Ursel, was among the shareholders of Terres et Domaines, a company founded in 1957. Other shareholders were Prince Rodolphe de Croy-Roeulx, the later chairman of Cercle des Nations, and the upcoming Charly De Pauw (accused of child abuse). 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 480: "Pertaining to the facts which would have occurred in a villa where she noticed a large amount of model ships, X1, after having been shown a picture, formally recognized the villa of person F.S. [Count Herve d'Ursel] during the hearing of February 8, 1997 (cfr. pv 150.322/97 February 27, 1997)... What he [Dernicourt] fails to mention in the re-reader's report, nor in his separate official report, is that several months before, X1 went to identify the villa of F.S. and that her description of the route was perfect in every detail. What he also leaves unmentioned is that F.S. was shadowed twice by the gendarmerie in early March 1997. He was followed to a chic private club in the center of Brussels where also a car was parked of the company of the by X1 fingered abuser businessman S. [Hanet]." 1999, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck, Annemie Bulte and Douglas De Coninck, 'De X-dossiers', p. 248: "Present at the first of three sex parties she [X1] mentioned industrialists Y. and W., lawyer E., Annie Bouty, Michel Nihoul, Tony and trader in dogs from the region of Mechels. What she noticed about the villa, was a large pool and an impressive collection of model ships which were exhibited inside just about all over the place ["villa des bateaux" of Count Herve d'Ursel and Marie-Cecile de Bonvoisin d'Ursel]. The children were forced to watch a sort of snuff movie, in which, according to X1, two of her children were tortured. The purpose of the first night was an initiation. The adults wore SM clothing and butchered a goat and a rabbit in front of the eyes of the by then unclothed and tied up children. According to X1, the whole ritual had nothing to do with satanism and even less with bizarre sexual preferences of the adults - they hated this - but everything with a well thought-out method to condition the kids and to prevent that one of them would ever speak out. After all, stories about butchered goats, rabbits and men in black leather suits would not be believed by anyone. With 'Kristien' it went totally wrong, X1 said. She kept resisting, refused to accept what happened to her. X1 and Mieke, who had to force her to eat the heart of the freshly-butchered rabbit, tried to keep her silent - which didn't succeed."
b. 1942
Source(s): X1 (Tony was her pimp who worked together with Nihoul; confessed to his sexual relationship with X1, but was allowed to walk); Nathalie W. (when confronted with a picture of Tony, she said: "This is Anthony, a friend of Nihoul")
Described as unstable, violent, rude, arrogant and macho. Fluent in French and Dutch. Worked in the 1980s as a sales representative of a company involved in manufacturing pet accessories (Gimpet), and was the most successful among his colleagues. Loved to party and threw around lots of money every weekend. Even though only a sales representative, he knew influential people all over Belgium. His mistress Odette said that Tony regularly dined in Luik/Liege with a judge, in Gent with a commandant of the police force, and in Antwerp with a gendarme officer. X1 noted that Tony bragged everywhere that he was such a good friend of Baron de Bonvoisin and "a politician" (undoubtedly Paul Vanden Boeynants or Leopold Lippens). These three men were among X1's most violent abusers. Tony acted as the pimp of a number of girls in the 1980s, including Regina, by "borrowing" them from their parents. He started out by psychologically breaking down and programming the girls to make them totally obedient and dependent. Then he would bring these girls to all kinds of parties in clubs, hotels and villas. During the abuse pictures and video were taken, sometimes in secret. Tony was also present with X1 during the production of snuff movies, i.e. movies in which a person (child) is murdered. Tony often had sex with Regina and her mother at the same time. When Tony spent more time raping Regina than having sex with her mother, the mother got jealous. After Regina moved away with her husband, Tony kept intimidating her. At one point in 1991-1992, as a 22 year old, Tony forced her to participate in a murder on what might well have been Katrien de Cuyper, which was likely done to ensure her silence. After Dutroux had been caught and Regina began to testify to the police, Tony was put under police observation from October 18 to 20 and from October 30 to 31, 1996. The first observation was during the White March in which all of Belgium protested against the way the Dutroux investigation was handled. For obvious reasons, Tony never left the house. That is, not between 9:00 and 10:00, because like Operation Othello (on Dutroux) he was not observed during the night. The second observation also turned up nothing. Tony was again observed during the months of March and April 1997. In April he was spotted no less than 21 times near 4 schools, including the school where Katrien de Cuyper (in which Tony was implicated by X1) went. Although De Baets, Bourlet and other investigators for obvious reasons wanted to continue the observation, commandant Duterme and the Gendarmerie ignored their recommendations. The observation was cancelled. During the observation, however, it had become known that Tony was in continuous contact with a gendarme officer from Antwerp. They would regularly call or email each other. But interestingly, after this fact became known, this particular gendarme officer was then appointed to a leading position in the investigation into Tony V. De Baets and his team reminded their superiors that this was an obvious conflict of interest. However, no changes were made, and this gendarme officer became one of those responsible for dismissing the possibility that the Katrien described by X1 couldn't possibly have been Katrien de Cuyper (in who's murder Tony was implicated by X1). Assistant of Patriek De Baets in interviewing X1 and verifying her story. March 18, 2003, Zembla (Dutch TV), 'De X-dossiers - Part II' : "[Patricia van der Smissen, lawyer of Regina Louf:] It was observed that he phoned this person more than ten times on a day that he was observed. Maybe he noticed that he was been shadowed. In any case, he often called this gendarme officer. We also know that they were in contact over the internet. And from one day to the next this person is put on the case, after it had already been known that he was in contact with Tony... [BOB officer Rudy Hoskens of De Baets' investigating team:] Then you start asking yourself a few questions, don't you? Then this is not the right person on the right place. I did complain about this to my superiors, but this person kept serving on the same dossier." After X1 had gone public in January 1998, through very honest articles in De Morgen, Tony again became the subject of a police/gendarme investigation. Interrogated by the BOB in Gent for the first time on February 3, 1998. Denied having known Nihoul, the other people X1 talked about, or even that he had sex with X1. On March 12, Tony was confronted by three women who confirmed parts of X1's story. Tony denied having known the women. On April 23, 1998, Tony was again summoned to the BOB in Gent to testify for a third time, followed by a confrontation with Regina. By that time it had already been decided that the X1 case would be closed in a matter of weeks. Gendarme officers were joking with Tony and apologized that he had to come all the way from Antwerp to testify about what they saw was a ridiculous affair. 1998, Regina Louf (X1), 'Zwijgen is voor Daders,' p. 272: "On April 23, the day of Dutroux's just as spectacular as ridiculous escape, I am confronted with Tony at the BOB in Gent. Hours I'm waiting in a stuffy little bureau, with a Gendarme officer to guard me until I, almost broken from anxiety, without any preparation am pushed into a room where my pimp is already chatting comfortably with a Gendarme officer behind the desk... I know from the BOB officer who brought me to the bureau that he [Tony] already had made certain confessions... There are no cameras. Just at this crucial moment they think video is not necessary... No psychological assistance. With five men in one room. My anger dissolves and make way for panic, a claustrophobic feeling and fear. I want to get away, I'm afraid. There is no break, neither a moment to recover from the shock to see him again. The Gendarme officer from Gent explains what I told about the abuse that Tony put me through. My pimp is right there!... I fight to stay upright, to not shout out that I will withdraw everything if they just let me go... He coldly admits that he abused me since I was twelve years old - he first tried to say it was at 14, but after a remark from me he admitted I was twelve when it started - in all sorts of ways, multiple times a week, with the knowledge of my parents. He admits, with a faint smile on his face, that he had a key of my parents' house. Faltering, with my head down, I tell how he lent me out for the first time during parties in Gent. He nodded and raised his shoulders. He names the man, who I can only describe, by name. He confesses how he forced my friends into playing sex games... Only a severely shortened version is typed out. I watch it in despair. Why aren't they filming? Why does he get the chance to adapt his version, after they have asked him the same question a second time, because they hadn't typed the answer? These are professionals?... I ask for a break, I want to get away from this stuffy room, but it is refused. So I use the same trick from my childhood: I have to go to the bathroom. Danny, the Brussels BOB, follows me closely. Apparently, I'm better guarded that day than Dutroux... Halfway down the hall I crawl against the wall. I start to cry, throw my hands in front of my face, and it hurts so much!... I went to sit down with my head bent down. I know that I should attack him, tell him what he had done to me, repeat what I had said during the interviews. I can't do it. I might be able to do it, if my therapist was present, or another person I could trust, but I can't do it when surrounded by people I don't trust and who are looking at me with scorn... [After the interrogation] the BOB officer from Gent gives me pat on the shoulders and tells me I should be happy. Happy? I look at him with flaming eyes. Happy to hear that he confesses without remorse, that he is able to go free, that he can make other victims again? Happy with this consolation prize? Man, get lost. That same day, before Tony confessed he was my pimp - with the comfort of a man who knows he's never going to be punished - the magistrates had decided to begin closing the X-Dossiers, including that of X1." Only the newspaper De Morgen prominently reported about Tony's confession. All the others only focused on Dutroux's brief escape. In late April 1998, substitute magistrate Nicole De Rouck, who had been involved in bringing together Regina and her father for an interrogation (intimidation), announced that Regina (indeed) had sex with Tony since she was 12 years old (something which the Justice Department would try to spin by claiming she was 14 years old when the "relationship" began), but that it happened too long ago for Tony to still be prosecuted. Then she stated that Regina herself had pursued the "relationship" with Tony and that only after the Dutroux affair she came to see it as abuse. Needless to say that several complaints were filed against De Rouck for publicly defending pedophilia. On April 28, De Rouck stated: "We have investigated the testimonies of X1 to the smallest and most absurd details and all of them have turned out to be incorrect". 1998 conclusion of the Court of Law in Gent: "It has been established that Regina, between her twelfth and sixteenth year, had a sexual relationship with a much older and grown man, named V. Antoine. Regina had this relationship WITH her consent and not AGAINST her will. Her mother knew about this, allowed the relationship and even encouraged it. Her mother at least felt a platonic love for this same V." The investigation into X1 was officially closed on June 2, 1998. Tony walks free and is barely known.
b. 1950
Source(s): X1 (next door neighbor and abuser of X1)
Patron of Hotel Chalet Tinel, which had a partnership with the grandmother's villa next door, and at least today seems to own it.
b. '46 or '47
Source(s): X1 (participated with the Nihoul-Dutroux gang in child tortures, murders and blood sacrifices (word not mentioned by witness) of animals; apparently liked it when children sewed his scrotum and penis together) - also recognized him on a picture
March 25, 1989, Washington Post, 'Belgians arrest kidnapping suspect': "The lawyer of an alleged gang leader being hunted for the kidnapping of a former Belgian prime minister has been arrested on suspicion of masterminding the abduction, the prosecutor's office said today Michel Vander Elst, 41, was placed under arrest after nine hours of questioning on suspicion of being "the author, coauthor or an accomplice in the kidnap" of Paul Vanden Boeynants, a spokesman said. Other accusations included extortion and forgery... Vander Elst represents Patrick Haemers, 36, the alleged leader of a gang being sought by police for a string of unsolved violent crimes. Vanden Boeynants was snatched in the garage of his Brussels home Jan. 14 and released a month later after a ransom payment of up to $2.5 million. The spokesman charged that Vander Elst had seen some of the suspected kidnapers after they had rented a villa in the northern French resort of Le Touquet, where Vanden Boeynants was held for a month. He said the lawyer also had received calls from public booths in Le Touquet." Sentenced to 8 years in jail (released earlier) for having provided false alibis for members of the Haemers Gang, after they had kidnapped Paul Vanden Boeynants in 1986. According to Nihoul, he and Vander Elst met each other in prison in 1989 (although they probably already knew each other) and became good friends. Member of the Dolo, the notorious sex club in which Nihoul was also involved. Named by X1 as among those involved in sadistic games with young girls and as someone who visited the ASCO torture factory. Regular advisor to the BVBA Audio Corporation since 1992, which has been linked to pedophilic practices. Additionally, manager of the BVBA Audio Corporation was Joseph Schulman, whose brother Charles was married to the sister of Bernard Weinstein. Provided an alibi for Nihoul, 11 days after this person was arrested on suspicions that he was involved in the kidnapping of Laetitia. Several holes were found in the alibi he and others provided for Nihoul. Went on to set up a hotel project in Gambia, Africa. Withdrew an aspect of Nihoul's alibi in May 1999 when he was briefly in Belgium. He had not been painting with Nihoul on August 8, the day before Laetitia's kidnapping.
2008 updates:
Michel is the son of Raymond Vander Elst. Both Michel and his father are named in a 1994 Gendarmerie report as being part of Felix Przedborski's mafia-intelligence-business-banking "nebula". According to the report, Przedborski is protected by a team of Mossad agents. In Belgium the Caisse Privee, ASCO, Roger Boas, Paul Vanden Boeynants and a good number of Socialist politicians are all tied to this network. November 21, 1994, Liege Gendarmerie, ATLAS Dossier, confidential report on Felix Przedborski's mafia-intelligence-business-banking "nebula": "It is known as that within this structure, Felix PRZEDBORSKI would also be assisted by the following people:... a) The Brussels lawyers VANDERELST (father and son): 1) Raymond [113] (the father) - lawyer for PRZEDBORSKI - lawyer for the Grand Orient of which he would be a member - would work or would have worked for the law firm of Pierre LAMBERT [PEHI note: Raymond was a partner in the firm]; 2) Michel [114] (the son) - Stopped [practicing law] after kidnapping former prime minister Paul Vanden Boeynants (with the Haemers Gang)." According to the Dutroux dossier, Raymond Vander Elst was a partner in Lambert & Associes together with Pierre Lambert.
Haemers Gang gendarmerie file (as published on PEHI website), pp. 1, 3: "Contact dd 10/03/89 [March 10, 1989] (x 18): Between mid January '89 and February (before 14 February '89) there has been contact between the HAEMERS family (Achiel, Lilis and Bobonne) and Patrick HAEMERS, Denise TYACK and Kevin. This happened somewhere at a chateau, outside Paris (probably QARTRES)... During the conversation with his father Patrick told him that he was behind the VDB case. VDB was well looked after en he would be dropped off in front of his house. Patrick looked very good, certainly was not under the influence of narcotics and had a neatly-cut beard and mustance. - Patrick would have told Achiel that he worked for an "organization" and that he was well compensated for his services. The "organization" would pay the rent of the appartments and they needn't worry about anything. The organization would consist of influential people and has their own doctor and lawyers. They would have dangerous political ideas and Patrick described them as "the dangerous mad men". Patrick himself isn't the least bit interested in politics: "It's only the money that counts here". - The contact between the "organization" and the gang around HAEMERS is a lawyer, a certain VANDER ELST, who is a friend of TYACK. This lawyer would live at the the same address as VDB. In any case Patrick feels he's super-protected by this organization. - According to the informant, VDB would also have ties to this organization and his kidnapping has possibly been staged. In any case VDB is well acquainted with his kidnappers. --- Additional info:... The lawyer is Michel VANDER ELST, who usually keeps himself occupied with financial business and has his bureau in the same building as the appartment of VDB, in the Franklin Roosevelt avenue... Contact X 18 dd 03/04/89... Eric HAEMERS would know more about the organization, but would be afraid to speak about it."
b. 1949
Source(s): X1 (One of the more violent child abusers, together with Paul Vanden Boeynants and Baron de Bonvoisin; Went to the ASCO factory); In PV 151.046, March 23, 1997, Wathelet is accused by psycho-therapist Pascal Williams of having arranged an orgy (partouze) in which minors had to participate. Williams, who was threatened after a colleague began informing the local police about his work, apparently was in the possession of one of the invitations. Williams had worked with two children of 8 and 10 years old who were satanically abused in a castle in Verviers. The children were picked up from an orphanage (in any case, they were not with their biological parents) and were eventually killed in one of the parties or ceremonies.
Protege of Paul Vanden Boeynants and member of the Partie Social Chretien (PSC). Member of Parliament 1977-1995. Secretary of state of economic affairs in Walloon 1980-1981. Minister of new technologies in Walloon 1981-1985. Prime minister of Wallon 1985-1988. Vice prime minister and justice minister 1988-1992 (with Willy Claes being minister of economics and another vice prime minister). Among the signers of a bill in 1990 that legalized abortion Sacked Albert Raes, director of State Security, in June 1990. Since 1981, Raes had continually been attacked by Baron de Bonvoisin after this person had largely been responsible for exposing the fact that de Bonvoisin and Paul Vanden Boeynants were cultivating a fascist underground. Fired Flemish examining magistrate Freddy Troch, who had reopened the Gang of Nijvel case and began to look into the roles of Brussels police commissioner Frans Reyniers and Baron de Bonvoisin in this affair. Vice prime minister, justice minister and minister of economic affairs 1992-1995. Vice prime minister and minister of defense in 1995. Mayor of Verviers 1995. Belgian judge at the Court of Justice of the European Union, located in Luxembourg, 1995-2003. Administrator of the National Organization of the Belgian Railroads since 2004.
b. 1949
Source(s): X2 (Came across Zimmer in Club Platos in Ixelles, where parties with minors were occasionally held. Jean-Paul Dumont also went to that club, in his case with young boys. Zimmer had frequent contact with Henri Bil, who was the personal driver of Paul Vanden Boeynants in the 1970s and took X1, sometimes with Tony, to the ASCO torture factory)
Officer in the judicial police, who has been close to Frans Reyniers and Georges Marnette for a long time. Known to have visited a CIA-NATO-sponsored training camp of Front de la Jeunesse in the 1980s. Intelligence-connected fascist militia leaders Paul Latinus and Francis Dossogne worked as informants for him and Georges Marnette. Accused of interfering in the Group G investigations of examining magistrate Troch and the Delta-cell, together with Georges Marnette and Frans Reyniers (Les Atrebates visitors; Marnette also accused of child abuse). Head of the sexual abuse department of the Brussels police from 1982 to 1987. Accused by some of extreme incompetence during this whole period. Ran some strange operations in which female police officers had to infiltrate in group sex networks in an effort to find evidence of child abuse at their meetings. As expected by many, the operation was a huge failure and was criticized from the start because Zimmer had no expertise at all in infiltration techniques. Headed a surveillance action against Chateau Faulx-Les-Tombes, but besides regular sex parties couldn't find a trace of young children. Met with Dr. Andre Pinon of the Pinon affair in 1985, but decided not to create any official reports of these meetings; the content was to sensitive. Put on non-active in March 1990 by Melchior Wathelet over the Frans Reyniers case. Sentenced over the Reyniers case, but was later acquitted. Police commissioner in Aarlen (capital of Luxemburg province, in which Bertrix and Neufchateau are also located) and on duty when Laetitia was kidnapped on August 9, 1996. Knew about witness VM1 and went to look him up after Dutroux was arrested. Turned out that VM1, a gangster, had become a police informant. His runner was the young gendarme officer Marc Toussaint. In the presence of Michel Bourlet, Marc Toussaint and Zimmer, VM1 emotionally testified on February 16, 1997 how he had been a child prostitute for Phillipe Cryns in and around Le Mirano and how he had seen child murders, etc. Somehow, within two days of this meeting word got out that VM1 was talking to police. VM1 was threatened to shut up and to hand over any evidence he had if he wanted to live longer than a week.
Background information on Count Yann can be found the 'victims and witnesses' appendix.